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Negative traits in a female Dominant

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I can't say I've encountered and consistent negative traits amongst the female dominants I've encountered or interacted with - but then I generally don't engage with any unless I find a connection and chemistry with them such that we're both comfortable to take things further.
Any negative traits that there might be, and I honestly can't think of any, are then specific to that individual dynamic rather than a general thing.
I'm dismissing all the talk of FinDoms/ProDommes/scammers etc though as they're either not dominant (in the case of scammers) or are not compatible (in the case of FinDoms/ProDommes who cater to some men who *do* enjoy that particular aspect) - they're also easily spotted and avoided if you have your wits about you.
It the general attitude that you expressed as the opening of your profile in capital letters (no offense just an observation).
Dom/sub relationship is a mutual fantasies fulfilling dynamics, each one contributing to the other fantasy. And I would say that a the dom/domme have more responsibility to cater to the sub fantasies.
4 hours ago, JeepGuyGTA said:
It the general attitude that you expressed as the opening of your profile in capital letters (no offense just an observation).
Dom/sub relationship is a mutual fantasies fulfilling dynamics, each one contributing to the other fantasy. And I would say that a the dom/domme have more responsibility to cater to the sub fantasies.

I don't think you understood the meaning of the capital letters in my profile description. They are not saying that I generally do not care about the fantasies and desires of my submissive, but that I will not put them above my own and SERVE them, as most subordinates and slaves want. If for you this is a minus that occurs in all dominants, then I am happy for the dominants and not very happy for you.

6 hours ago, Slifer said:
There isn’t a female domme person that exists that is actually like.. real and great in real life. Only online do these great keyboard warriors exist.

Trust me I’ve been looking for more than 12 years and it’s all the same 12,000 miles away or only online or highly paid for 😂 the rest of female dominants just like slavery + *** which I’m definitely not so I tend to get jealous of the other guys that can put themselves through that.

It’s all good tho

Yes, I understand. For example, I also want to find a slave who looks like Taehyung from BTS, has 6 pack abs and millions in accounts, and I get upset when a seventy-year-old man with a tummy writes to me again ... But where are these young and beautiful fashion models? Oh yes, around me are ordinary people from real life, just like me. Maybe you and I should lower the bar?)

42 minutes ago, StrictMaster44 said:
Unfortunately all of the "Mistresses" not wanting a actual relationship, only wanting tributes, ***, and to be paid. So frustrating

If it's not a scam, is that a problem?

1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:
Unfortunately all of the "Mistresses" not wanting a actual relationship, only wanting tributes, ***, and to be paid. So frustrating

But that's not true - not "all" mistresses are looking for financial gain - yes there are those out there who are, but there are also plenty who aren't - without even thinking about it I can think of several forum users here who are both dominants and don't expect payment, and in fact would be quite shocked if people thought they would expect it.
Like anything relationship related though, it's a question of finding the ones you are compatible with and setting your expectations correctly about finding them - expect to find the dominant of your dreams straight away and with very little effort and you will find it frustrating - lower those expectations and accept a dominant isn't just going to drop in your lap and it's not in the slightest bit frustrating.

Some of serious-BDSMer already made what I want to say as well :) I think many see the DS to fulfiller for their fantasises, and didn't focus much on the relationship itself. And even sometimes it seems like they even don't care about it. But behind the superficial dynamics, I think what makes it healthier and longer is exchanges. Of course it doesn't mean the exchanges should be same as we do/did with non-BDSMer, and should be personalized depending on whom you make relationship together. That means I think it would become better when people respect the counterpart by their role as well as a person and see this more seriously
14 minutes ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Unfortunately all of them are scams. True Mistresses don't ask for ***, tributes, gift cards or anything ever.

I dont think this is necessary 100% true. I think the problem is more along the lines of the scammers being more numerous and wildly drowning out those who are legitimate findoms. In terms of practicality financial domination i feel ia kind of niche, however with the amount of scammers it makes kt seem more widespread. For some people financial domination is a legitimate fetish/kink - for both sides. But like everything it requires both parties getting to know one another and there being trust and rapport built there. Something you dont get at all from an obvious scam.

19 minutes ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Unfortunately all of them are scams. True Mistresses don't ask for ***, tributes, gift cards or anything ever.

I think you missed the point of the question which was for those expecting tributes, to be paid etc who are not scammers ( i.e. ProDommes and FinDommes who cater to men and women who are willing to pay for their services) is it a problem?

20 minutes ago, HouseofLeavesIX said:

I dont think this is necessary 100% true. I think the problem is more along the lines of the scammers being more numerous and wildly drowning out those who are legitimate findoms. In terms of practicality financial domination i feel ia kind of niche, however with the amount of scammers it makes kt seem more widespread. For some people financial domination is a legitimate fetish/kink - for both sides. But like everything it requires both parties getting to know one another and there being trust and rapport built there. Something you dont get at all from an obvious scam.

Findom is nothing but a scam.

1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Unfortunately all of them are scams. True Mistresses don't ask for ***, tributes, gift cards or anything ever.

