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@eyemblacksheep, I agree with everything you said, 100%. I only made my comment based on my assumption (and I should not have assumed) the op is aware of the prostitute option but didn’t mention it in his post because he was not considering it, as opposed to not having considered it yet. My apologies for any misunderstandings.
Happy hunting to all!

  • 2 weeks later...
I've been in the mental health field long enough to learn that the two biggest reasons as to why relationships fail is #1 *** issues. #2 is dissatisfied sex life. If you can't open up to your partner as to some things you want sexually want in the relationship then that's mostly on you
  • 2 weeks later...
Long term fwbs are the***utic sometimes depending on situations and the person I personally love it whether me the person meet once a year or every few months I'm a man who takes great pleasure in sex I don't ever judge anyone because you don't walk in there skin
I mean, this girl broke up well she broke up with me because we used to bring girls home together and it’s always problems. If you make to longe of eye iContact with the other one for paid more tension to one than the other I guess that’s a jealousy thing I’m not sure, but Could beat the tension. I don’t know. Broke ass up after seven years. 
  • 4 weeks later...
gonna give u a similar answer i gave to another post. it's significantly easier for women to find friends or partners. idk why thats js the way it is
  • 5 months later...
Maybe it’s because I’m inexperienced, but FWB has always sounded amazing. A friend to hang with, and occasionally get together and then back to shooting the shit.
I have a fwb here right now. We get together every few weeks have some fun together then she goes home the next day
Make friends and go to a play party. Chat and expirence yourself. Then go back home.
I love the idea of Friends with Benefits! Meetup, have some fun, then go home. No relationship expectations, No monogamy, and No Drama from misunderstandings.
Rachellong that's what I'm talking about, that's awesome. I finally put my swing up this past weekend
7 hours ago, rachellong said:
I agree, just spent 3 days with FWB/DOM, we had so much fun ! Perfect !

Aw, jealous!

i mean if u had a time machine u could be smart and never get married. incentives and constraints
You could always entertain poly, or 3-ways, swinging really works for us. We have each other that we love and depend on, and our lovers for intimate encounters .
Well, it's not always easy for single straight guys to find fwbs either. It's more complex for women to be involved in that, there's the risk of pregnancy for a start. Not to mention that alot of men can easily have fwb situations with zero emotions involved, for alot of women it isn't that easy. Every fwb I've been involved with has wanted to make it more than what it was.

If you are the type of guy to be honest about your intentions and you have a conscious it can be hard.

If you are the type of fella that will shag anyone and lie to get what you want it's pretty easy to just lie your way into an fwb situation and then leave when they want more.

I'm looking for an fwb currently, finding one I'm attracted to is the first step (which i find hard). Then she has to trust that you are safe and genuine. Then once you have had sex there's the risk that she will become emotionally attached.

She will either A. Tell you, and you or her step away.


B. She won't tell you, time goes on, it will get to the point where she has very strong feelings and then tells you, you split and it's harder for her.

It's never that simple.
2 hours ago, inquisitivemale said:

Well, it's not always easy for single straight guys to find fwbs either. It's more complex for women to be involved in that, there's the risk of pregnancy for a start. Not to mention that alot of men can easily have fwb situations with zero emotions involved, for alot of women it isn't that easy. Every fwb I've been involved with has wanted to make it more than what it was.

If you are the type of guy to be honest about your intentions and you have a conscious it can be hard.

If you are the type of fella that will shag anyone and lie to get what you want it's pretty easy to just lie your way into an fwb situation and then leave when they want more.

I'm looking for an fwb currently, finding one I'm attracted to is the first step (which i find hard). Then she has to trust that you are safe and genuine. Then once you have had sex there's the risk that she will become emotionally attached.

She will either A. Tell you, and you or her step away.


B. She won't tell you, time goes on, it will get to the point where she has very strong feelings and then tells you, you split and it's harder for her.

It's never that simple.

Yeah, everyone is wonderfully complicated. That's why I like to say i have a 'dream' of a FWB, but the reality can be much different. Friendships required work, relationships require work. Catching feelings is always a possibility, and i'm not against that; however, i'm insecure about my ability to be a good partner. Friend? I can do that. Partner? It'll take work, but it'd be possible.

i had a few fwb in my life but it will not continue like friendship, generally they marry and to respect their new partner you became just friends.
  • 1 month later...
Its awesome when it works but someone always catches feelings and its over. You should only do it for 3 months
Your married life isn't fulfilling your needs. You could leave her for that reason. Do you want to go behind her back? I'd hope she knows you well enough to know it's about your need for physical intimacy.which is a major part of every fulfilled relationship. I'd put your cards on the table tell her your thoughts. I think you have choices, leave, find a fwb with her knowledge, or she steps up. Which ever you chose be honest to yourself you deserve to be happy.
I'm in the same boat but I realize that there really aren't benefits for us cause the other half catches feelings and wants more

Talk to her and let her know you feel "neglected." It's very possible to come to an agreement that you can both live with. If not, man you just gotta call it. If you go behind her back and she finds out then everything you've worked for in the last 20 years is gone for a strange POA that's not gonna want you after your wife takes it all

  • 2 weeks later...
the solution would be to hop in a time machine and never get married in the first place. sad to see you fall for it, but good luck.
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