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ghost town


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The ghost town


She isnt here any more

There no one round

There’s not a sound

There’s no one here for sure


They arent here anymore

The dreams i’ve kept alive

Through all the sh~t

Every single bit

Inside of me they die


It isnt here anymore

The hope I used to have

I want to chase  it

But if I face it

I think that i‘ll go mad


I think i’ve lost them

The people with whom I grew

And now defeated

And depleated

Maybe theres nothing more to do

Than to admit

this could be it

And realise i’m through.


And all I needed was you


just how I feel

like it, love it, shoot it down

if you talk about it its served a purpose

as you can probably tell i'm not too concerned with whats said over this

its how I feel right now tomorrow may be different

I love literature so much ...If someone gave me a poem , I'd consider it as the greatest gift :)
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