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Antidepressants make orgasming almost impossible

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Does anyone else deal with this? I last forever, which is a good thing (a GREAT thing) for all but me haha. I'm curious how people have climbed the hill on antidepressants
Has anyone stimulated your prostate?
Umm hi, I personally never had exactly this problem. Instead my sex drive took a big hit. But it seems likely that this is a similar issue. I don’t think there’s an easy fix to the issue. I did things like increasing foreplay, maybe your partner can work a little harder towards the point you should be climaxing? I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful
It’s an absolute ***! The only way I’ve heard of is to try different antidepressants but obviously that’s taking a risk with your mental health if you are stable on what you have. Have you tried chatting with your GP?
Hi! I know exactly what your talking about! I highly recommend ashwaganda or lions mane to improve sexual health! It’s herbal and you can find it in any grocery store
SSRI’s mess with orgasms bad. It’s because of what they do to dopamine. I was pushing rope years ago when i tried zoloft. It was a short experiment.
I had the same issue once ... my partner asked me to stop causse she was exhausted... it wasnt good ..it was the worst case of blue balls ever
The first type I was prescribed with had that effect, but they made it next to impossible to cum, so I told my doctor and they suggested a change of prescription, lo and behold, I could climax again. I think it's a case of trial and error toll it gets dialed in
Yeah! You are right. Don’t even wanna have sex when I take antidepressants
I quit taking them. Medication,music and other things helped me. Being out in the sunshine helped me as well
I don't know what might overcome the antidepressant, but more generally, you can usually finish quicker the more comfortable you are. Give time for you to have your own "turn" that is about your own enjoyment then do what you can to relax and not overthink. This is just what I do when anxiety prevents me from finishing. Everyone wants to be the guy that lasts 2 hours until they can't cum 😂
I dealt with this about 20 years ago, I was taking Effexor and I could go forever, keep in mind I was 23-24 at the time, young, horny as hell with tons of testosterone, and I had to actively TRY to cum. Then, about 12 years ago my ex was taking Klonopin and same thing, I’m not kidding, I could go down on her for a half hour and couldn’t get her to cum (I could make her cum in minutes before she started taking it) so yeah, they definitely have side effects.
I used to struggle with this a lot but managed to get control of it.. I guess it depends a lot on what you're taking and what dosage. I'm on 100mg SSRIs. Initially for me it became a bit of a fixation/intrusive thought which definitely made it worse, especially during the act. Even though your libido might have plummeted I have found that regularly masturbating helps (it felt like flogging a dead horse initially 😂). It seems to stoke the fire for me and makes it feel like reaching a climax isn't completely out of reach. I also lowered my dosage for a few weeks and then slowly went back up, this helped a lot too. Another point is that it does take a fair amount of time for your body to adapt. I've been taking SSRIs for about 2/3 years now and I'd say that my libido/ability to finish is "normal". It definitely wasn't for a long time and the more i freaked out about it the worse it was. No idea how long you've been on them of course, but it's something to consider. Lastly... Not finishing isn't the end of the world. Take that pressure off yourself, not everyone finishes during every play session. You can always go for round 2 after recuperating for a bit. Hopefully some of this is relevant to you/anyone who is seeking some guidance on this. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel ✌️
Totally understandable the same goes for me and the part that sucks is I last forever to begin with. That said the whole point of antidepressants from my understanding and Assumption the while point of medication like that is so you don't go to far in any direction. So when your trying to climax the pills don't know it's sexually they just know your not supposed to be getting far in any one direction...😔 I hope that makes sense 😕. Sooooo when taking medication there is a point in the cycle where one runs out and the other kicks in try timing your sexual activity to that. Another thing is I've gotten more intense with my sex but you have to be careful like I sad I was already hard to climax so to go more intense I'm walking a dangerous line.....(I hope more people comment so we can both learn more!)
It's depends on your antidepressants and your partner. A lot of antidepressants are a build up drug so you can take a day or two with caution. So you orgasm again.
I was on them when I was a child; when my brain was growing (and sleep meds too..)..

I now have a dopamine deficiency which can make an orgasm feel “thin” and only last for a few seconds. Not all the time, but most of the time.

So now I essentially need lots of dopamine-priming before sex feels good.

..That’s part of the reason why I prefer being sub / being in sub-space now; it primes my whole ability to enjoy anything sexual.

Probably not helpful to you (or the “who” you wanted to hear from), but I can confirm that micro-dosing amphetamines over long periods of time can come with long lasting side effects.

^ This is not intended to be any kind of advice (take med’s if you need too; intimacy is impossible if you’re not alive to experience it).
This is literally just my own story/experience.
It’s a well known side-effect, either lower the dose or try a different one. This and the whole serotonin-syndrome when taking psychedelics is why I stopped taking my Prozac. It’s fun at first, but it gets frustrating imho.
I had this problem years ago when I was out on a drug called Effexor (Venlafaxine). I came off it then had a good 15 years without anything until I had a big anxiety/depression stint a couple of years ago and was put on Citalopram but this does not cause any issues at all thankfully. What is the drug causing you the problem mate?
I have similar issues with other meds. Worse, mine increase my drive and make me horny, but cause some ED issues and make it nearly impossible to orgasm. ED meds help with that part, but I've tried everything to help with orgasms and no luck whatsoever. Most frustrating thing ever. I'd love to find an answer too.
Yep speak to your Dr and ask to try a different tablet, I sometimes have to resort to lowering my dose for a few days
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