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Having a responsibility from mine... And going too far and hurting them in a detrimental way
I have no *** I'm a kinkster I like being tied up and spanked and pegged
I agree with perry Penelope I'm open about being a kinkster
My Biggest *** is being accepted for my kinks, and being completely pegged and then taken care of with after care
Biggest *** is them not embracing the *** and pleasure lol
Not finding like minded people to play with
That all my fetishes stem from unresolved childhood trauma, and that by engaging in them, I am actually just strengthening these old circuits in my brain, and that what I should do instead is start some intensive meditation and psychotherapy to try and uncover the ancient psychic wounds that I have lost the ability to remember or feel, and that by doing do, I might begin the long, slow process of healing and in time, return to a state of deep, unconditional love, compassion and respect for my inner child, but that I might never do this work because the narcotic-like rush these fetishes provide is too great, and like an insect drawn towards a fatal flame, my hapless neurocircuitry cannot help but crave the intensity of these pleasures and the dissociation from deep *** that they provide.
That I will be taken advantage of when I ask to stop and I am gagged and bound …
Is that it’s sick or weird that I like pegging a guy and I’m a female and I don’t really know why I like it …😶I kinda feel like it takes away from me being a woman…
I don't really have a ***. I can't find anyone who will do it.
That no one will take me seriously and engage with me as not experienced enough. And that *** is coming into fruition!
I *** that I will never find someone into the same things as I am. Or my family will find out and disown me
hearing the words ‘to like that, you must have been sexually ***d…’ from yet another person who I’ve tried to be very careful not to shock or scare …it’s happened a few times now +it sucks
that I've left it too late to explore my kinks, after years of trying to suppress them in a vanilla marriage!
Being the best at it so everyone wants a turn… oh wait i want that!
  On 5/15/2023 at 1:37 PM, brazuca said:

It's time to open your heart! 💜

Complete the sentence: My biggest *** regarding my fetishes is...


My mum share the same 

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