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Not finding someone who is going to be there for me and help me with the details. Ending up alone no kids no family and no friends left
I'll become addicted to them and won't be able to control myself
  • 3 months later...
That people get grossed out by them or laugh and ridicule me once they know how deeply affected i am by the way my fetish makes me feel. In fact, unless i am lucky enough to come across someone that makes it completely apparent without a doubt that they are the same or are interested in someone like me, i will never bring it up or even ever show my interests and resist my urges to conceal it

Losing a connection where I feel comfortable sharing everything about my desires. I don't tend to tell people I'm kinky right off the bat, though the ones who know about kink can notice that I am easily. Even with people I do get into kink with I don't always inform of everything I'm into, though, I rarely tell people I meet in person that I'm into CBT. If I were to find someone I have a deep emotional connection to that I also can engage in CBT with, which usually is not all that accessible, I would *** to lose them.

More than that, I have often had the *** of accidentally harming a sub, treading onto some trigger of theirs, physical or emotional. It's inevitable that it will happen at some point, whether during kink or not, that people will do or say things that trigger each other, but I do everything in my power to prevent from acting in such a way that a sub would be upset due to something I could have prevented. I used to react much more strongly if I thought I'd upset a sub, and while now it still causes me anxious feelings if I believe I have gotten too close to one of their boundaries, I have grown since I started out and now react more clear headed, though preventing a response of guilt that is visible to them and might cause them to feel a need to comfort me is still something I'm working on. I've had times where I've said particular things that seemed innocuous to me but that to them were some sort of trigger, and in such a moment I need to take a breath so I can forgive myself, given I know I did nothing out of malice. I simply don't want my upset with myself to make it difficult for anyone to communicate with me. Thankfully with the people I have engaged with they have told me that they do indeed feel as safe about informing me about these things as they need to to be able to do so.

  • 4 weeks later...
My biggest *** is being judged for my kinks/fetishes, or worse mocked because of them.
  • 3 weeks later...
I’ll never find another match, I’ll never “feel fulfilled again”
Being a primal Hunter looking for another primal Hunter who also enjoys the power exchange dynamic. I’ve had so many years of being in the wrong type of relationship that I’ve given up on ever finding someone
That a genuinely good, kind hearted person couldnt hurt me in the way I love. That Ill only ever be not intimately fulfilled but with a good person or partially fulfilled with a bad one. That Something is wrong with me.
  • 3 weeks later...
ofc being judged or misunderstood, but also,,
not being seen "pure" and sweet anymore, having my image dirtied by the "gross" part of me
No one will care enough to give me the time of day to listen or understand.
  • 2 weeks later...
To never find someone who is sweet most of time but but a DOM IN THE BEDROOM. I'm brave online but get shy and nervous in person.
May 30, Holmes-Daddy said:
(continued) Or they did tell me and I forgot... I take notes for that reason

Damn, +++. I write down mini notes about my subordinates so that I don't forget something accidentally, especially their limits and taboos.

That I'll never adequately express them to a partner that cares.
That my partner will not only be grossed out, but would never try to partake. Even worse if they leave.
She's gonna love it it too much. I think mo because we've known and care since.midle school but you never know. But also g as ses happy
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
That I will live the rest of my life in Vanilla relationships not being able to express and fulfill my true sexual needs and desires.
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