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Cheating... training

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I would refer you to your Rule #2 I believe it is, it’s sensible, do that before taking advice from anyone else.
Just leave porn on open tab that is exactly what you want if they don't get the hint or the idea from that then I don't know 😅 I mean it's what I do she sees it watches it and in her head learns what gets me off

So currently working on things with hus thanks everyone... 

  • 3 weeks later...

Why not suggest to your bf that it would be fun for you 2 if you had an online dom née ideas and bf gets to see the action . Worked for us 


Why would it hurt his feelings?

Do you ultimately want to find an online Dom or would you be cool with your husband dialing up his Domlieness?

Your best and first option should be to sit hubby down and lay out what you want, in explicit terms.

Yes. Not all men are born to be Dominant, but you could at least give him a chance to scratch your itch.

If it's a negative, you should ask him if it's cool if you sought out an online Dominant.

I wouldn't advice you to do it behind his back, because that rarely ends well.

talk to him, he might prefer you gave him the chance to work harder to give you what you need. honesty is the main thing in any relationship. Don't be worried about telling him how you feel, if he loves you like you love him, he would want to know. If he has a honest understanding of how you feel and what it is you need, he would be in a better place in agreeing or making a compromise. talk to him and give him the tools he needs to have faith in you that will build a deeper level of trust.

  • 2 weeks later...
I would 100% feel cheated on in that position. You should communicate your desires with your partner, and help him fulfill that role for you, as any loving husband would want to do for his wife. Remember that love is also about compromise; he should definitely put effort into being your ideal sexual partner, but you may also have to meet him in the middle with your expectations. It's a two-way street. Your sexual fulfillment is important, but so are his needs and boundaries as a partner. It's entirely realistic that there isn't going to be a perfect outcome, and that's okay. As long as he's actively trying to fulfill your needs, you're trying to help him do so, you both are committed and in love with each other, and you're both honoring the boundaries of your relationship, things will be okay. If any of those components are broken, that's when your relationship is in serious danger.

Some others have already suggested good ideas about how to nudge him in the right direction. I think you should be completely open about what you want him to do, show him videos, and practice your submissive role with him to encourage that side of him to flourish while at the same time showing him exactly what you want. It'll take time, but in the end it should be much more rewarding than if you end up damaging your relationship by looking outside it for sexual fulfillment.
This lifestyle is all about communicating with generosity. If you want to be emersed in it, communicate with him and experiment with ideas. Small and big.
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