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Comment, but only put the thing that turns you off IMMEDIATELY, even mid coitus.
Exam results, Death of near/dear, Fire, bleeding
And most importantly SAFE WORD.
using spit as lube or talking about his ex or his dream girl
Phone gazing. If someone is hanging out with me and they pick up their phone constantly. I’ll walk away. Clearly I’m not that important for you to keep checking your notifications. If it was an emergency and someone needed to talk to you they would call back to back.
  Yesterday at 09:39 AM, justthejuju said:
using spit as lube or talking about his ex or his dream girl

.... right? I mean, there's perfectly good coconut water or oil, why not use that?

  Yesterday at 12:52 PM, gegelee1717 said:
Drooling on me

Lol I learned to lick pussy precisely because I am a secret drooler. Show me your boob and pools will form in my mouth...I head downstairs...😋

  21 hours ago, Chloebear said:
Unkindness of spirit.

What's the meanest thing that happened to you sexually? I don't mean unpleasant, I just mean unkind....

  May 25, QXX666 said:
Hairy pussy
Hairy armpits
Hairy legs
Untidy house

Yeah. Don't mind untidy, or disorganised, but when there's layers of stale dust and weed paraphernalia.... Ick....

  May 26, BestKept said:

What's the meanest thing that happened to you sexually? I don't mean unpleasant, I just mean unkind....


It’s not suitable to state on the forums.

Pushing boundaries, 'but' this, 'but' that, misreading signals and taking that as me owing them whatever they interpreted, attachment issues that they aren't working on. Part f this might seem overly harsh, but I need to ensure that anyone I engage with can return to their normal if we happen to not be a match rather than becoming dependent on me, especially after knowing me for weeks. If it's been months or over a year then I'll be more understanding of someone feeling like they need me, but as I've told every sub who has been with me, they should not rely on me to feel okay. I should be a part of their life, not their whole life.

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