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Body Count

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  38 minutes ago, Char__ said:

Well don't tell anyone, but I have all the s***dboats that could have been won on Bullseye.


I will take one s***dboat please madame! I can't use it.. no water. Just want to sit in it.. make brrrm noises and wear a captain's hat 🤷🏻‍♂️

  1 minute ago, PJ3000 said:

I will take one s***dboat please madame! I can't use it.. no water. Just want to sit in it.. make brrrm noises and wear a captain's hat 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll have the Vauxhall Astra in hearing aid beige instead 🤣

This is good!! I checked your profile to see if you’d posted any other poems but you hadn’t. You should, you have a knack for it. It made me think, which is what poetry is meant to do.
  5 minutes ago, FistingLTR said:
This is good!! I checked your profile to see if you’d posted any other poems but you hadn’t. You should, you have a knack for it. It made me think, which is what poetry is meant to do.

You didn't scroll enough, I have hundreds lol

Body count is just a way for men to slut shame. Mine is high but a friend of mine is 3x as many but without knowing someone’s past we can’t judge nor should you judge anyway. People go do better!!
  12 minutes ago, kinkybitchsc said:
Body count is just a way for men to slut shame. Mine is high but a friend of mine is 3x as many but without knowing someone’s past we can’t judge nor should you judge anyway. People go do better!!

Why do men slut shame women that are willing to be with them? Why would they turn down the opportunity for a relationship based on her body count?

  7 minutes ago, amuseme916 said:

Why do men slut shame women that are willing to be with them? Why would they turn down the opportunity for a relationship based on her body count?


Because unfortunately there's still way too many people stuck in that archaic way of thinking - that a women's worth is tied to her virginal status 😂😂 and morons like Andrew Tate and all the other white bros with a podcast are not helping matters! .

I couldn't give a fuck if someone's body count is 5 or 500. If they have a recent sti test that's all clear and I judge that I can trust what they're telling me about themselves then honestly who care's 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Body count is what it is. I like to be accurate when asked but I’m sure that number can be viewed a couple of different ways.
  27 minutes ago, PJ3000 said:

Because unfortunately there's still way too many people stuck in that archaic way of thinking - that a women's worth is tied to her virginal status 😂😂 and morons like Andrew Tate and all the other white bros with a podcast are not helping matters! .

I couldn't give a fuck if someone's body count is 5 or 500. If they have a recent sti test that's all clear and I judge that I can trust what they're telling me about themselves then honestly who care's 🤷🏻‍♂️.


In my first post, I mentioned how things such as self-worth, decision-making skills, and ability to discern good/bad partners come into question when a woman has a higher than average body count. That's primarily because women put value on their own virtue. If that weren't true, they'd be giving away pussy to every hot guy they meet, because... why not? Most women wouldn't do that. So, by their own actions, they make their sexuality a sacred and special thing. If she's giving that thing away to a different guy every weekend, then a man might question how much she values herself compared to most women.

Your conflating choice and discernment for slut shaming like you have a preference for different kinds of guys. Guys have preference for Women with less mental and emotional issues why is this hard to accept choice and consequences.
  6 minutes ago, Amorphus69 said:
Your conflating choice and discernment for slut shaming like you have a preference for different kinds of guys. Guys have preference for Women with less mental and emotional issues why is this hard to accept choice and consequences.

Again, my main point was why is this about gender? It is. But it shouldn't be

It’s not guys are at fault to but the reality is this for women sex for the most part is easy to get let’s be honest here. For most guys it’s work to establish a connection or get with someone. The two are not equivalent. That’s the reality of it. Women gatekeeper sex men gate keep relationships.
Guys are going to be opportunistic if they realize you have a body count the will treat you like a McDonald’s just another customer served. Is it right no is it reality we live in yes.
  2 minutes ago, Amorphus69 said:
Guys are going to be opportunistic if they realize you have a body count the will treat you like a McDonald’s just another customer served. Is it right no is it reality we live in yes.

You understand that everyone except virgins has "a" body count, right?

