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Easter Eggs Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three: :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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Clue 8# spread the message😉
Clue 8
Spread the word😉
This is so weird.

I can find clue 1 on the website with no problem, but I’m finding it impossible with the app even though I’ve been able to find all the other available eggs on both the app and the website.
My clues so far:

1. Might wanna adjust the stuff here so you’re the snarkiest belle of the ball.

2. Ask yourself if you’ve bragged about how cute you look recently.

3. Ah, well, shame that not everyone can be a friend.

4. Keep this one secure in a safe or a vault or a …

5. Be generous. Everyone likes getting these.

6. Dear ones are not near and near ones are not dear. Make sure you align this to which you’re looking for.

7. Gotta respect the rules, amirite? But how’s that gonna happen if you haven’t even read them yet?

8. Keep your friends close. Your best friends closer and if you don’t have any, this is the time to invite some to the hen party.
4 minutes ago, Griot said:

This is so weird.

I can find clue 1 on the website with no problem, but I’m finding it impossible with the app even though I’ve been able to find all the other available eggs on both the app and the website.

I just checked the App and the egg for Clue 1 is definitely displaying.  Are you running the latest version of the APP? If you are and still can't see it can you please drop me a line and I will chase it with the Community Team. 😊

20 minutes ago, Griot said:
This is so weird.

I can find clue 1 on the website with no problem, but I’m finding it impossible with the app even though I’ve been able to find all the other available eggs on both the app and the website.

Hope this helps

Day 1 Clue 1 just check how you look and if any of those poze needs to be hidden
Day 1Clue 2 Any ocassion be Birthday, or festival everyone likes to receive surprises
Day1 Clue 3 If someone doesn't behave you usher them out
Day 2 Clue 4 if you decide to speak with anyone be nice and look at the guidelines
Day 2 Clue 5 this is where you talk about yourself and your kinks so others can read about it
Day 3 Clue 6 always use a strong one and update it time to time.
Day 4 Clue 7 if you want to match, set the preferences and swipe


#8 to easy to Spread the Word but the trick is to click on it so you Spread your kink 

6 minutes ago, Redbottomdboy said:

#8 to easy to Spread the Word but the trick is to click on it so you Spread your kink 

Good answer

40 minutes ago, PixieDust said:

I just checked the App and the egg for Clue 1 is definitely displaying.  Are you running the latest version of the APP? If you are and still can't see it can you please drop me a line and I will chase it with the Community Team. 😊

According to the App Store, the last update was 3 months ago and I have the latest version. 🤷🏾‍♀️

3 minutes ago, Griot said:

According to the App Store, the last update was 3 months ago and I have the latest version. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Sometimes you may need to close the app and try again or wait a bit longer for the icons to appear as per the clues

6 minutes ago, Griot said:

According to the App Store, the last update was 3 months ago and I have the latest version. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Thank you for messaging me, I have dropped you a reply. 😊

7 minutes ago, blueskymayo said:

How do you give them away?

To share an icon, you first need to find a member who does not have any. Open their profile and if they do not have one, it will give you the option "Give away icon now" tap and one of yours will be gifted to that member. Once you have gifted an icon away you will need to go back and recollect it from where you first found it. 


If you're planning on gifting many away as the game goes on, its best to keep a list of where you collected them from, as the site gives away a random one from what you have collected. Having a list or keeping a grid map will make it easier for you to recollect.

10 minutes ago, blueskymayo said:
How do you give them away?

Besides what PixieDust has mentioned expand your search to everyone and everywhere to find people who have still not discovered icons to gift them. Happy scoring

Clue 8 Grid 5: If you like this site, why not tell every-bunny you know to hop on over!🐇
Any more clues for today's egg?
Hi all I think im missing 1 but havnt got a clue which 1 it is

Tell a friend what u think and u xxxxxxxxx the place or person 


Clue #8. I recommend you try this. Your friends will be really eggsited!

1 hour ago, Strapon-me said:
Hi all I think im missing 1 but havnt got a clue which 1 it is

Day 1 Clue 1 just check how you look and if any of those poze needs to be hidden
Day 1Clue 2 Any ocassion be Birthday, or festival everyone likes to receive surprises
Day1 Clue 3 If someone doesn't behave you usher them out
Day 2 Clue 4 if you decide to speak with anyone be nice and look at the guidelines
Day 2 Clue 5 this is where you talk about yourself and your kinks so others can read about it
Day 3 Clue 6 always use a strong one and update it time to time.
Day 4 Clue 7 if you want to match, set the preferences and swipe

59 minutes ago, BrattyKitten21 said:
I'm lost on the latest clue. Can anyone help me understand

Day 4 Clue 7 if you want to match, set the preferences and swipe

35 minutes ago, SpacedOut_SpaceMan said:
Has 7 been released yet?

Yes and here it is

Day 4 Clue 7 if you want to match, set the preferences and swipe

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