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Feet fetish


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Is it a problem to have a massive desire to suck the toes of my mother in law as she has great feet but would love to hold them. 

How would i approach asking to hold her feet?

Any advice welcomed

I think as fantasies go it's one to tread carefully

if you were entirely 100% honest - "I have a foot fetish and wish to hold/suck/whatever your feet" - then, how is your wife going to feel about this




if you were to attempt on any form of dishonesty ("Oh, I'm practising giving foot rubs" ) then it is deceit.

I think sometimes, some fantasies are better leaving in your head.

Would it be an idea to speak to my wife about it as i know she is really open minded
Is it even worth speaking to my mother in law about it too

Sounds like the potential for a right can of worms.. probably best kept as a fantasy. 


Another desire is a next door neighbour of mine i cant seem to stop looking at her feet when she walks around outside with flip flops on.

Would it be bad to speak to her about it

first off - speak to your wife and tell her you're fantasising about other people's feet.  As open-minded as she may be - communication with your wife takes priority here.

next off... a lot of stuff can be measured by looking at the best case (a fantasy come true) and worst case (neighbour/MiL thinks you're a weirdo/creep/etc) scenarios and weigh up what is likely to happen.

What is most likely to happen is rejection and awkwardness - sometimes... it's best to have a little fantasy  in your head and enjoy the thought of it - rather than creating an inevitable disaster.

  • 3 weeks later...

I had this fantasy too. I told my wife about it and she asked her mum. At first it was OK as it was only now and again. But it soon turned to me wanting to hold her ankles most times she came over. This started to get uncomfortable for her. 


If you do talk to your wife about it and you do get to hold your mother in laws ankles/feet. Don't go overboard and keep it in moderation. 

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