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How can we make sure women feel safe in an online community?

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Never give too much details about yourself in the chat lobby, ie: where you work etc, particularly if you have a face pic. There are a lot of lurkers in the chat, you just don't know if they're taking notes. I'm very careful about how much info I give out about myself on here.
as a trans woman, I'm upfront about it right away. the "trans panic defense" is unfortunately still a legal defense in my state. it's creepy to get asked about surgeries when I'm this flat, like I don't wanna know if you had work done either.. not my business
Men can be pigs and some just have no respect for women or their selves and all they want to do is talk nasty and degrading to women and that’s not right some men just need to be set straight that you can’t just talk to a woman just any type of way
  5 hours ago, Subbrat18 said:
I’m very young and new to this sort of thing and the amount of guys telling me I look like their underaged daughters and want to hook up with me gross me tf out!

There are a lot of actual perverts in the kink community, not men that just want to gain women’s trust and then make them submit.

First thing would be to show videos of each other. Not just the guys, but the women too. Cause it's safer to have a video of them before they show up anyway. Since you can send that into the police. As well as cameras on their doors.

Another thing would be call the cops to have someone drive through your area in 10 minutes after you planned to have the person show up. ( So don't be late to planned moments. )
  6 hours ago, KajiraHunter said:
They're in their own homes on a computer. How much safer can they feel?

At least 100 times safer, with help from today's sponsor: NordVPN!
Encrypt your private data and prevent strange creepy dudes like your ISP or NotCharlesManson9 on Fet from seeing your IP address!
Something about a free trial... joke's done, move along

Get rid of the fake scam artist posing as women and maybe there wouldn't be any anger or anything like that just a thought
I mean this isn't a Martha Stewart website it is about fetish correct which some people find one fetish strange as hell another might not so u can always call whine 11

As a woman I think the world should stop completely pandering to women every day of every month. The answer to the question posed lies within the question itself, the interaction is online so every woman is already safe, no matter how much anyone online wants to or expresses wishes to, no woman is ever in any danger when merely interacting with anyone online. You are at your work safe and sound, at home safe and sound, relaxing and unwinding peacefully safe and sound, with friends or even like me browsing online with your partner safe and sound. At no point does any of that change during a pleasant and unpleasant ONLINE interaction.


Anyone who feels threatened by someone online is either so privileged they have never encountered real life danger and *** or they have encountered real life danger and now so everything including online digital and virtual imputs are now safety threatening. Are we as women so fragile? so meak? how do we ever convince we are equal to our counterparts when we insist to be coddled like in a bubble wrapped safespace cot because we can't handle the uncomfortable.


And the audacity of a post like this during the 1 month of the year that is for the men. Why ask about assisting women in any way 9 days before international men's day ? Why wouldn't you take the care and time to ask the men ( the members of the site that pay the most ***) how to make their experiences and online interactions better and more suited for them.


Addressing comments posts that drive divide like the equation posed in the status, women feel unsafe, men make women feel unsafe (by purposely not including their safety online you pose them as the perpetrators) and to what will inevitable lead to extra rules that specifically males will have to follow.


None of this speaks equality, men get zero of these special treatments both online and in real life. They are expected to deal with it completely by themselves and they do so every single  day, quietly.


The sad thing is rather than my input here being listened to as a valid thought out and fair assessment of the special treatment only females received around the clock compared to how men are constantly treated with contempt despite being in a system where each individual is innocent until proven guilty from a female perspective and engage further in healthy none dividing online discussion about it as I always intend each time I reply to threads my account will be reprimanded and not only will I receive a suspension from the biased men hating mods but at this stage my account will be permanently removed for good.


So yall can't get butt hurt when I don't reply to quotes of my comments, I would love to logically reply each one but I will physically be unable as no matter if you female or male your not allowed to promote men's rights or the injustices/ hateful contempt they actually face on a daily basis right here on fet. When you try to do this your account gets suspended and your voice and right to free peaceful s***ch is completely removed from you.


