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That the person I’m playing with isn’t honest about their limits and things go to far
There’s no one out there on the same level as I am… meaning into exactly what I am and that they can carry out their end.
That I don't know enough.. or I'm the inpy one enjoying the moment...
getting caught. 55 m cliset sissy, yet plugged, panties and in chastity 24 7. family has no idea as to the extent of my closet life.
actually getting caught and put on a sex offender list…
That it will be used as a reason to be disrespectful towards me or use me

Having lived for 20 years previously with a single partner, I'd say

My partner turning from Kink-amazing to Kink- shaming after a few years

My biggest *** regarding my fetishes is someone finding out and trying to use it against me. (I know it's highly unlikely but I can't get the thought out of my head.) It's why I don't post any pics on sites like this.
That I’ll never find a partner who will take me to my limits
My biggest *** is that I will be shamed or rejected for them. Or have my trauma take them away from me. Or being used / ***d for them.
That I don't trust myself or the person I'm with enough to fully experience what I want to do
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