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Spooky graveyard

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I haven't. If it was in a cemetery even missionary would be considered kinky because of the location.

But it's definitely on my menu.

I'm into watersports, so watersports in a cemetery is also up there on my "to do" list. With a partner, of course.

Edited by MasterDarcy1979
  2 hours ago, MasterDarcy1979 said:

I haven't. If it was in a cemetery even missionary would be considered kinky because of the location.

But it's definitely on my menu.

I'm into watersports, so watersports in a cemetery is also up there on my "to do" list. With a partner, of course.


Ha! Yes, please don’t go round urinating on graves or anything LOL “watersports with friends” LOL
I do wonder what the deceased think of such activities occurring in their final resting places 🫢🤔😳😬😇😁

I enjoy cemeteries for various reasons and always intend to be respectful whilst there regardless of any kink or arousal I may find myself experiencing.
Having said that, I identify ‘cemetery’ and ‘graveyard’ as somewhat differing things, based upon age and aesthetic.
Ancient graveyards seem more Magickal to me and old & fancy architecture and elaborate headstones and such hold a much different aura of you will than say, modern interments surrounded by grass lawn…

Regardless, I’ve only given a hand job in the car to my bf at the time whilst casually driving through….

It’s been in my mind since I became sexually active to be sexual in cemeteries 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
  11 minutes ago, NexumSange said:

Ha! Yes, please don’t go round urinating on graves or anything LOL “watersports with friends” LOL
I do wonder what the deceased think of such activities occurring in their final resting places 🫢🤔😳😬😇😁


lol. "Watersports with friends". Yay! I now have a new kink to add to my list. ;)

Personally, I think they'd like it from a voyeuristic kinda way. :p

They'd appreciate "Watersports with friends", though. Lots of nitrogen to help the flowers, etc. ;)

Done it once as a semi drunk and foolish 27 year old that was always trying to prove something and chase dopamine with random acts of recklessness. My recollection of it is hazy and vague, as I was drunk as I said, but I remember it being short and basic, feeling cold during and guilty after, and bashing my head on a tombstone which I fully deserved. Would I do it again? No. It wasn't fun enough to make up for the feeling of shame I got afterwards.

The difference between and graveyard and cemetery is that a graveyard is connected to a church and normally reserved for those practicing the religion of said church. On the other hand, cemeteries are normally much bigger plots of land dedicated to the dead and generally open to anyone who buys a plot. With that said it would be much more kinky/taboo to have sex in a graveyard. Outside of sexual touching and messing around, I have not had sex in either but I think it’s normal for those attracted to the dark arts and gothic taboos, to be turned on at the thought. I am atleast.
  • 4 months later...
I think sex in such places has its own dark appeal, mysticism and, of course, taboo. It can be sensual or, on the contrary, scary. But I didn’t feel guilty about the sex acts; everyone honors the dead as they wish. Rituals are different, even in isolation from religion as a whole.
  • 1 month later...
Okay I used to be like super goth in high-school. And shortly there after I luved being in grave yards, ***age me luved the skinny bodies wearing sexy black neglisheas w the tall boots making me 6'2 and being bent over many a head stones. But of only men who lived a ling life....because I did feel it was wrong. But wrong enough to make my pusdie pulse and get my underwear cold and danmp...danmp cuz well my drippin pussie...cold cuz it was very dark n cold...ugh so hot
  • 1 month later...
Not on Halloween but a graveyard is a good spot to get used to exhibitionism. It’s public, but usually pretty empty. Especially at night.
  • 1 month later...

Well less than a year later I got to experience this in a cemetery. It was a historic cemetery in a part of Charleston, which made it even better(last burials found were the first years of 1900 although a lot of the tombstones had deteriorated). Very kinky, taboo experience. The public aspect of it combined with the dark/beautiful ascetic was perfect. 

  • 2 months later...

yeah, have had it few times outside and a cemeterymay be in for the creepy aspect too and for fun, who knows.

  • 1 month later...
I live 500 yards from a cemetery, and there is a fair size wooded area, a small parking lot with a single street light. It's there is a creek and the highway wall is a few hundred meter from the parking lot up the street from the lot is the mouth of the cemetery, you know your in for a good time when you hook up and first meet you tell them to drive past the cemetery to this out of the way dim pad of concrete. Walking into the graveyard through the gates.the trees block out the moon and only the outline of the headstones and paths are visible. Some of the stones are shaped so nicely . The stream and traffic are good to mask sounds but it can be hard to hear people coming but I've never really minded a walk by lol. It's creepy to some I find it freeing . And better then used a shool yard and getting a charge lol . They pre-dig the graves day before and lay out green turf so it stays clean and shaped....take em in the hole. 😉
  • 6 months later...
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