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Easter Eggs Treasure Hunt Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three: :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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12 minutes ago, Lord_Lucifer said:

can somebody help me with today's egg pls?


7 minutes ago, Maverick_9 said:

I’ve been all over and tried following the clue(s) but struggling to locate todays egg

As you both have filters on your profile, I am unable to message you but you are welcome to message me if you would like some help. 😊

Today's egg : make sure the friendship will sail, even if it may get wrecked. 😅
Egg 21—- we are all here to take risk so make a new friend and hope for the best.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Struggling with todays egg! Thank you 🐰 x
I really tried , reading everyone clues but cannot find it. (#24).
Clue 21 Grid 24: You can always have more Egg-quaintances you just have to add them.👯‍♀️
I have found 15 eggs so far, has anyone found more?
I’m struggling today also. What is the good clue?
if u have a box of chocolates .... do u have any favourites

This was the clue that got it for me!
37 minutes ago, funnyAdam said:
I have found 15 eggs so far, has anyone found more?

21 so far

1 hour ago, daddydom423 said:
How many are left

3 more left

1 hour ago, SweetheartSubbie said:
Can someone point me in the right direction? Struggling with todays egg! Thank you 🐰 x

Here you go and if you still have difficulty you can DM me

Day 1 Clue 1 just check how you look and if any of those poze needs to be hidden
Day 1Clue 2 Any ocassion be Birthday, or festival everyone likes to receive surprises
Day 1 Clue 3 If someone doesn't behave you usher them out
Day 2 Clue 4 if you decide to speak with anyone be nice and look at the guidelines
Day 2 Clue 5 this is where you talk about yourself and your kinks so others can read about it
Day 3 Clue 6 always use a strong one and update it time to time.
Day 4 Clue 7 if you want to match, set the preferences and swipe
Day 5 Clue 8 it's always good to spread the word and invite them to the party
Day6 Clue 9 Knock knock who is at the door, you would know when you are notified, check it out
Day 7 Clue 10 if you are not sure of something and want to discuss then it's good to post and get others opinions
Day 8 Clue 11 Time to time check yourself and see how others view you.
Day 9 Clue 12 Being on the app and interacting comes with its guidelines of engagement
Day 10 Clue 13 time to time you can find who checked you out and sneaked about you
Day 11 Clue 14 if you want to be alerted by the app make sure you switch on byall the options available.
Day 12 Clue 15 always protect yourself and set it so stay away from prowlers
Day 13 Clue 16 trying to find someone you expand the options age and distance wise
Day 14 Clue 17 if you want to market yourself, your kink then you would make a campaign
Day 15 Clue 18 going back to the base and finding more options
Day 16 Clue 19 as you search for someone and you are fond of them, you save them to to your A list so that you can visit them whenever you want
Day 17 Clue 20 Writing about yourself, it's good to admit how it all started, what excites you and something of past
Day 18 Clue 21 Some people deserve my attention so I keep the in my selection

Sadly i cant find todays egg someone csn help me?
I’m also struggling with todays clue, thought maybe it just wasn’t working on the app so switched to Web and still can’t find it 😅
Never mind, found it. Maybe this clue would help others: Clue 21: you know who is already your nearest and dearest, but how would you add new ones to the bunch?
This is the only one that's stumped us. We need a little help too, please!

You find someone appealing, why not try to save that feeling? It’s there, keep digging.

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