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Wednesday at 04:16 PM, locketheart said:

Honestly, if you are honest about the time it's been, and show a will to change it, or at least make sure she's having a good time as well, I don't feel it counts as bad. You are doing your best to make sure both had a good experience.

Its the selfish "lovers" that are the issue. They don't care if the other is having a good time as long as they get their rocks off. They don't care if they are harming their partner as long as they get their rocks off.

This thread has shown the stark contrast of who chooses what.

I really appreciate you saying that and giving me this advice. Hopefully 2024 snaps the drought 😂

No sex
Not like I have any at all!!!!!
  • 3 weeks later...
Bad sex, because hopefully those involved are adult enough to talk about what’s not working and try to make it great again. If you just stop trying, then that shows a lack of respect for the relationship.
2 hours ago, Malefikew said:

Bad sex, because hopefully those involved are adult enough to talk about what’s not working and try to make it great again. If you just stop trying, then that shows a lack of respect for the relationship.

That isn't the question/an option in this scenario though.

It's either bad sex forever, or no sex forever 🤷‍♂️

31 minutes ago, Aranhis said:

That isn't the question/an option in this scenario though.

It's either bad sex forever, or no sex forever 🤷‍♂️

Well then bad sex forever, if you care for the other person.

  • 2 weeks later...
Self pleasure is permitted yes? Surely no one can be bad at that 🤔😁
My opinion, if you decide to have sex, then you need to give yourself to this desire completely!! Then the pleasure is guaranteed!! Otherwise, why start then? 😉
Sex is still sex. As long as the end goal is still reached.

Bad sex. Any sex where you climax can’t be considered altogether bad.

no sex for sure. sex is for pleasure, why *** yrsf?
Oh physical touch is still physical touch.
On 7/20/2024 at 4:41 PM, JAK74 said:

Bad sex. Any sex where you climax can’t be considered altogether bad.

But what if you don't really climax? Or worse, neither of you do.

Yesterday at 04:10 AM, Fetpink said:
no sex for sure. sex is for pleasure, why *** yrsf?

I’ve been ***d by sex for years. When I finally get exactly what I need I am going to be such a nerve bundle I am not sure I will survive.

4 hours ago, Spoiledlittlebrat said:

Oh physical touch is still physical touch.

Removing physical touch isn't part of the equation. Sex isn't the only option for physical touch *or* intimacy. 

I’d rather have none than bad 🤷
Never having sex cos I have experienced what it feels like. There is no...intimacy, no connection, it is just like giving your body to be used. So I would rather never have sex and just masturbate for my own release. Though I hope I never have to hahah sex can be amazing if done right
I’m a virgin, need to have a connection with someone before I have sex, which is why I am waiting
Take bad sex cuz I mean at the end of the day if ne thing I will do fine getting myself the rest of the way
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