I am not exaggerating here if you don't believe me, try posting about a struggle unique to men today here in 2023 like the mental health crisis they face and see how long your post lasts. I have tried Addressing this with admin and mods privately only to be completely given the runaround.


To end my post I offer equality, women shouldn't feel safe until men are safe. For every triggered or crying women there is online about a man messaging there is also a man out their contemplating self deletion of life and another just deleted. STOP piling on them, that goes for the site management too as a mental health mods for this app you really should do better!.


Every one have a nice day. If my account is still around for international men's day soon I look forward to discussing how to help out our struggling guys without the implication that men good women bad.

  6 hours ago, ThaliaVirago said:

The fact that this post is being moderated and comments must be approved by a mod yet some of the comments that have still made it through are an example of the moderation issues. 


Your opinion is noted - thank you. 

  4 hours ago, WhatWat said:
The trick to speaking to women is treating them like you are genuinely interested in their lives and being very friendly as a safe space! After that, guess what... You keep doing it.

It's not hard to make us happy. We like genuine conversation/connection and its very obvious, very quickly when we're talking to someone who only wants one thing.

Well I’ve had no success haha

  17 minutes ago, benjame1967 said:

Well I’ve had no success haha


Not good advice at all unless you like friendzones, unfortunately Benjame it's really difficult for guys to approach online. Don't offer special treatment to women you've not met unless they are offering you the same. Take the time to develop yourself instead, change your thought process from I wanna get laid/date to a positive display of yourself on here. Jump into the chat rooms and talk to all, post cool interesting things about yourself and what your up to along with the occasional cheeky topless pic to show off your hard work and the ladies will soon respond. Girls say they wanna be chased and dated but this is only true to the guy they find desirable and hot. Be your types type. Best of luck

I can't, but I can advise should I be asked to. Our safety and especially the safety of ladies is something the individual is responsible for. Proper vetting, and understanding good protocol is a good starting point, but even then there are no guarantees.
  8 hours ago, TKOindatpussy said:

I completely agree with you, let’s come together in UNITY on this one to ensure all afab people are safe from people targeting us & praying on us.


Sorry I think you mean look out for those who do NOT struggle with the concepts of consent and respect, human dignity

  26 minutes ago, benjame1967 said:

Well I’ve had no success haha


If I can see here I see both sides as someone who has been both or whatever that well as women we mean this but it’s true what he’s saying as well that as men who treats women in a friendly manner are often seen disinterested and unmanly and undesirable and are friend zoned so I feel for him if he’s telling the truth about not being a perv/creep on here, sorry about lack of punctuation, phone troubles atm

Amen and AWOMEN to all those willing to stand by me in UNITY within this community to ensure all women and afab people are particularly kept safe at all times from predators. We ARE the ones being targeted and I will not be gaslit out of that one!!!!!!!!
  52 minutes ago, Taboo4me said:
Get rid of the fake scam artist posing as women and maybe there wouldn't be any anger or anything like that just a thought

I agree can we please get rid of men on here pretending to be women? What is going on here? Why are men using women’s photos to impersonate them? Yeah this is NOT acceptable nor tolerable and I have been a victim of this myself!!! Please put an end to this sheer madness!!!!!

  40 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

Not good advice at all unless you like friendzones, unfortunately Benjame it's really difficult for guys to approach online. Don't offer special treatment to women you've not met unless they are offering you the same. Take the time to develop yourself instead, change your thought process from I wanna get laid/date to a positive display of yourself on here. Jump into the chat rooms and talk to all, post cool interesting things about yourself and what your up to along with the occasional cheeky topless pic to show off your hard work and the ladies will soon respond. Girls say they wanna be chased and dated but this is only true to the guy they find desirable and hot. Be your types type. Best of luck


I completely agree, just think I need a better opener other than “hey, how has your day been” lol, I’m just caring and curious person, can’t stand pickup lines as I feel like it’s trying too hard lol

  26 minutes ago, TKOindatpussy said:

I agree can we please get rid of men on here pretending to be women? What is going on here? Why are men using women’s photos to impersonate them? Yeah this is NOT acceptable nor tolerable and I have been a victim of this myself!!! Please put an end to this sheer madness!!!!!


