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The Beauty Of Bound Wings Part 1

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As owner of the intellectual property of the content contained within this story, I politely request that my work not be stolen or plagiarised without my expressed permission. I thank you and I hope you enjoy.




“Sir? Mr. Reign?”

“Yes, sorry. What were you saying?”

“I said that your bags will be brought up to your room shortly. Here is your key, please feel free to have a drink at the bar while we finish cleaning the room. Enjoy your stay.”

“Thank you,” he bowed his head and stepped away from the reception desk. The receptionist was a young woman, a ravenette with bright eyes and lots of makeup. He never did like a woman with lots of makeup. Instead his attention had been diverted by the slim woman at the bar.


He side-stepped out the way of the next customer, shoes quietly patting the white marble floor on his way to the bar area. He did not break his eyes from her, not until she turned and saw him. His heart suddenly fluttered and he looked away, hoping she had not noticed, and he began making his way to the bar.


She was stood near the left end on the large wooden counter, dim yellow lights overhead to suit the mood of the tired evening. He steered clear of her, navigating his way around tables on his way to the long line of stools. Upon reaching the bar he glimpsed in her direction again, but dodged eye contact with her and realised she had locked her gaze on him. He breathed deeply, calming himself down and looking to the waiter.

“What can I get you, Sir?” He ordered a non-alcoholic apple beverage and remained on his feet beside the stool. He took the bottle in his right hand with a clink from his dragon-wing ring, and gulped half the bottle in a matter of seconds, cooling his mind and body. Without looking up at her, he parted his lips beneath his tilted trilby, doing his best to sound as though he was not in fact incredibly nervous.

“I notice that you stare. Is a part of my attire askew?”

“Not that I can see. As far as I can tell, you are a well dressed young man.”

“Then perhaps you would tell me what it is that has captivated your attention?”


Now she stepped over to him with her purse in her right hand, he leaned his right elbow on the bar, and he turned to take in the view. His heart pounded at the sight of her as she drew closer, becoming clearer in the dim light. He flattened his tie against his chest as a disguise for the sudden lack of air in his lungs. She wore an elegantly simple dress, black and flowing from thin shoulder straps, down to her feet, with a few folds at her chest that hung just enough to reveal her cleavage. She was a fine woman by appearance, and her face framed by long blonde hair; represented many more years than his own.

“A handsome young man such as yourself, dressed as well as you are. What’s not to captivate?”

“I appreciate the flattery, but I would appreciate it even more if you would state your intentions clearly.”

“Ooh, direct. I like that. Have you ever spent the night with an older woman?”

“I cannot say I have, but then neither do I intend to.”

Her head lowered just enough to indicate her offence, “My age is an issue for you?”

“On the contrary, your age is irrelevant. It is the drink you nurse in your left hand that stops me.”

“You don’t drink? That’s a pity.”

“Pray tell, why is that?”

“Because I would love to get you drunk and see what you can do to me.”

“I would hate to find out, but I know what I can do while sober.”

“Oh? Go on.”


He stepped closer, taking a swig of his drink to distract his mind long enough to form a coherent sentence. So far things were going well.

“I am sure in your many years of experience, you have seen a lot, but the kind of pleasure that I pursue is of a… darker nature.”

“Tall, dark, and mysterious. You sound tastier by the second. Are you sure we cannot continue this conversation in your room.”

“I would be delighted, but not this evening.” She opened her mouth to reply, but he held up a hand to silence her. “I will be waiting at reception at seven o’clock tomorrow morning. Walk past me and nod, to show that you recollect the events of this evening and that you recognise me, and then I will follow you to your room.”

“Perhaps I can get a goodnight kiss in the mean-time?”

“You have been drinking alcohol. No. I will see you at six o’clock tomorrow morning.” He stepped away, beginning to leave.

“I thought you said seven?”

“Neither of us wish to wait that long.”


@DanteReign I eagerly await to see what is to come of this... will she remember.... what will they do.... I very much enjoy the stories I have read of yours.  I will patiently await part 2

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