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Straight male but attracted to trans women

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I wanna start this off by saying I don’t think there is anything wrong with this but I’m just confused and I don’t want to offend anyone
As a 33 year old predominantly straight male I have always been with women but have no desire to be with a man not to say there is anything wrong with that but recently I’ve found myself only really attracted to trans women the last 4 relationships I have been in have all been with a female but I haven’t been happy and I find myself more and more wanting to be with a trans women, now the problem I’m having is I don’t know how to approach this situation without it seeming like I’m only in it for the “chase” because that is not the case so I guess why I’m here is I need help trying to figure out what o should do 
Being attracted to trans women is still straight. That’s the long and short of it.
Don't make the conversation or the relationship about genitals. Just treat us like the normal women we are, get to know us and make us feel special, same as you would a cis woman.
Trans women are women and you're still straight, my man. Despite what some stunted people might ignorantly say. Ultimately, if you're attracted to someone and they reciprocate consensually and legally, all is well in the world. Just be a nice human.
Tell me, how much have you read about the difference between sex and gender? I suspect very little or you wouldn't be here so impotently projecting your ignorance.
I've reported "quantumleeper22" for his sickening transphobic comments.
I would urge everyone else here to do the same.

There have been real studies about this phenomenon. Turns out, Trans porn is created for straight men to watch.
  1 hour ago, Kurious_Kat said:

I've reported "quantumleeper22" for his sickening transphobic comments.
I would urge everyone else here to do the same.


Actually I disagree that everyone should do the same. The OP has posted something for people's opinions & thoughts & everyone should have the right to give their opinions & thoughts. I think people are too quick to want to pull out a big rubber stamp & pad of red ink & stamp phobic or ism/ist on anyone's opinion or belief that is different. Now was they being a bit of an arse in the way they said things, maybe, but if their opinion is that trans women aren't women, then they have that right to have that belief, just as you have the right to believe that trans women are women. 

Instead of demanding anyone with a different belief be immediately censored  & silenced, people should be either accepting others have different beliefs & opinions or debate with the person about those beliefs & opinions, to challenge them on the subject.

By demanding they be censored, you are stating only your beliefs & opinions count. If the guy thinks trans women  aren't women, then that's their right, just as its yours to believe they are. Now if they was personally attacking a trans person for being trans, being abusive about them being trans, that's different at that's a personal attack because they are trans & discriminating against that person's right to be trans but you can't control everyone's beliefs & opinions & demand they only have your belief or opinion on a subject or they must be censored. 

  10 minutes ago, BrumDom2023 said:

Actually I disagree that everyone should do the same. The OP has posted something for people's opinions & thoughts & everyone should have the right to give their opinions & thoughts. I think people are too quick to want to pull out a big rubber stamp & pad of red ink & stamp phobic or ism/ist on anyone's opinion or belief that is different. Now was they being a bit of an arse in the way they said things, maybe, but if their opinion is that trans women aren't women, then they have that right to have that belief, just as you have the right to believe that trans women are women. 

Instead of demanding anyone with a different belief be immediately censored  & silenced, people should be either accepting others have different beliefs & opinions or debate with the person about those beliefs & opinions, to challenge them on the subject.

By demanding they be censored, you are stating only your beliefs & opinions count. If the guy thinks trans women  aren't women, then that's their right, just as its yours to believe they are. Now if they was personally attacking a trans person for being trans, being abusive about them being trans, that's different at that's a personal attack because they are trans & discriminating against that person's right to be trans but you can't control everyone's beliefs & opinions & demand they only have your belief or opinion on a subject or they must be censored. 


That was quite a diatribe, my man. The major issue is that whilst people are allowed their own opinions, said opinions can be objectively wrong. Both legally and biologically. There's no academic weight to his supposition and emboldening what is essentially hate s***ch isn't a good look, especially in a progressive and welcoming space.

  12 minutes ago, Comingbackhere2 said:

That was quite a diatribe, my man. The major issue is that whilst people are allowed their own opinions, said opinions can be objectively wrong. Both legally and biologically. There's no academic weight to his supposition and emboldening what is essentially hate s***ch isn't a good look, especially in a progressive and welcoming space.


You're actually reinforcing my point, by calling it a diatribe, implying my comment, based on my opinion & belief, was hateful, abusive or personally attacking someone. I've expressed an opinion & you jump straight in with trying to put down my opinion as some form attack when it was a statement that we shouldn't try to censor or cancel people because they believe something different to you & that you should either accept they just think differently or challenge their beliefs by debating them & not just calling for someone to be cancelled. 


  8 minutes ago, BrumDom2023 said:

You're actually reinforcing my point, by calling it a diatribe, implying my comment, based on my opinion & belief, was hateful, abusive or personally attacking someone. I've expressed an opinion & you jump straight in with trying to put down my opinion as some form attack when it was a statement that we shouldn't try to censor or cancel people because they believe something different to you & that you should either accept they just think differently or challenge their beliefs by debating them & not just calling for someone to be cancelled. 



Goodness me. I'll take this slowly.

You must understand that some opinions can be wrong, right? Objectively speaking?
The opinion offered by the person above is objectively wrong and there is numerous detailed, thorough and ***r reviewed studies to demonstrate this. However, you've chosen to ignore these and give equal weight to the subjective of an uneducated individual to that of scientific and sociological consensus. I'm sorry you don't see the problem with this but at this stage, I think it's a matter of basic comprehension issues.

Ignore the douchecanoe above me please (quantum whatever the fuck), they have an ego the size of the sun, probably because they are insecure in their own masculinity or something from reading their profile Iunno

Hi, Trans person here who used to be binary a long, long time ago! *waves*

So happy you’re exploring and finding your personal preferences!

