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Can a domme give up control


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Ive fallen into the role of a domme, like my vanilla life I have control (management) Ive always been curious about the submissive side, to experience it, to give up control, but is a domme capable of doing this? Iv'e spoke to afew (so called doms),but they seem to think that giving commands and demands is the right way. I spoke to someone today and found him very intreguing, but also found it hard not to revert back to being the dominate one. 

You have to think of it this way we change as we grow and start figuring out who we are so yes you can absolutely give up control and you might realize that your actually a switch as I am, I find it to be a very nice balance
It is possible to go from being a Sub to a Dom and back. You’ll see people calling themselves a “Switch” which is what that means. Someone who will sometimes be a Dom and other times be Submissive…sometimes even in one session. So the short answer to your question is yes. If you’ve always been a Dom and you want to give up control, then you have to set your mind and work hard not to take control in the session. We are after all creatures of habit.
It all depends on how you feel. Would you be want to give up your submission to this person? Or do you feel that by submitting, you’d be giving something up that you feel would be a watershed? It is a very subjective thing and a very personal thing
Kn;wing your roll is good for the soul , I just wrote a quote on my status about this to the affect , a switch is what your refers g to However I’ve been on both sides as well I found who I was and that a dom I’m better at dominating so pick and find what your good at and stick with it …
For someone already dominant in nature it maybe be difficult to swallow your proud and submit to another. Ego gets in the way. You’re used to people bending to you. Then for you to learn humility and bend for them, lower your head, watch your mouth, walk on tippy toes, follow instruction, takes letting go of that ego and getting used to “ not being talked to in that way” I’ve personally seen when a dom meets a domme for example, sometimes they’re in shock they’ve never had anyone talk to them with authority, they’re used to the inverse. Or sometimes they get offended since they think what they’re normally used to the treatment they’re used to is the norm, and being talked down to as a subordinate can be emotionally shocking. Takes letting go of that ego, what you’re urself to and also learning to trust another giving in to them is also tough for many.
Kinkmaster70 I couldn’t agree any less with your statement me and my other half are both switch and we are both very good at either role and it’s healthy to change it up sometimes we have been know to go weeks without switching and then some nights we may switch as much as 4 times and if you like both roles but your not as good in one role as you are the other well that’s where you and your partner have the chance to talk and discuss it and become even closer this is how you grow and develop yourself as well as your partner and the only way you get better at it is to practice! It’s amazing what you will learn about yourself and your partner this way ! Change it up keep it fun and never put yourself in a box !

Everyone is capable of doing whatever they want to. It doesn't matter whether they be dominant, submissive, or otherwise. 


It's easy to fall into the role you think you should, harder to accept moving away from that. That said, harder does not mean impossible or incapable.


People evolve, and one role does not and should not, necessarily, fit one person. 

The same way we train them, we can be trained. With the right Dom, they understand that it takes time to switch and while you’ll still be punished they make it good🖤
I have a Daddy, yet I’m a Domme. I make it clear that he’s the only one that can and that I will allow to dominate me. It’s fun and I think it’s made me a better sub and Domme by switching.
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. You can obviously be a dom AND a sub - both essentially are about building a trusting relationship and both are learned behaviors. IMO a true dom has a lot of sub in them and when you can change roles with the same partner, that is entirely what try power exchange is. 
On 1/2/2024 at 9:50 PM, MrFirmhand said:

For someone already dominant in nature it maybe be difficult to swallow your proud and submit to another. Ego gets in the way. 

Yes, that. But with the *right* dominant it will come much more easily, a dominant who oozes a natural authority, and one you instinctively trust. Dominant tendencies will float to the surface but you must make your mind up that you are going to submit, and be determined to stick with it. If you can't help but revert, he's the wrong dominant for you, i.m.h.o. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Its not an easy thing to choose to submit after dominating. mainly because your mindset is already wired as a Domme. I know, I have been there. take that as a challenge. because it is one. it is possible though. 

I think you have to be a DOM switch or into kink with a partner that allows you to let go of your control.. Doms can be submissive to the right person
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