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Just a question….

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I don't really know the figures.

In the past year or so I've been approached by a 16 year old and a 64 year old.

Neither really had much of a chance with me. The 16 year old was really immature and the 64 year old just didn't appeal to me, from a physical point of view... even though she was rich. Yes. Really.

Looks aren't everything but they mean a little.

I'm a sapiosexual so I need someone intelligent. Age doesn't really factor into it. I've known 19 year old who have been more mature than people 3 times there age.

When I was younger I was always attracted to older women. Maturity and experience make people more interesting and the older people are the more likely they are to know what that want. I found that easier to deal with than trying to constantly be something that a 20-something wanted - or guess what that was! I went out with older women exclusively until my late 30’s and even then only made the odd exception. Weirdly, younger women are now more interested in me 😂 But experience and confidence counts for a lot more.
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