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Desirable Traits of a Submissive

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Mind you this is all a personal list, but I think a quality submissive should embody most or all of these traits:


Eagerness, enthusiasm, consistency, reverence, honesty, ability to communicate directly and unambiguously, attentiveness, attention to detail, the ability to be proactive and anticipate my needs once she knows what I like in particular, someone who doesn't need to be micromanaged every step of the way with every little thing, lack of a bad attitude and/or no desire to use 'bratiness' as an ass covering mechanism for shitty behavior. Being thoughtful, mindful, and considerate. Understanding the fact that you need to 'quiet your mind' doesn't take precedence over everything else. Which ties into selflessness instead of being selfish or entitled. Not treating the dynamic like I'm here to fulfill all your needs without the expectation of doing the same in return. Not having the outlook that your submission is a gift without acknowledging what I do as a Dominant is equally as important and meaningful and needs to be earned every bit as much. Understanding that outside of the dynamic we're still equals.

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