The long an the short of it is you have a body preference/kink. There’s nothing wrong with it but you gotta label it for what it is. Genitals have little bearing on a romantic relationship.

You just need to approach tactfully and not fetishistically (which seems to be in your brain hole already! You’re already ahead of most cis men! Hella proud!) I’d suggest refraining from treating it as any more than a preference (ie assert superiority because you prefer one over the other). You can keep it to yourself if that helps you, or you can be open about it, it really depends on *how* you phrase it and how you treat the ones outside your preference.

It’s literally that, a preference. The same as if you prefer a chick with tattoos or a mousy librarian with glasses. Just treat it like that. You don’t shit on the type you don’t like, you just say “you’re not my type.” Don’t make it a big thing and it won’t be disrespectful.

Though, please keep in mind that you should not influence her transition either way. It’s up to her if she wants to keep her dick or not.

Anyways good luck!

(Don’t bother responding to me if you’re not OP. I block on sight and block liberally if you show your headass. I’m not here to fight I’m just here to give the advice that was asked for.)
Note, not talking about “comingbackhere2” you’re a hella cool person duder!
  21 minutes ago, Comingbackhere2 said:

Goodness me. I'll take this slowly.

You must understand that some opinions can be wrong, right? Objectively speaking?
The opinion offered by the person above is objectively wrong and there is numerous detailed, thorough and ***r reviewed studies to demonstrate this. However, you've chosen to ignore these and give equal weight to the subjective of an uneducated individual to that of scientific and sociological consensus. I'm sorry you don't see the problem with this but at this stage, I think it's a matter of basic comprehension issues.


Interesting you started your first reply by basically stating I was being hateful for saying people should have freedom of s***ch & they have a right to their own opinions & beliefs, as long as they aren't personally attacking someone & if people disagree they should debate the beliefs rather than just demanding they be censored & then your second response you start off by implying my intelligence is subpar & that you need to take it slowly for me to be able to understand whilst basically stating my opinion has to align with yours or I'm being hateful & stupid. 



  8 minutes ago, BrumDom2023 said:

Interesting you started your first reply by basically stating I was being hateful for saying people should have freedom of s***ch & they have a right to their own opinions & beliefs, as long as they aren't personally attacking someone & if people disagree they should debate the beliefs rather than just demanding they be censored & then your second response you start off by implying my intelligence is subpar & that you need to take it slowly for me to be able to understand whilst basically stating my opinion has to align with yours or I'm being hateful & stupid. 




Goodness me once more. This is demonstrably a matter of poor comprehension. Do you know what qualifies as hate s***ch, legally speaking? Obviously you don't or you wouldn't have taken offense. Please, go away and read a little into it and come back better prepared for this discussion as you're severely under-qualified. Specifically concentrate on the definition of what constitutes hate s***ch. Thanks.

Does this comment come in coherent English? I'm beginning to fully understand why your ignorance is so prevalent though. Maybe if you're not going to be able to do the reading, someone will read it to you?
Right so I can get caught up in the label If you're gay and like dick you like dicks why also caught up and got your panties in a wad won't your dick get caught up in it
  1 minute ago, quantumleeper22 said:
Do you know a qualifies as me not giving a f*** y'all eat dick like dick suck dick take dick You're gay f*** off of me

Please read this back. You'd be embarrassing yourself if you had the capacity for it.

  2 minutes ago, quantumleeper22 said:
Do you know a qualifies as me not giving a f*** y'all eat dick like dick suck dick take dick You're gay f*** off of me

Then leave. If you don’t give a fuck stop getting worked up and spend your energy soliciting women who won’t text you back ☀️🧔‍♂️

  15 minutes ago, Comingbackhere2 said:

Goodness me once more. This is demonstrably a matter of poor comprehension. Do you know what qualifies as hate s***ch, legally speaking? Obviously you don't or you wouldn't have taken offense. Please, go away and read a little into it and come back better prepared for this discussion as you're severely under-qualified. Specifically concentrate on the definition of what constitutes hate s***ch. Thanks.


A person's belief that trans women aren't women isn't hate s***ch in a legal sense & based on their original post you would have no hope in hell of ever being able to bring a prosecution for hate s***ch based on that comment, you may believe it is or want it to be legally classed as hate s***ch but you're deluded if think you could bring a prosecution for that comment.


Now since that original comment they are being an antogonistic prick & it might contravene site rules but even still those comments would never stand up in a court of law as being a prosecutable offence for a hate crime & I'd challenge anyone to go pay for a solicitor to try present a case for hate s***ch. 

  6 minutes ago, BrumDom2023 said:

A person's belief that trans women aren't women isn't hate s***ch in a legal sense & based on their original post you would have no hope in hell of ever being able to bring a prosecution for hate s***ch based on that comment, you may believe it is or want it to be legally classed as hate s***ch but you're deluded if think you could bring a prosecution for that comment.


Now since that original comment they are being an antogonistic prick & it might contravene site rules but even still those comments would never stand up in a court of law as being a prosecutable offence for a hate crime & I'd challenge anyone to go pay for a solicitor to try present a case for hate s***ch. 


All you've done here is demonstrate that prosecuting hate crimes is difficult and traumatic and that you still don't understand how they're defined. Bless you.

You are discovering what you like, growing and expanding your sexual identity. Nothing wrong with it, as long as you aren't "faking" it with others. Just be yourself and try new things, you might be surprised as to why you waited so long. Good luck in your exploration!
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