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Extreme temperatures can make me sleepy, but I find colder weather makes for a good time to snuggle up together! Skin on skin contact and soft intimacy in warm blankets.
Depending on the heat, it mostly just makes for a visual enjoyment of less clothes and a sweaty body. Physically contact is too much for me as extra heat just irritates me (physically and mentally).
Autumn/Fall is a wonderful time in my opinion for both physical and visual enjoyment, sexual or not. The weather is nice and it gives a lot of "be in nature" vibes so some primal stuff would be fun. Or just simple enjoy the solitude of nature 😊.
Spring is horrible for me because of allergies, so being inside is often the best place to be. Depending on the mood can lead to just feeling full of unspent energy, or just being lazy! Enjoy the sun from the windows and hope no one else looks in 😜
Rain and snow feel like a wonderful time to take things slow. No need to rush when nature is pausing the world.
The colder it gets the more inside we are in the Midwest and well winter is when it's nice to get warm through physical touch
Oh God yes lol I hate having to do stuff when it's super hot it's miserable sweating all over each other about to die you're so hot nah nah bruh hard pass lol cold is ok I guess as long as it's not super cold like butt neked in the snow or something 😂 neither extreme is ideal but the heat is the worst of the two
Honestly there is pros and cons on both. If you’re cold and you snuggle naked you get sticky and it’s very hard to stay turned on freaking cold. But if I get too hot I get frustrated. But I do got to be sweaty warm. But not burning up.

In the garden in the cool breeze of a summer evening is my favourite f**king time. If it's winter my heating is on high and I am getting a massage then snuggling.

I find I tend to have higher drive in winter but I’m kinkier in summer. Truthfully, I’ve never really understood why I guess I’m just wired that way. 
I enjoy being cold and using body heat to warm up. Bring on the summer heat and AC. Love rainy nights. Enjoy darkness more than temperature.
I love it in a warm and room temperature.. the sex will be so naughty and fun
Both parties will be glad
I don't know, Iam definitely going to pay more attention. I do enjoy using temperature during playtime tho. It's another sensory layer and it's fun!
Perfect situation cold rain night you can here the rain hitting the glass ceiling

I love to f**k in hot weather. Sometimes a dripping wet session is just what the soul needs.

slightly warmer than room temp is when women shed clothes, and I am influenced by the temperature at which this happens.
I much prefer when it's warm. I need to feel comfortable while naked.
  Thursday at 05:48 PM, PNWDDlg said:

I love to f**k in hot weather. Sometimes a dripping wet session is just what the soul needs.


Amen brothah steamy boys unite 😋😋

  • 3 weeks later...
I personally like it Colder More Reason to “Heat Up”
  • 3 months later...
yes, studies have show that mils weather is best as you can still catch your partners pharamones but it's not to hot fool around.. cold weather as well.. spooning leads to forking as the old saying does.
Yea if it’s above or below 0 degrees I’m horny 😮‍💨 it’s hard out here 😂
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