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Yes! My subs hands are tied behind her back with her ankles secured to the floor, stretching out the skin while she’s blindfolded for some added mystery.

I always start with a warm oil massage to warm up the skin. Next drip stick candles down her breasts to her thighs with a steady flow. The clit and face are off-limits for safety reasons, but any other area is free game. After the wax has dried drag your nails down her skin slowly as scratch lines form on her skin, then take some ice cubes and drag them around her nipple, down to her belly button, along her slit and down her inner thighs.

While this is all going on talk to her in a low whispering voice, degrading her and teasing her with each wax drop. Add in some impact play to add some light *** into the session. Be creative and have fun :)
I love the idea of using ice cubes on someone blindfolded, just after reaching climax or just to *** them, the flash of cold 🥶 on hot 🔥 skin and just controlling their reactions. From bliss to surprise to mild discomfort and excitement all in an instant is just sexy.

Yes... Put some ice cubes at p*ssy a** of boy and make him stroke until all melting 🙂

During sensory play I usually have a candle in one hand and an ice cube in the other. That way I can follow the wax up immediately with the ice cube.
Temperature Sensation play is one of my favorites. Glass toys come in handy for this.. can be warmed and put in the freezer aswell.
I have figured out quickly I am a fan of the 🥵 but not of the 🥶
Okay that what it’s called, I knew how to do it just not the name of it

What would you recommend as a starting place for temperature play? I suppose you don’t have to go the whole way and start with the cold of ice cubes or heat of candle wax

It was mentioned a few years ago that my wife liked it when my hands and fingers were cold (I didn’t realise this was a thing back then) so maybe start by holding some ice to cool down my hands, then later introduce the ice direct to her skin. 

I've used ice many yrs ago from my memory was. Fun something I'd consider doing again never tried heat but if trust with another person something I'd consider
I love doing this didn’t know it was a name for until now I just called it element play 😂
I would say cold like the ice cube sounds hella nice
The ice cube is nice, never tried 🔥 in extremes, but loved oral with ice, both giving and receiving.

Oh I enjoy playing with both at the same time. Hot wax on the back while I use ice on the front. Alternating between the two hot on the back ice on the front.
Got to with a little wand on the c**t. To keep it interesting


F**k yes. Freeze my c**t and nipples. Send me swimming in the ocean during a cold season. That *** when I burry my legs in the sand for warmth as the *** of stabbing makes the adrenaline surge. Mmmm there's no foreplay like it.

Love to have my senses taken away and be played with not knowing what is coming, all the different sensations and what you think something is compared to what it actually was.

I have never been a fan of cold temperatures on me, but I absolutely love bottoming for fire play. The combination of the heat and the *** is a one way ticket to Endorphin City & subspace for me.

So far, I've only played a little with ice cubes, and I enjoy stimulating my partner with ice. I would love to experiment with wax play as well.

I kinda forgot some of the sensations until the other day

I'd been doing sploshing and despite things being left on the bench, it was cold and sloppy and ugh... and, then, the lady opened her pants and urinated - the warmth of that splashing against me versus the cold splosh added an extra high

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