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Addressing the Scammer/*** seeking Influx. STAY SAFE!

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  2 hours ago, gumberry359 said:

It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.


Point is, SW aside, the exchange of *** on this site and app is not allowed. It's no disrespect to SW'ers but not on here. And let's face it, majority of the comments are young females targetting men asking for ***. It's not allowed on here at all.

  2 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

Except advertising commercial ventures is prohibited under section 5.9 of the T&C.
Only fans sites are conmercial contacts. That therefore makes those profiles who advertise them operating against then T&Cs.
The other issue is that 90% of those that ask for *** to pay bills are scammers. Theres no justification for that.

  4 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

I have nothing against sex work - work is work. And I don't report people who are upfront about it (in profiles, etc.) No, the problem comes with DECEPTION. Starting a chat, leading someone on, getting them to go offsite, and *bam* "oh, you know it's pay for play, right sweetie?" Sorry, that has no place on a social site.

  5 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

I have some issues with this post. First, we live in a world where "women have to give men everything for free"? What world is this? Where are these women at? Last I check, I'm doing everything, and have been doing everything by my damn self, including raising a daughter. Ain't no women giving me nothing for free but a headache, not that I want anything for free. I work hard for mines. Second, women and other marginalized groups are losing rights by the second and instead of fighting those battles, some women rather stand grown on "I have the pussy so you must pay" mantra and then follow up with but I want equal rights. If we equal lets be equal. Stop jumping in and out of the fight only when it benefits you. If you want to sell you body, your choice, power to the people, just not in this community. They have other communities well established for that. I will never knock anyone for the life they live. Your life, your choice. However, I will speak upon your choices if they are affecting others in a negative way or are predatory. Selling sex to satisfy others kinks is predatory in this community imho. You are taking advantage of someone else's vulnerability. I can go on but I'm going to get off my soap box with this. Know you history or you will continue to repeat it because you have not learned from the mistakes of the past.

  5 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

And another thing, "sex is a service"? For who the woman? I've never had a woman put in more work than me in the sack. So who is servicing whom here? Because I can receive the same satisfaction standing over the toilet and no headache 🤷🏾‍♂️. Think about it

  3 hours ago, Jeneral_Whore said:

Point is, SW aside, the exchange of *** on this site and app is not allowed. It's no disrespect to SW'ers but not on here. And let's face it, majority of the comments are young females targetting men asking for ***. It's not allowed on here at all.


That's what gets me. It be these youngins that don't know nothing but swear they do off of something they read on the internet. Just lost and instead of trying to learn, they just out here, moving recklessly .

  8 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

Online prostitution is NEVER okay. It’s an illegal practice. Also please don’t defend these kind of people and don’t encourage them either please. They should know better than to do these kind of acts. They just don’t care about breaking the law.

And yes sex should be free why can’t it be free? If you’re not down for it, I can understand for sure. Have sex with someone you feel comfortable with or whenever it hits your mood but only for a transaction? That’s wrong! Why not become a pornstar instead if you wanna make *** for sex?

Sex has personal values that you can’t put a price on ever. Sex between people can create a bond with each other over time. Sex shouldn’t be used for financial purposes. Sex between people is a serious personal development that just can’t happen out of the blue. Both parties gotta feel for it to come naturally.

  36 minutes ago, GeneGrey said:

Online prostitution is NEVER okay. It’s an illegal practice.


Actually it's not.

While there are laws that differ by territory when it comes to any form of in-person meet with an exchange of funds 


for online interactions this is different since you're not paying for sex or sex acts.

  2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

Actually it's not.

While there are laws that differ by territory when it comes to any form of in-person meet with an exchange of funds 


for online interactions this is different since you're not paying for sex or sex acts.


You’re right, I didn’t look at it as a whole. In my state it’s illegal but I’m actually sure of other states. Online interactions is definitely different for sure. Those are definitely okay. It’s the ones that have to involve with *** that those are not.