Does anybody really subscribe to this slut shaming for body count nonsense?Nobody I know does. Every guy and girl I know (almost all of them are very vanilla sexually) think that it’s a good thing to have slept with a lot of people. When I meet someone I much prefer they’ve slept around a lot (and picked up some kinks and tricks along the way!). Society seems to really want us to believe that everybody looks down on women that have slept with hundreds of guys but we really don’t. The media always tries to tell us what we think but it doesn’t mean that any of us actually think it. It’s like it’s constantly whispering in your ear, “everybody thinks this so you should think it too” and I’m sat here thinking, “no they don’t, and neither do I”.
  3 minutes ago, FistingLTR said:
Does anybody really subscribe to this slut shaming for body count nonsense?Nobody I know does. Every guy and girl I know (almost all of them are very vanilla sexually) think that it’s a good thing to have slept with a lot of people. When I meet someone I much prefer they’ve slept around a lot (and picked up some kinks and tricks along the way!). Society seems to really want us to believe that everybody looks down on women that have slept with hundreds of guys but we really don’t. The media always tries to tell us what we think but it doesn’t mean that any of us actually think it. It’s like it’s constantly whispering in your ear, “everybody thinks this so you should think it too” and I’m sat here thinking, “no they don’t, and neither do I”.

I wrote this in response to a discussion in the Lobby where some cavemen views were put forth... so some people still do.

  6 minutes ago, FistingLTR said:

Does anybody really subscribe to this slut shaming for body count nonsense?Nobody I know does.


I don't believe anyone in my general circle does either - but this could come down to who we associate with (or how they air their views) rather than wider views.


  21 minutes ago, Amorphus69 said:

Guys are going to be opportunistic if they realize you have a body count the will treat you like a McDonald’s just another customer served. Is it right no is it reality we live in yes.


it's interesting we live in a society where men are seemingly rewarded for having slept with multiple people/partners ("oh, he's a right stud, etc") while for women to do this it's seemingly a bad thing ("slut"/"just another customer"/etc)


I don't personally care who someone has slept with before me, just as long as they aren't sleeping with anyone while with me (if agreed upon, but it's me, so those are my types of dynamics lol). Your worth has nothing to do with your body count.
In my opinion I agree 100% with Tate and majority of modern women are a shambles, watching clips of how women spoke in public 50 years ago compared to today speaks volumes. The elite’s want to destroy the family value hence why they have pushed women’s rights to earn as much as men and LGBTQ+ in recent history, if you look back at old fashioned women they had a whole different moral compass compared to today and served in a correct way. Now there is no family unit and future generations will suffer massively imagine half of the population being bisexual 50 years from now? That is the way it’s heading, personally I have no reason to be insecure but if a partner has had a certain number of sexual partners I wouldn’t be able to help but look at them in a slightly different way and if a women is rather ‘battered’ down there then that is absolutely on them I have had 3 times as many tighter encounters than I have completely being sucked in. If you know what I mean…
  21 minutes ago, DazTopG said:
In my opinion I agree 100% with Tate and majority of modern women are a shambles, watching clips of how women spoke in public 50 years ago compared to today speaks volumes. The elite’s want to destroy the family value hence why they have pushed women’s rights to earn as much as men and LGBTQ+ in recent history, if you look back at old fashioned women they had a whole different moral compass compared to today and served in a correct way. Now there is no family unit and future generations will suffer massively imagine half of the population being bisexual 50 years from now? That is the way it’s heading, personally I have no reason to be insecure but if a partner has had a certain number of sexual partners I wouldn’t be able to help but look at them in a slightly different way and if a women is rather ‘battered’ down there then that is absolutely on them I have had 3 times as many tighter encounters than I have completely being sucked in. If you know what I mean…

I get what your saying but maybe use better language that part at the end there won’t get you many fans here I’m sure . Like you said commitment has become a foreign word if someone as over 15-2.0 partners the question really comes down to loyalty. Is this person in it for the long hall for better or worse it used to mean something. I see 60 and 80 year old couples sometimes and see them argue and give each other shit but you can still see the love there they know each other better then they know themselves… its amazing and I appreciate seeing it but knowing that’s the last generation to get that is sad.. you can do everything right and if the person your with just gets tired of you or bored 😐 that’s it … if you have kids to it’s worse

there's a reason why commitments changed though

there's stuff changed in marriage laws only in recent years because a lot was designed to make it difficult for the woman to leave.

Hell - it wasn't that long ago an unmarried woman could not have a bank account or go to a bar.   One of the reasons older couples "made it work" is because, the alternative was she was homeless and penniless.

Equally, for men, of course marriage was a necessity for social status and other perks.   

And now it doesn't have to be that way.  Women don't have to marry (nor do men) so there is more freedom to have different partners until there's one where they both want to settle together

there is less pressure on people who are not straight to have to act straight.  

The pendulum swings both ways it was hard to leave now there is hardly a reason to stay if you want you can leave and take half or more.
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