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Long Distance D/s relationships

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Howdy, I'm sorry if I do this wrong again, but I had an actual question this time 😅 I was wondering how a long distance D/s relationship would work. Because I'm confused on if it's all pictures and videos or if it can eventually become an in person thing? Cuz there's really no Dommes around me that are close enough. So I guess I'm wondering, is a long distance D/s relationship worth it? Or would it be a waste of time for me since I eventually want it to be in person and "real"? And how else can I go about finding the right one?

how long distance relationships work... depends on the relationship, really.

whether a distance thing can be an in person thing can also depend on one or both of your ability and willingness to travel or relocate.


I think you can make it work if you want to. I guess you’d have to set rules to follow. It would be like all long distance relationship. Good luck
I have a long distance relationship. We met online (not here). We do travel to see each other, but we also communicate constantly over the phone. It really depends on what you want, need, and are willing to do. It’s super hard at times. We are both committed to making it work, and eventually plan on living in the same place.
I think it plays more on your commitment to the situation
In My Opinion It’s Worth It. Especially If You Find Someone You Click With. Im Currently In A Long Distance Dynamic And It’s As Close To Perfect As I Can Imagine. We Have Talked About Visiting Each Other Now It’s All About Timing. No Reason It Can’t Be In Person If You Both Agree To That. Good Luck I Hope You Find Someone That Wants What You Do.
I am in a semi long distance relationship I do see my sub from time to time but everything else is done via text and phone and video and pics she has daily tasks that need to be done but we make it work and if you want to make it work you can
It’s worth it , my sub/slave lives in London , we’re planning on meeting but we do voice notes and soon will video call
takes totel trust and full on commitment from both sides
it requires open communication, nothing held back. especially during scenes if they are text only. i prefer check in during those scenes. bc we can't see each other. especially if limits are being pushed
It can become irl if you live close enough and have travel ***. But even if you don't, there's a lot of value in long distance, especially if you don't have anyone nearby. Also, keep your mind open, a lot of people irl have kinks and just don't go on these kinds of apps or they might not have realized it yet. Always ask your partner irl if they're be willing to do xyz for you because if they kink shame you or something they probably weren't the right person anyway.
  • 2 weeks later...
It is still all about trust. You need to trust that the Dom will not use the pics and videos against you later and they need to trust that you are actually doing as instructed when they cannot see the proof.
  • 3 weeks later...
If trust can truly be found, cctv can be powerful. I was in an ldr and had too install multiple cameras for Her to watch me at any time.
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