  11 hours ago, gumberry359 said:
It’s just another category of “work” people do see the bad sides cause they’re bad people out there who give others a bad name. I’ve come across many SW and not all of them are out to scam they are also providing a service like the rest of people in the industry, but not all things in the world are free especially when WOMEN have to give MEN everything for free as is. Some people use it as a safety net because it’s dangerous even being in the categories we put ourselves “fetish” well what if someone’s fetish is watching u out ur back window🤷🏽‍♀️There’s predators everywhere. But I don’t think all people r bad just because they’re doing a job. If it’s not for u understandable….but others use it for good and others don’t have an issue with it🤷🏽‍♀️so just saying don’t knock down EVERYBODY because sex isn’t free for everybody. Especially just cause ur male.

It’s not allowed on site unless using a pro account. This post is about a recent influx of people taking advantage of the app to try and get ‘sugar’ status with someone, also banned across the site… so no judgement on the sex industry here, but there are rules on the site to prevent exploitation. If they aren’t followed then it’s safe to assume the worst instead of get scammed or blackmailed imo.

  • 2 weeks later...

It's been brought to light a new TikTok trend is happening, where people are being promised "free ***" on this site.

I alone have reported over 30 of these profiles, in the last 24 hours.

Remember, if ANYONE asks for :




To be spoiled

Cash pigs

Wallets drained


Buy me this or that

Pay for this or that

To be spoiled like a princess...

With "goddess" in the name of a brand new profile, little info and in the usa under 25 seems to be the continuing trend.

Any bio that has $£ or whatever else, like paypal, cashapp and cash cow mentioned.


Please protect yourselves and each other. 

REPORT these scammers before they can start, and if anyone sees the TikTok in Question please let Admin know. 


Also mods, some of these scammers when reported or challenged have been viewing me and others who report them. Please don't let us fall foul to their false reports, by keeping this community safe. 

Completely agree, just being switched on, a bit street wise and a large helsingborg common sense. The old adage, "if its too good to be true, it usually is" cones to mind.
Yes, keeping the community safe for everyone x
🏻❤️ thanks for the vigilance guys. We appreciate you lot keeping us up to date and safe as a whole Ty. The mods and admin do as much as poss
I’ve been combing through my activity thread and reporting them all. Even going as far as adding a few profiles that seemed suspect to my favorites to check back to see if they add things like that to their profiles (they usually do). This app is facing a potential “make or break” moment, and depending on how effectively they can prevent this sort of thing from continuing may very well determine whether people continue to use this app or look elsewhere.
  2 hours ago, Jeneral_Whore said:

Also mods, some of these scammers when reported or challenged have been viewing me and others who report them. Please don't let us fall foul to their false reports, by keeping this community safe. 


I suggest they are looking at your profile because you've looked at theirs and it will show in their visitors list. They will not be informed that their profile has been reported. So probably just coincidence. 

I made recent a video about this trend on TikTok. Hopefully that video helps to discourage this awful practice. Thank you for the this very helpful information.
  1 minute ago, 4RCH said:

I suggest they are looking at your profile because you've looked at theirs and it will show in their visitors list. They will not be informed that their profile has been reported. So probably just coincidence. 


I hide tracks every time, I am meaning the ones in chat in which come in and people are having a discussion and they try to ask, and we say "reported" then they view us, etc. Just saying, sometimes those who are trying to scam target those raising awareness.

  23 minutes ago, RiknAli86 said:
🏻❤️ thanks for the vigilance guys. We appreciate you lot keeping us up to date and safe as a whole Ty. The mods and admin do as much as poss

What is being done to prevent this from continuing though? Banning existing profiles is one thing, but what’s being done to ensure these profiles are identified without relying on vigilante users reporting the profiles they see, and what’s being done to dissuade or prevent more of these wallet vampires from joining going forward?