I’ve been sextorted before, thought I found a really nice girl, got chatting, exchanged a few pics then bam! Somehow got all my social media info and said pay $8000 or I’ll send nudes to all of your friends and family

  5 hours ago, HSDMASTER said:

Great idea, create a woman's only chat as well as a men's only chat. Simples. T

However, QUESTION: the whole point of the site and chat I'd imagine is to facilitate men and women who don't know each other but want to share kink or more to communicate with each other or discuss ideas, experience, get tips, understand more about the lifestyle etc? Open to correction though;-)


This chat is to enable female subs and Dommes to get support from each other. I’ve been seeing female Dommes give up because it’s too difficult to find a decent sub. There are lots of lovely subs out there and not enough Dommes. We could have helped them find what’s right for them. And I’ve seen female subs feeling overwhelmed with the more negative experiences of male Doms. We could help them to navigate through to the good Doms. Chatting through things together means we can help each other.

  1 hour ago, leanneandmartin said:

As a woman I think the world should stop completely pandering to women every day of every month. The answer to the question posed lies within the question itself, the interaction is online so every woman is already safe, no matter how much anyone online wants to or expresses wishes to, no woman is ever in any danger when merely interacting with anyone online. You are at your work safe and sound, at home safe and sound, relaxing and unwinding peacefully safe and sound, with friends or even like me browsing online with your partner safe and sound. At no point does any of that change during a pleasant and unpleasant ONLINE interaction.


Anyone who feels threatened by someone online is either so privileged they have never encountered real life danger and *** or they have encountered real life danger and now so everything including online digital and virtual imputs are now safety threatening. Are we as women so fragile? so meak? how do we ever convince we are equal to our counterparts when we insist to be coddled like in a bubble wrapped safespace cot because we can't handle the uncomfortable.


And the audacity of a post like this during the 1 month of the year that is for the men. Why ask about assisting women in any way 9 days before international men's day ? Why wouldn't you take the care and time to ask the men ( the members of the site that pay the most ***) how to make their experiences and online interactions better and more suited for them.


Addressing comments posts that drive divide like the equation posed in the status, women feel unsafe, men make women feel unsafe (by purposely not including their safety online you pose them as the perpetrators) and to what will inevitable lead to extra rules that specifically males will have to follow.


None of this speaks equality, men get zero of these special treatments both online and in real life. They are expected to deal with it completely by themselves and they do so every single  day, quietly.


The sad thing is rather than my input here being listened to as a valid thought out and fair assessment of the special treatment only females received around the clock compared to how men are constantly treated with contempt despite being in a system where each individual is innocent until proven guilty from a female perspective and engage further in healthy none dividing online discussion about it as I always intend each time I reply to threads my account will be reprimanded and not only will I receive a suspension from the biased men hating mods but at this stage my account will be permanently removed for good.


So yall can't get butt hurt when I don't reply to quotes of my comments, I would love to logically reply each one but I will physically be unable as no matter if you female or male your not allowed to promote men's rights or the injustices/ hateful contempt they actually face on a daily basis right here on fet. When you try to do this your account gets suspended and your voice and right to free peaceful s***ch is completely removed from you.


I am not exaggerating here if you don't believe me, try posting about a struggle unique to men today here in 2023 like the mental health crisis they face and see how long your post lasts. I have tried Addressing this with admin and mods privately only to be completely given the runaround.


To end my post I offer equality, women shouldn't feel safe until men are safe. For every triggered or crying women there is online about a man messaging there is also a man out their contemplating self deletion of life and another just deleted. STOP piling on them, that goes for the site management too as a mental health mods for this app you really should do better!.


Every one have a nice day. If my account is still around for international men's day soon I look forward to discussing how to help out our struggling guys without the implication that men good women bad.


A quote that is so true “Only women, *** and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something." Chris Rock

Its making sure every one is safe, not excluding people or genders to one main group. Every one needs to be safe.
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