If I go to a hairdresser and ask him to cut my hair for free and he refuses, can I then call him not a true hairdresser? :D

1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Findom is nothing but a scam.

that's like saying "BDSM is nothing but ***"

anyone who has any actual clue knows that's not true.

1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Unfortunately all of them are scams. True Mistresses don't ask for ***, tributes, gift cards or anything ever.

there's no such thing as a "true Mistress", a "true sub", a "true Dom", etc.


1 hour ago, StrictMaster44 said:

Findom is nothing but a scam.

To those that enjoy it, including the submissives who willingly part with their *** it's anything but a scam


there's a lot where - like

if someone wasn't into impact play but was basically, "I'm not into impact play, therefore all impact play is ***" there'd be rightfully uproar.  

you don't have to be into impact play at all; but can still acknowledge other people are into it.   same applies for Findom.

I mean, sure, scammers are a *** in the arse and a big problem on many platforms.  I find instagram is the worst for it. twitter is pretty bad also.   But that's a separate issue.

I do have to raise a slight eyebrow if someone's only experience with Dommes is "fakes, findoms and scammers" 

4 hours ago, inomuski said:
Some of serious-BDSMer already made what I want to say as well :) I think many see the DS to fulfiller for their fantasises, and didn't focus much on the relationship itself. And even sometimes it seems like they even don't care about it. But behind the superficial dynamics, I think what makes it healthier and longer is exchanges. Of course it doesn't mean the exchanges should be same as we do/did with non-BDSMer, and should be personalized depending on whom you make relationship together. That means I think it would become better when people respect the counterpart by their role as well as a person and see this more seriously

Completely agree!


Interesting use of ‘negative traits’ . In my experience, I’m the one putting on the brakes with my Hard Limits…. Negative to one person doesn’t mean the same to another.

I don’t inflict hard ***, permanent marks , FinDom or CNC or *** scenarios , even ***, doesn’t do it for me. Some subs would find me lacking but then again they wouldn’t be play mates or be in Storm’s Stable. Does that make me a bad Domme or are you just not the sub for me ……🧐

Moderators - hope this a pappy enough for the fetish overlords 🙄

19 minutes ago, MisstressStorm said:

Interesting use of ‘negative traits’ . In my experience, I’m the one putting on the brakes with my Hard Limits…. Negative to one person doesn’t mean the same to another.

I don’t inflict hard ***, permanent marks , FinDom or CNC or *** scenarios , even ***, doesn’t do it for me. Some subs would find me lacking but then again they wouldn’t be play mates or be in Storm’s Stable. Does that make me a bad Domme or are you just not the sub for me ……🧐

Moderators - hope this a pappy enough for the fetish overlords 🙄

Definitely not lacking or a bad Domme at all - you just have preferences, likes and dislikes. There isnt anything negative about that at all ^.^

55 minutes ago, MisstressStorm said:

Interesting use of ‘negative traits’ . In my experience, I’m the one putting on the brakes with my Hard Limits…. Negative to one person doesn’t mean the same to another.

I don’t inflict hard ***, permanent marks , FinDom or CNC or *** scenarios , even ***, doesn’t do it for me. Some subs would find me lacking but then again they wouldn’t be play mates or be in Storm’s Stable. Does that make me a bad Domme or are you just not the sub for me ……🧐

Moderators - hope this a pappy enough for the fetish overlords 🙄

Precisely a lot of this boils down to different strokes (pun intended) for different folks - it's all about connection, chemistry and being on similar wavelengths with similar desires - find that mix with someone and negatives don't come into it.


I feel the OP could have presented their question a little better, I'm actually not totally sure what they're really asking. There aren't going to be traits that *every* Domme has in common so the question as it is is going to be impossible to answer. 


Another rather important point is the op was directed at those who've been involved for a time and who actually have had more interaction than searching this site. From the responses given only three maybe four seemed to be that. 


I'm kind if tired of hearing "scam" and "scammers" tossed around as much as it is. Most who are being referred to as such are really more akin to cam girls than actual ProDommes, I do feel it's an important distinction but if it's obviously transactional it's not really a "scam"

On 7/9/2023 at 2:44 PM, theswitch08 said:

They don't the what BDSM actually mean.

What does it mean then? 

16 hours ago, Slifer said:

There isn’t a female domme person that exists that is actually like.. real and great in real life. Only online do these great keyboard warriors exist.

Trust me I’ve been looking for more than 12 years and it’s all the same 12,000 miles away or only online or highly paid for 😂 the rest of female dominants just like slavery + *** which I’m definitely not so I tend to get jealous of the other guys that can put themselves through that.

It’s all good tho

Wow, you've actually interacted with every female Dominant on earth. That's rather impressive. 🙄 Also, obviously not true. 

16 hours ago, Slifer said:

If you want to challenge it. My other friend is 33 nearly and she’s been looking for over 20 years so actually there is a big weight to my statement

"Looking" how and for what specifically? Vanilla people also have difficulty finding partners. Depending on location, how one is searching for a partner and other factors, yes it can be challenging. It doesn't mean there aren't plenty of genuine Dominant women in existence. 

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