ne**** Posted June 5, 2023 Antidepressants generally make the person feel a bit removed from all sensations - good and of course bad. Perhaps another anti-depressant might work better in that sense, but you would have to weigh that against your general wellbeing.
Deleted Member Posted June 5, 2023 Author Thanks for all the responses! I have tried prostate stim to some degree but not enough. I take a very high dosage, which I'm sure is the reason. Essentially, I can climb the hill as long as I want, but I never reach the Peake.
SteveStark Posted June 5, 2023 Things are better than they used to be. When I was first diagnosed with C-PTSD and started medication my sex drive which was almost annoyingly always on high died overnight. I never felt less than a human being then I did during those first few weeks, which also pushed suicidal thoughts through the roof. Eventually I was able to get viagra/generic through the health service but before that it was a nightmare of buying different tablets off eBay from the US, India or china. With varying degrees of failure, natural supplements and herbs, meditation and yoga. Several years of experimentation and I’m in a better place, but still need supplements to ‘perform’.
Wi**** Posted June 5, 2023 I would say from a work point of view. It's worth having an open and honest conversation with your GP or consultant, depending on who prescribed your medication
Deleted Member Posted June 5, 2023 Author Unfortunately that’s the side effect with a lot of meds. One reason why I won’t do them. It dulls the sensation while “fixing” the other thing. Not just orgasms but all around things.
Deleted Member Posted June 5, 2023 Author 4 minutes ago, piercedntatted said: Unfortunately that’s the side effect with a lot of meds. One reason why I won’t do them. It dulls the sensation while “fixing” the other thing. Not just orgasms but all around things. Expand Yes, everything. But unfortunately they are necessary for me.
Re**** Posted June 5, 2023 Yep, though has led to some super long, all night fun. I'm hoping I can stop taking them once I get started on ADHD meds, but I am worried those will make me go the other way haha.
SammySamLeo Posted June 5, 2023 Maca root powder is absolutely something to look into… it’s shown in clinical trials to help treat Antidepressant-Induced Sexual Dysfunction. Maca root has helped me for sure, but please make sure it’s right for you before trying it.
Ro**** Posted June 5, 2023 Rocket6919- I totally feel for you fella. I have been on high dose antidepressants for the past 2 years and have the same problem, prior to the antidepressants I used take a while to cum, which was a good thing. Now on the antidepressants Io could fuck for days or wank till my hand fell off. I can count on one hand the amount of times I have orgasmed since starting them and just like you say you get to the stage where you think ok here we go he we go and then it just disappears like a thief in the night. I have finally bit the bullet and gone back to my consultant and due to switch meds next week I will keep you updated how it goes
DeviantInside Posted June 5, 2023 Ok I am not a doctor. However my experience of anti depressants is they treat the symptom without treating the cause. People that have read my posts know I work in the field. If you take the pressure off and concentrate on the enjoyment without that being a requirement might help. But more importantly finding the things that will allow you to not need the medication so it’s no longer a consideration. This isn’t a “just get over it” post, because that’s not how the mind and body works. But understanding how the brain works, how our brain gets what it needs and how we can rind a way forward is the start. The not being able to climax is a symptom (either chemical or psychosomatic) of the ***, which are taken to deal with depression. So finding a way to counter depression (again not sounds so simple but not necessarily easy) would negate that. I am assuming that you have probably tried any number of things to deal with that already, but from personal experience it is possible. That isn’t to say my story is your story but it does mean it is possible.
Deleted Member Posted June 5, 2023 Author PSA :: DON'T ADJUST MEDS WITHOUT THE ADVICE FROM A PSYCHIATRIST. I decreased my SSRI dosage to deal with this. It was affecting my relationship at the time and made having sex more of a chore than a delightful experience. Like you, at first I felt invincible going from a "one-pump-chump" to being able to satisfy women multiple times, but at the cost of the emotional damage to my partners. My suggestion is too bring it up with your Psychiatrist to see if there's anything they can prescribe or if adjusting your dosage and/or switching meds may help.
Dom4Sub Posted June 5, 2023 The few times I've had to take *** pills I would have the same problem. Even for a few days after I've been off them. But the few times I was able to finally cum after lasting FOREVER it was and AMAZING orgasm
DeviantInside Posted June 5, 2023 20 minutes ago, one_man_band said: PSA :: DON'T ADJUST MEDS WITHOUT THE ADVICE FROM A PSYCHIATRIST. I decreased my SSRI dosage to deal with this. It was affecting my relationship at the time and made having sex more of a chore than a delightful experience. Like you, at first I felt invincible going from a "one-pump-chump" to being able to satisfy women multiple times, but at the cost of the emotional damage to my partners. My suggestion is too bring it up with your Psychiatrist to see if there's anything they can prescribe or if adjusting your dosage and/or switching meds may help. Expand Absolutely this. I definitely recommend you consult your physician or someone with relative medical training.
Deleted Member Posted June 5, 2023 Author I believe it’s because some medications rely on S.S.R.I’s (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and a side effect to this is prolonging ejaculation period which is what lead to Premature Ejac medications like Priligy (Dapoxetine) which I use due to bedroom anxiety. Absolute life changer because at least now, the time isn’t dictated by how long I last anymore.
Deleted Member Posted June 6, 2023 Author Why do you take that medication? I'm sure everyone is different but my opinion is that those are terrible for you. My advice is lean off the medication. Find happiness and peace within one self. Hit the gym eat well find hobbies.
DeviantInside Posted June 6, 2023 33 minutes ago, definitelyagoodtime said: Why do you take that medication? I'm sure everyone is different but my opinion is that those are terrible for you. My advice is lean off the medication. Find happiness and peace within one self. Hit the gym eat well find hobbies. Expand I am not going to tell you what is right for you. And what is going to work for you is going to be different to others. I absolutely endorse finding positive activities that will engage your brain and release the necessary happy hormones your brain craves and needs (dopamine through finding purpose and achieving things you find satisfying, oxytocin through spending time with and having positive interactions with those you love and care for [including pets or ***s}, endorphins through varied exercise {even small amounts but has to be exercise you want to do not ***d or too much too soon or body treats it as stress, and serotonin through positive actions, interactions and thoughts {the more you practice conscious positive thoughts the more you build and myelinate positive neural pathways on the brain). However no creditable therapist would recommend you change your medication without consulting a relevant medical professional.
lo**** Posted June 6, 2023 On Zoloft, takes forever to finish, I won’t even bother jerking off anymore lol
Deleted Member Posted June 6, 2023 Author I have had a partner with this in the past change your medication is my recommendation
T-**** Posted June 6, 2023 Personally, when I realised the side effects of the anti depressants I was prescribed, I weaned myself off them because I hated all the side effects, especially the lack of ejaculations
Deleted Member Posted June 6, 2023 Author I’m on many medications (mood stabilizer, antipsychotic, anxiety meds) and climaxing is tough. But it’s always been tough for me—it’s not the focus of hookups for me personally, I’ve learned to enjoy the act, and to advocate for things I enjoy during, and I never expect to have an orgasm. I can still get one myself, but someone else trying just makes me feel uncomfortable because no one is THAT good 😅
SFlife Posted June 6, 2023 They all have some negative side effect. My doctor asked me if I would prefer to have an upset stomach lack of libido or trouble sleeping. I chose the upset stomach because I can always modify my diet and there’s not much you can do about the other two; but yes the meds make it really hard to come. Better than being anxious or depressed I’m sure.
SabreWolf Posted June 6, 2023 I have found that reducing the dose so it still helps with the depression, but does not cost the orgasm works for me.
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