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Exsens Treasure Hunt Quick Link Clue Glossary

:one:  :two:  :three:  :four:  :five:  :six:  :seven:  :eight:  :nine:  :one::zero:

:one::one:  :one::two:  :one::three:  :one::four:  :one::five:  :one::six:

:one::seven:  :one::eight:  :one::nine:  :two::zero:  :two::one:  :two::two:

:two::three:  :two::four:

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Does anyone need a gifted icon?
44 minutes ago, KissingDom said:

As of today 22icons released and you can scroll up for the clues posted

Not what I asked but thank you, I already have the ss ☺️

54 minutes ago, Ginger68 said:
How many should I have found by now?

22 as of today,

53 minutes ago, Ginger68 said:
Can I get that ss too?

Feel free to message me

51 minutes ago, srslyscary said:
i currently missing one and need help finding it since idk what clue number it is

Have posted clues as of today if u scroll up or feel free to message me

31 minutes ago, RippedFox said:

Any gifted icons about pls?

You can only gift to someone who has none - you have 8 so you'll need to search for the rest

Clue 22 Grid 1: Cum up with a good one to keep yourself secure.🔒
I just need 2 more and I get one 2mro and the last one wed let’s go
I’m finally up to date! Here’s my list of clues and if anybody still needs help, feel free to message me.

Day1-Clue1-Grid4: Closed doors offer this to those inside

Day1-Clue2-Grid5: ”_____! How many of us have them?” Now make some more.

Day1-Clue3-Grid17: Tell the truth to the priest.

Day2-Clue4-Grid10: Start one of these and get some feedback

Day2-Clue5-Grid18: Tell me about yourself

Day3-Clue6-Grid7: Go “find” out who your matches are

Day4-Clue7-Grid2: Be cool, follow the rules!

Day5-Clue8-Grid12: Your top 5 are also called your ____

Day6-Clue9-Grid19: Bring some people over to the kinky side

Day7-Clue10-Grid22: Turn this on to keep up-to-date with clues

Day8-Clue11-Grid15: Smile for the camera

Day9-Clue12-Grid16: Sometimes you have to broaden your horizons to find what you’re looking for

Day10-Clue13-Grid9: Extra! Extra! Come read all about it!

Day11-Clue14-Grid8: Someone interested? Take a closer look and see if you feel the same

Day12-Clue15-Grid6: Always follow these rules if you want to talk to me

Day13-Clue16-Grid24: Whether you choose left or right, the best way to find what you’re looking for is to cast a wider net

Day14-Clue17-Grid21: Take a page and market yourself

Day15-Clue18-Grid23: “F” is for _____ who do stuff together, “U” is for you and me…

Day16-Clue19-Grid13: Do you see what I see? Take a look at yourself from my POV

Day17-Clue20-Grid14: You can get a two week account upgrade if you have enough of these

Day18-Clue21-Grid11: This club is exclusive but comes with great perks

Day19-Clue22-Grid1: Change this up every few months to keep your account safe
14 minutes ago, LocoHothead said:

Can't find grid 6 to safe my life 😭

Have sent you a message 😊

I need two more this will be my first time completing the hunt
9 hours ago, Anya69bj said:

Hey I'm gonna be offline for 7 days from tmrw, how do I give away my icons? X

To share an icon, you first need to find a member who does not have any. Open their profile and if they do not have one, it will give you the option "Give away icon now" tap and one of yours will be gifted to that member. However just something to keep in mind, if you gift away all your icons, you will gift away the points you have earnt for each icon.  

These are getting tougher and tougher but I still manage to find them lol
1 hour ago, MrJ0819 said:
I need two more this will be my first time completing the hunt

All clues posted if u scroll up or feel free to message me for further help

40 minutes ago, VampyraHiddleston said:
These are getting tougher and tougher but I still manage to find them lol

Well done

Uggg only 8 left to find and I can't find them.. Don't even know#of ones missing
28 minutes ago, Jadedvyxen said:
Uggg only 8 left to find and I can't find them.. Don't even know#of ones missing

Here you go all clues as of now
Day1 Clue1 - Grid 4 - This is something to set to keep intruders away
Day1 Clue2 - Grid5 - birds of the same feather flock together - save them to your A list.
Day1 Clue3 - Grid17 - this is where you confess about your sins and others would know your turn ons
Day 2 Clue4 - Grid 10 - if you are not sure of something and it's good to ask other and get others involved for their opinions
Day 2 Clue5 - Grid 18 - an essay is something people like to read about you
Day 3 Clue 6 - Grid7 - be it left or right - they leave a mark on something about you
Day 4 Clue 7 - Grid2 - Being on the app and interacting comes with its guidelines of engagement
Day 5 Clue 8 - Grid12 - she likes me, she speaks to me and i need to keep her in my A list
Day 6 Clue 9 - Grid19 - it's always good to spread the word and invite them to the party
Day 7 Clue 10 - Grid22 - ding dong is the best way to see what's going on this app
Day 8 Clue 11 - Grid15 - just check how you look and any of the poze needs to be hidden
Day 9 Clue 12 - Grid16 - just looking for that special person, it's better to improve the criteria and you can find someone within your reach
Day 10 Clue 13 - Grid9 - launch the rocket from the base before that make sure you expand the age and area where to fire it
Day 11 Clue 14 - Grid8 - that silent admirer who thinks you don't know but you do find out and inspect her well
Day 12 Clue 15 - Grid6 - if you decide to talk to me then better understand the rules of engagement
Day 13 Clue 16 - Grid24 - to the left, to the right, before you do that, check and expand your options
Day 14 Clue 17 - Grid21 - why not market yourself and others will know what's good about u
Day 15 Clue 18 - Grid23 - here is the list you will find the ones you get along if you have put them in your A list
Day 16 Clue 19 - Grid13 - better check yourself out to see what others see you
Day 17 Clue 20 - Grid14 - check your daily rewards be it liking others pics or comments or playing games here
Day 18 Clue 21 - Grid11 - The exclusive club gives you different levels of benefits, so why not join it?
Day 19 Clue 22 - Grid1 - Always update this every few months to keep thieves away

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