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Why people are not curious of the others?

Edited by Deleted Member

Never finding the right person to explore the depth of my kinks. Because I don't know just how deep thy run. 

Losing who I am and becoming full time the kink version of me
... that I'll never get to engage in them again. I'm now 37 so, that *** is getting more and more realized.
They are all just wishful thinking so far, nobody to make them a reality unfortunately
Not experiencing as much as I’d like because I’m not wanted or desirable
ending up regretting that I either settled for someone that's not fully into the same fetishes as I (works both ways) OR regretting that I didn't settle for someone
That my physical health won’t allow me to try the fetishes I want
My own body dysmorphia stops me from many explorations. My skill and sadistic nature is always on point but its just me. ADHD doesn’t make the feeling any better either. Imagine having a mental bully in your mind constantly egging you on about your faults. I have no *** expressing nor sharing my perspective… just not many people who care to listen. Yup this was a rant lol sorryz
...that I can't feel positive emotions like safe/loved and - simultaneously - excited /unnerved, by the same soul.
...that the only way I can have what I'm now conditioned to want is only going to increase trauma.
.... That I only attract men I can't trust - because of the kink caused by men I couldn't trust - and that I'll always be single because of it because I don't want to taint someone I could love with my dark past/cravings.
Wow this hurt. Thanks 😅💔

Namaste 💖🕯️🙏🏻😙
Getting older and being ignored because of my age
I’ll never find the right person to share the experiences with.
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