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Disabled and kinky life

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I’m disabled, not gonna explain exactly how just yet but I have limited mobility. But anyway, to my fellow disabled kinksters, what do y’all do to keep meeting people and keep your hobbies up while taking into account your limitations? Any places you like to go? Good apps for meeting fellow disabled people? 

Hello my good sir good day too u answer too ur question I personally have a born disability I can't control end of the day. Personally I choose patience and self control too wait for some one that's comfortable into that situation or I just don't let my disabilities control who I am. Sorry not much help but I'd just say be honest
coffee shops are a god send i usually spend a solid 3-4 hours in one between classes to meet new people and get whatever work i have done, i figured out how to play ***tball with a crutch and gaming helps a bit with meeting new people as for apps i have zero clue its not an avenue i’ve particularly considered
Munches and local events. I have literally witnessed a man in a wheelchair Dominating flogging, paddling, and using a single tail on a very lovely submissive. You have a hindrance. That’s just it. Feel free to d.m. For further advice. However I will need more specifics to give proper advice.

what do y’all do to keep meeting people and keep your hobbies up while taking into account your limitations? Any places you like to go? Good apps for meeting fellow disabled people? 

Hi Rosethorn04

I attend munches, events, play parties, classes & online munches & classes. I get together with Kinky/BDSM friends. Most of my hobbies can be done despite any physical limitations that I have. I just adapt really. I'm not going to be playing football or basketball though ever!

I go to coffee places, bookstores, libraries, parks, sometimes bars. I take road trips, go to eat at different places I like with friends sometimes. I don't know of any apps for disabled people though, sorry. A Google search may turn up some apps. I really just don't consider myself disabled even though I am limited physically. If I think its an issue for a male, I bring it up and let it be his choice on how to proceed or if we go further.

I'm pretty straight forward with my limitations in most cases, or I ease into it by mentioning things like "btw, I can't do the heat or Sun for to long" and things along those lines. Normally my health history is brought up fairly quickly though. The people that matter stick around at least. But when it comes to kinky things, obviously a conversation has to happen... Normally I have to mention not putting weight on my chest, be careful of my knees, watch my ribs, ect. And also by that point a conversation about what to do in a medical situation has normally already happened as well.
  • 4 weeks later...

I am disabled (lifelong), married over a decade to a man on the spectrum, the men who I was involved with were comfortable with my limitations, and accommodated me, and found ways to please me and vice versa.  The right one (s) will be accepting, the ones that aren't, stay away from.  It's a mindset you carry into any relationship.  You are more than your disability, and anyone who can't see that, don't waste your time with.  That's what I can tell you.

  • 3 months later...

I'm i this situation and I'm 39 can't use my legs anymore because of a spine infection and for my 3rd year i find it hard and depressing because i lost a lot of sensation and on a waiting list for injection for my d**k because viagras just doesn't work and each time I masturbate i hurt myself cus it lost a lot of sessions can't figure out if it's hot or cold or wet and I'm asking the same question were and who but I'm very open about it it's been 3years since my last orgasm and it's driving me crazy 🤪

  • 4 weeks later...
I’m in a wheelchair and want to be a daddy or dom how can I get a girl instead even though I’m a virgin
I like to make my wheelchair part of the fun. Cinemas, coffee shops, motorway services and supermarkets are great places for me as they are usually pretty accessible.

I just wish that more people saw us as sexual beings x
I'm not handicapp but handicapp 100% deserve sex and fun too
To be honest I’ve been trying to figure it out myself. I think I’d lean towards others with a disability because it’s easier to not be judged, personally
September 14, wheelchairb said:
I’m in a wheelchair and want to be a daddy or dom how can I get a girl instead even though I’m a virgin

I'm going to be very direct. Be honest about that you haven't had your v-card punched. I'd say find an experienced sub. If you're into role play, be the teacher (or whatever) who is tired of her being such a tease. Not talking CNC necessarily, but that might be an option if she's into it.

As for just BDSM experience, find a much/group that does whatever you're interested in. You can practice on guys if women aren't comfortable. Once people see you're OK, you'll likely be able to move on.

I hope that helps!

As another disabled person, yeah. It's difficult.

Wish I could add more than what others have said. Munches, groups (I've found some on fetlife in the past), vanilla meetups.

There will be people who say no...people who don't care...and people who have a fetish for it. Obviously, the first is a no. The second, cool. The third is something you need to decide on.

Men who r paralyzed r  hit and sexy  because we can play 

  • 1 month later...
Glad to have found this blog, I too have a disability 57M4F straight male I'm still mobile and cognizant of my life but have been restricted socially due to my self continously affecting confidence, The absence of any regular sexual contact I stay horny and distracted physically and subconsciously the reality is here so I'm all in favor of kinksters who have a disability

I recommend attending events, if you see them on FetLife maybe messaging the hosts about accessibility. While not everyone will be helpful, there's a lot of people who will be respectful and understanding, I've known people in the scene, both Dom and sub, who have disabilities. Sometimes you need to plan something differently, for example only letting someone be on their knees for a moment before getting them into a more sustainable position, being extra careful with bondage to avoid damaging joints or ***ful areas, so on and so forth, I'm sure there's people who can be accommodating in a comfortable way.

  • 4 weeks later...
Definitely getting out and meeting people in the real. With a lot of online interaction, people just can’t get past you having a disabled label. For me, being successful is all about problem solving, there are people who can’t and engineers. ;)
I'm disabled, primarily a wheelchair user. Dating in general can be hard. Add in kink aspects and even harder
Im vision impaired so dating isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. Add kink to the mix and it’s very interesting.
  • 1 month later...
Find it incredibly hard to get someone to ignore the chair. It can be very frustrating to find someone that well forget about the chair thats if I can get them to engage in a conversation first of all. but it’s not to say it doesn’t happen it’s just incredibly rare and it’s quite sad to see when people profess to be open-minded.
I'm disabled. And it's on my profile. But I find with an understanding partner, it doesn't matter so much. It sometimes effects my partner but I try not to. I also find that it weeds out the d heads real quick though because they don't have the patience to even read up on my disability.

I just find I have to be very honest with partners and prospective partners about how it effects me. I find most real kink gentlemen tend to be open minded.
I have it displayed very clearly on my profile that I’m disabled. I’m not afraid to hide it. In fact I embrace it but I suppose I have been unlucky with the people I’ve dealt with on here so far like I said it’s not to say that there isn’t any I’m just surprised at how I’m not receptive

I'm in a wheelchair. I'm a Dom and have an impact sub and a pillow princess. I posted pictures of my subs being restrained and some p*ssy play and got a strike.  The BDSM community is pretty open-minded, but still, I'm discriminated against, and accessibility is an issue with some munches and some dungeons. Most women would not choose a guy in a wheelchair. I'm in my 50s and have had a penis implant surgery and I can stay hard for hours.  There are devotees or AKA Devs. People who love wheelchair users. I tried joining a few Dev groups, but somehow, no female Devs are in Atlanta but I did attract a lot of gay Devs. I'm straight, and a gay dev telling me he wants to have a spinal cord *** for a year or two is insulting. Then he asked me if I had a spare wheelchair. I said, "No," I had backup wheelchairs I might need. I personally would steer clear of the devotees, but it might work for you. Search "Paradevo". Start going to munches and dungeons in your area. I usually go to 2-3 munches a week. I use Fet Life to find the real munches. I have gotten two strikes in a week and never had any before, and I hope I do not get a strike here. Ask me anything. If it's too personal, then DM. 

I’m upfront about it as well, and yeah, having a disability might be offputting for some people, but that just means anyone who does show genuine interest is worth getting to know. 
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