  5 minutes ago, TallBastard said:

What is being done to prevent this from continuing though? Banning existing profiles is one thing, but what’s being done to ensure these profiles are identified without relying on vigilante users reporting the profiles they see, and what’s being done to dissuade or prevent more of these wallet vampires from joining going forward?


I imagine they're trying to get to the root of the source. Realistically there's only so much they can do! 

I personally think some more vigiourous vetting when signing up, like verifying, which most won't be bothered to do, is a good shout, but it may put off some more innocent and curious people. 

Just gotta keep reporting and helping as much as we can xx

  3 hours ago, Jeneral_Whore said:

I imagine they're trying to get to the root of the source. Realistically there's only so much they can do! 

I personally think some more vigiourous vetting when signing up, like verifying, which most won't be bothered to do, is a good shout, but it may put off some more innocent and curious people. 

Just gotta keep reporting and helping as much as we can xx


They should have a very large-print “Financial interests of any kind are not permissible on this app and will result in being banned” banner message at the top of the activity feed, and it should have been put up weeks ago. That same message should also be very visible during the account creation process and require people to explicitly agree to that in addition to the terms and conditions. They need to make that VISIBLE.

  2 hours ago, TallBastard said:

They should have a very large-print “Financial interests of any kind are not permissible on this app and will result in being banned” banner message at the top of the activity feed, and it should have been put up weeks ago. That same message should also be very visible during the account creation process and require people to explicitly agree to that in addition to the terms and conditions. They need to make that VISIBLE.


I agree in principle, but alas that would be futile. These people clearly don't give a stuff about the rules so making them clearer would have no effect.

Those who seek to exploit members are not going to heed a warning telling them not to anymore than someone who wants to drive fast is going to heed the s***d limit or anymore than a burglar would heed a sign saying "no trespassing". 

I was talking to a couple of the FETMODs last night (who are are all volunteers - not paid staff members). They are members of the site too, they feel our frustrations and because of this they are all working harder than ever to try to manage this issue as much as possible whilst the site decides on its next move. I think the best thing we can do is help them as much as we can by reporting any profiles we spot, reporting conversations that turn into requests for *** and basically don't hassle them unless we really have to. 

  47 minutes ago, 4RCH said:

I agree in principle, but alas that would be futile. These people clearly don't give a stuff about the rules so making them clearer would have no effect.

Those who seek to exploit members are not going to heed a warning telling them not to anymore than someone who wants to drive fast is going to heed the s***d limit or anymore than a burglar would heed a sign saying "no trespassing". 

I was talking to a couple of the FETMODs last night (who are are all volunteers - not paid staff members). They are members of the site too, they feel our frustrations and because of this they are all working harder than ever to try to manage this issue as much as possible whilst the site decides on its next move. I think the best thing we can do is help them as much as we can by reporting any profiles we spot, reporting conversations that turn into requests for *** and basically don't hassle them unless we really have to. 


Ok, you’re right…a burglar isn’t going to respect the no trespassing sign, but you acknowledge the sign exists, and there’s a reason for that: it keeps the honest people honest and establishes a boundary. Maybe it wouldn’t make a difference to the offenders, because they can easily just leave it off their profiles and then lure you offsite in DMs, but it might make a difference with the legit users that report the same profiles over and over that blatantly advertise findom with their cashapp and snapchat in their profiles, and after weeks they still aren’t banned, you know? Someone might see that big banner at the top of their feed and think “oh ok…this app actually cares about the lifestyle and doesn’t want these people operating here either, I hope they get it fixed soon” instead of seeing no formal announcements from the app administrators and equating that to “silence is consent”. One of the most important things in the lifestyle is communication, yes? And from a business standpoint, anytime something goes wrong or there’s controversy in a corporate environment, there’s always a press release or a mass email or a communication of some kind…not gonna lie, if I hadn’t spoken directly with mods about this I’d totally assume the creators of this app just don’t care as long as people are buying those tokens and upgrades.

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