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  1 hour ago, Amorphus69 said:

The pendulum swings both ways it was hard to leave now there is hardly a reason to stay if you want you can leave and take half or more.


Please tell me you have no idea how things work without telling me you have no idea how things work. 

  4 hours ago, DazTopG said:
In my opinion I agree 100% with Tate and majority of modern women are a shambles, watching clips of how women spoke in public 50 years ago compared to today speaks volumes. The elite’s want to destroy the family value hence why they have pushed women’s rights to earn as much as men and LGBTQ+ in recent history, if you look back at old fashioned women they had a whole different moral compass compared to today and served in a correct way. Now there is no family unit and future generations will suffer massively imagine half of the population being bisexual 50 years from now? That is the way it’s heading, personally I have no reason to be insecure but if a partner has had a certain number of sexual partners I wouldn’t be able to help but look at them in a slightly different way and if a women is rather ‘battered’ down there then that is absolutely on them I have had 3 times as many tighter encounters than I have completely being sucked in. If you know what I mean…

Please tell me you have bigoted views without telling me you have bigoted views.

Can we just get the thread back onto topic without personal attacks. If you can’t debate someone’s views and simply label them how are you any better if someone labeled you. There are a lot of ways someone developed a viewpoint without it being derived from being a bigot. Try discussing facts and maybe change the viewpoint or at least you may develop a understanding of why they came to there concussions.


This comment section is highly amusing.

Does everyone here realize that when someone looks at your profile, the comments you make here in the forum are there plain to see? Including anyone you may be trying to chat up with hopes of them possibly being a partner? 

  5 hours ago, ThaliaVirago said:

Does everyone here realize that when someone looks at your profile, the comments you make here in the forum are there plain to see? Including anyone you may be trying to chat up with hopes of them possibly being a partner? 


it's one of my favourite features of sites like this :D

There's lots of reasons for this - but - in the 1950s the average married age for first marriages was early 20s

By 2000, it was 25

By 2023 - it's now into 30s.

And there's a lot of reasons for people "delaying marriage" - as one article put it, but to flip it - in the 50s and a lot of the late 20th century, people were pushed into marriage earlier - and often didn't have an easy out if things weren't working.  Particularly if people were pushed into marriage for economic reasons.

One of the reasons cited for people 'delaying marriage' is... funnily enough... divorce.   That it can be more difficult for one or both partners to end the relationship when married - and the whole *** of "she'll take half of everything!!!" 

The kinda offset of getting married later is that people (of any sex/gender!) are going to have had more sexual partners than the equivalent groups of years ago.  And if someone is insecure about this, then this is their insecurity to work through.   Start a relationship! if it ends after 2 years you've had a good relationship.  If you're still together after a few years then any insecurities should surely be erased that you're still together.

There's a lot which on paper makes it easier to get divorced than, say, 50 years ago - but that's still not to say it's an easy option.  

The absolute quickest time to get a divorce is around 6-8 months.  In reality, especially if there are any complications (including one partner not agreeing that the relationship is broken down), this will be longer.    It's a little easier to prove a relationship has broken down if you have been separated for 2 years.    Anything that a partner may, or may not, be entitled to is not established until the end of proceedings - this means effectively someone leaving the relationship needs somewhere else to live, on their single income, for 6-24 months while things are being settled.  Some people *might* be able to move back in with parents, some might not. Especially if *** are involved.  

So it's again not a surprise the average age of people having kids have gone up.

But anyway.  Some is rambling - but chances are, yeah, you're more likely to meet partners these days who've had more previous sexual partners - and, this is something where - it's a case of looking at your own prejudice and how to overcome it.  


I feel a bit like Columbo - just one more thing....

The concept of 'The Family Unit' came up and was promoted in the 1950s.  Sprinkles of some of the Post WWII rebuilding in there - but there was a lot in advertising at the time and legislation that was pushed through (in the UK this is when 'child support' was legislated for, to encourage/pay people to have ***)

but, the family unit was an idea that had largely already failed by the 1960s as it... simply... didn't work.  Even if a lot of the idea did live on in media, often as an attempt to revive it, especially as some of the factors that led to it's decline changed (one was simply economic that at the start of the 50s it was totally possible for one income to support a house, wife, and 2 kids - but wage stagnation and inflation meant this was less possible come the 60s... however there's been times on and off since then when it's been more possible again) 

Despite it just not being a workable model, it often gets referenced and referred back to - and while it maybe was a bit of "how things were" it was how things were for around a decade.   Of course there are some people who do have associated fantasies/dynamics/roleplay ("1950s housewife") or hold onto the "what could have been" although "what could have been" is very... misogynistic 

But still, it was like having jigsaw pieces that don't fit, so you try to *** them in anyway.

