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Is this a link that doesn't work etc or are we supposed to be rattling off how we learnt Bdsm in a thread
3 hours ago, Baaladom said:
Is this a link that doesn't work etc or are we supposed to be rattling off how we learnt Bdsm in a thread

Doesn't work for me either

Read, watch materials, talk to people, online, thread forums. Then experiment things with your partner or your friends. Sadly the best way to discover is with a real life human who you can comunicate cleary to what you want and what you don't want. The prime issue i ran into is the what you don't want part, implying trust. Like you could ask a man to tie you up with no sex. And thus is the part, either do them in a public setting or do them with a close person you can trust. Sane safe and consensual rules are tough to trust with a compleate stranger. Conversly women can't really hurt you in that way so for men its more about finding someone willing. And finally we have education, while men are tought to hunt and be active, women are shamed for those traits as a child so the deviant part is missmatched. On avg 90% of men like spitting as a fetish in the bedroom, while for women it's less then 10% which creates a shame stigma around doing what you want. The best way to learn about men is prostitution forums aka escorts, where you will quickly discover in man reviews that all men like similar disturbing stuff, especially serious maried man. Conversly for women the only way to know is books and talking to them, because they are all unique with no similar kinks. Like for example facesitting can be apreciated by a woman and disgusting to another, while for men it's about what the women likes. For example i huged and massaged a woman to orgasm once with no intimate touching or kissing and it was an intense experiece because she enjoyed it... Much to both our surprise and shock. Conversly i heard storys of friends fing for 40 minutes with said woman not cuming so comunication is really key on kinks which again varies personally from partner to partner, ie you might want a dude to dom while you the same person might want to dom another dude. So the lifestyle is more about the people you have acess to and less about your kinks specifically, tho you can allways refuse what you don't want.
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