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Masochism, or not?

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I suffer from a damaged mental health. I used to brutally self-harm (beating, scratching, or even stabbing) as a punishment for my failures. Over a long time, I got used to the *** and recently it started feeling quite relaxing for me. The *** doesn't turn me on sexually, but it has a nice feeling in it. Could it be related to masochism?

As always, please correct me if I am wrong, but as far as I am aware, being a masochist means being sexual aroused by ***. If this self-harm is not causing sexual pleasure, then it is not a masochistic action. Self-harm, especially cutting, is scientifically proven to be a *** relief because of the chemical response of your body. That said, I do not encourage self-harm.

there are some who have had a history of self harm whom have found solitude in ***/impact play - partially because in both cases the body releases endorphins for the whole fight/flight -  partially because there's a certain familiarity also

however, self-harm is, generally speaking, not BDSM and largely not helpful - I notice your word "used to" but this is something I would definitely consult medical help.  There's a problem sometimes with those with a history who get into dangerous or risky play for the wrong reasons.

  40 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

there are some who have had a history of self harm whom have found solitude in ***/impact play - partially because in both cases the body releases endorphins for the whole fight/flight -  partially because there's a certain familiarity also

however, self-harm is, generally speaking, not BDSM and largely not helpful - I notice your word "used to" but this is something I would definitely consult medical help.  There's a problem sometimes with those with a history who get into dangerous or risky play for the wrong reasons.


I visited a therapist months ago, and I no longer do it (at least not that severely). I don't do it frequently to feel good, I've just noticed the change of feelings when I last attempted to punish myself.

Being borderline bi polar  and depression.  What I went through is another story. Ive  been good for the past 8 months but it took a lot of work. There was counselor sessions every  2 weeks. Psychiatrist  appt to see about about meds. Plus group therapy and I have thought records  I did almost every day. I still have a lady that checks in on me from the mental health society.

What I'm  trying to say is this is a journey with no destination. We have to be on our mental health  situation every single day. Or shit gets real. Keep up with your counseling if you can. I know some people can't whether due to *** transportation or other obligations. Even a 15 minute over the phone can be good maintenance. Do you have support? Ppl you can talk to you or lean on?

I'm sorry what you have been through. No story is ever the same but just know you are not alone. I'm  really happy you're  doing better. 

  7 hours ago, SweetPea1984 said:

Being borderline bi polar  and depression.  What I went through is another story. Ive  been good for the past 8 months but it took a lot of work. There was counselor sessions every  2 weeks. Psychiatrist  appt to see about about meds. Plus group therapy and I have thought records  I did almost every day. I still have a lady that checks in on me from the mental health society.

What I'm  trying to say is this is a journey with no destination. We have to be on our mental health  situation every single day. Or shit gets real. Keep up with your counseling if you can. I know some people can't whether due to *** transportation or other obligations. Even a 15 minute over the phone can be good maintenance. Do you have support? Ppl you can talk to you or lean on?

I'm sorry what you have been through. No story is ever the same but just know you are not alone. I'm  really happy you're  doing better. 


Thank you for your support. I appreciate it.

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