Of course, some try to play this as - well if people are marrying late, having kids later, or fewer kids - if people are Queer and not reproducing (which, to be honest, is only not possible when it's single sex - and even then...) - that oh, humanity will die out.... when it's not like the planet in it's current shape is entirely sustainable - maybe we should work on that a bit first ;)


Arguably - by the same token - stuff like kink, fetish, etc. is seen as not being compatible with the 'family unit' so I'm not entirely sure why anyone would be on a fetish site stating this was an issue.  

  14 hours ago, ThaliaVirago said:


This comment section is highly amusing.

Does everyone here realize that when someone looks at your profile, the comments you make here in the forum are there plain to see? Including anyone you may be trying to chat up with hopes of them possibly being a partner? 


We don't all need an app to find potential partners and as long as people are being true to themselves then they will find what they're looking for

  1 minute ago, DazTopG said:

We don't all need an app to find potential partners and as long as people are being true to themselves then they will find what they're looking for


Unless their true selves are unappealing to the people they're interested in. 


My comment was meant to point out that the people one might be interested in very often take into consideration things like personal character and overall behavior when determining if they're interested in return and not only what that person chooses to show them directly. 

  5 minutes ago, ThaliaVirago said:

Unless their true selves are unappealing to the people they're interested in. 


My comment was meant to point out that the people one might be interested in very often take into consideration things like personal character and overall behavior when determining if they're interested in return and not only what that person chooses to show them directly. 


From past experience women love men who know what they want, not everyone is everybody's cup of tea and that's how it should be. I obviously don't condone certain behaviors majority of women on here are here for dominant confident men because that's what gets them going

  1 minute ago, DazTopG said:

From past experience women love men who know what they want, not everyone is everybody's cup of tea and that's how it should be. I obviously don't condone certain behaviors majority of women on here are here for dominant confident men because that's what gets them going


I'm not sure what Dominance or confidence has to do with the topic. One's chosen role or level of confidence isn't a determination of  character nor does it prevent them from disrespect and negative opinions of others. Knowing what they want does not exclude someone from having character flaws. 

People who choose or enjoy submission are very often quite confident and have generally dominant personalities regardless of gender. Being a submissive doesn't equate to being weak and insecure just as being a Dominant doesn't equate to true strength or lack of insecurity. 

  24 minutes ago, ThaliaVirago said:

I'm not sure what Dominance or confidence has to do with the topic. One's chosen role or level of confidence isn't a determination of  character nor does it prevent them from disrespect and negative opinions of others. Knowing what they want does not exclude someone from having character flaws. 

People who choose or enjoy submission are very often quite confident and have generally dominant personalities regardless of gender. Being a submissive doesn't equate to being weak and insecure just as being a Dominant doesn't equate to true strength or lack of insecurity. 


A male being urinated on is definitely a weak male

  2 minutes ago, DazTopG said:

A male being urinated on is definitely a weak male


That's a very.. odd comment 😂😂 and fairly blinkered imo. I'm not a fan of being ***ed on myself.. but you certainly can't determine someones strength from such a thing!

  11 minutes ago, DazTopG said:

A male being urinated on is definitely a weak male


as a friendly note

any form of kink shaming is not welcome on this site

and if you are equating submission with 'weakness' then you might have some homework to do

  1 hour ago, FETMOD-KF said:

as a friendly note

any form of kink shaming is not welcome on this site

and if you are equating submission with 'weakness' then you might have some homework to do


Oh but it's okay when narcissists try to insult random people on the platform? And sub/being urinated on is not the same thing

  3 minutes ago, DazTopG said:

Oh but it's okay when narcissists try to insult random people on the platform? And sub/being urinated on is not the same thing


Other reports have been dealt with. This was just a friendly ask to keep things relevant, and you yourself are using insults! Come on, calm it down

  7 hours ago, DazTopG said:

A male being urinated on is definitely a weak male



  5 hours ago, DazTopG said:

And sub/being urinated on is not the same thing


What are you attempting to say here with these comments?


A person's kink preferences aren't a measure of weakness any more than acts themselves are inherently Dominant or submissive. It does appear that you could benefit from a fair amount of homework. 

  1 hour ago, ThaliaVirago said:

What are you attempting to say here with these comments?


A person's kink preferences aren't a measure of weakness any more than acts themselves are inherently Dominant or submissive. It does appear that you could benefit from a fair amount of homework. 


I'm just gonna throw an amen in for this. And keep myself quiet now cuz I was always told if you got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all 😆

  • 1 month later...
My body count well it’s under 10 maybe it’s because I’m poly and will only have sex with long term partners which I have 2 and even then it has to be during play as vanilla sex is a turn off
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