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Open mind, so ignorant

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Hi! I am vey curious what a lot of certain “titles” mean. (not sure if I worded that correctly ) but I have no idea what a brat a pony I know there’s other ones that I’m forgetting but what exactly does mean I know they apply to a person and what they are fetishes are their personality is, could use you or anyone out there please explain me what type of personality they are

There will be some variance to each individual and how they interpret each descriptive label. So remember than any definition is a *general* one. 

Brat is most often used as a label for a type of submissive with extra of sass and attitude, the intensity varies. While not so often used as a descriptor for D types many are also quite bratty, I would consider myself to fall in that category as my style of sadism involves all the sass and mischief. 😉😈

*Sadist doesn't automatically = Dominant. There are submissive sadists and Dominant masochists. A sadomasochist is someone who is both (also me) and I've even seen a couple people refer to themselves as a masosadichist, which I loved seeing and maybe spelled that differently than they did. 

Edited by ThaliaVirago
To add

Also... to me a brat is more of a role than title. There are some overlaps in title/role but I feel like most of those are D type labels. 

Pony is easier to define - there's a subset of pet play called pony play, where those who indulge wear harnesses and are trained like ponies/horses and even used to pull carts - at least that's the high level description, it's more nuanced than that though
Brat is most often used to describe a type of submissive. It can however, be used to describe a dominant. It’s a term that means different things to different people. To me, it means being playful and sassy in my submission, but never malicious or cruel.
Pony play most often is when the dominant is the owner and then submissive the pony. Pet play can range from going into a full pet space, ie acting fully like a pony that doesn’t talk and eats hay. It can also be more subtle like wearing a harness and relating to the character of a pony (loyal, spirited, etc.)
Labels can be helpful but equally confusing. What it means to each person and dynamic is so different. A little, a pet, a slave can be very different or quite similar. It’s all about how a dynamic functions, how the people in it feel, and how they relate to each other. No two people are the same nor are any two dynamics.
Bratt in a male submissive can mean stroppy, resistant, cheeky, needing to be made to behave rather than a submissive who enjoys doing as they’re told. Like a stroppy ***ager sometimes.
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