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women who wear riding boots jodphurs

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i was driving today and saw a cute rounded ass girl wearing this gear walking her dog and while in car i felt my cock rise , do girls realise they get horny men like me hard , i wish she was riding me mmmm any thoughts

yes, I think women do tend to realise that whatever they do they'll have someone objectifying them.  

Good morning, From my point of view it is the question of a certain auto-conscience of everybody (women and men) that whatever we do it will cause some (different) reactions of the others. As a dominant woman I love to tease everybody around me, to see what happens to them, to manipulate their desire. Even if physically somebody is not attractive to me, his/her answer to my teasing is for me highly exciting. But it has taken more or less 20 years of my adult, independent life to realize the power I had and to use it according to my needs... I don’t feel in any way objectified. And it doesn’t bother me to be an inspiration for the most obscure fantasies and being desired. BTW - I ride horses and I must admit that riding boots and a riding crop are extremely empowering. Good day to everybody, Rebeca
You could move to the countryside, I see them riding every day now, as I am working outside of the smoke in the country now a little bonus while working. I always slow down for horses I wonder why?

My thoughts? I think it's a shame a lass can't wear what she wants without someone thinking she's doing it for their benefit and immediately turning her into wank fodder or a sex object.

I slow down for horses,  because some of those huge  beast the ladies are riding would wipe out my van,  if a collision happened. Please remember health and safety on the country  roads troops.

I,m with Jax here, I've worked around horses/horsey women on and off for years, yes some are aware of the sexual aspect of riding gear, but a lot are not. I suppose it's like me in my old job, no doubt there are some people who think someone wearing all the black gear and carrying the radio, handcuffs etc is a sexy thing, for me they were just tools to get a job done.

I used to look after a mate's riding stables, we had some characters there I can tell you, but you can generally tell the genuine riders from the showoffs, most of 'our girls' would usually be wearing muddy boots and grubby jodhpurs, it's hard to keep them clean when you're mucking out and cleaning the horse and it's stable, riding it is only a small part of the day.

we did have one or two that were there just as 'eye candy' for the male staff, or visitors, and you could spot these a mile off, one used to do very little actual work in her stable, I don't think I ever saw her in muddy boots/jodhpurs, they were always pristine, and her make-up was perfect, she was always looking to see if any blokes were watching her, if she thought they were she'd be doing lots of bending over in her very tight jods, and she always wore lowcut tops, not exactly practical. 

One one place I worked, it was a really odd situation, the old guy who owned the place was shagging one of the riders, a woman in her forties, she was always dressed to thrill, and spent more time with him than the horses, then her daughter started to come to the stables, she was about twenty one, iirc, anyway she was a right horny cow, she'd wear tight white low-cut tops, and white jodhpurs, with long black leather boots and black underwear so you could see it under her clothes. He started shagging her too, eventually he dumped the mother for the daughter! She was a real dirty cow, any time any place, once I was cutting some thick timber with an electric saw, there was quite a lot of vibration, and as it was a large piece of wood I was struggling to hold it down. She came along and sat on it, she was really getting turned on by the vibrations, I know she had an orgasm, you could tell by the wet patch in her jodhpurs. She used to play up to blokes to get what she wanted  you could tell when she was after something, her 'riding gear' got more provocative!

I've had a couple of relationships with women who ride, and they didn't see their outfits as sexy, in fact, to be honest, when a woman has spent a full day around horses, she's anything but sexy, her clothes are usually covered in something, if you're lucky it's just sweat, quite often it's something else ranging from cleaning stuff right through to horse ***, mud splashes and manure! The good thing for me was the fact that they are usually practical women, so they'll get stuck in with stuff, and they tend not to be too worried about the wet dog smell, something that, as a dog handler was pretty common, either around me, or in my vehicle.

My ex-wife, some years ago lived in jodhpurs and riding boots, I was her first boyfriend and I remember she didn't own many clothes that were not 'horsey', so even if we went out she'd be wearing boots and jodhpurs, the only difference was they were clean! Naturally, we did have some sex with her wearing them, but it was only because  that was what she happened to be wearing at the time, although to be honest, later on she did become aware of the effect her clothes had on some blokes and I remember going out with her one night and she wore a semi see-thru black blouse, a pair of really tight beige jodhpur style leggings, and thigh boots. She found it highly amusing watching other blokes watching her, whilst trying to pretend they were not.

On the subject of horse safety, ALWAYS, pass wide and slow, the average horse weighs well over a ton, and can easily destroy a car! I remember one very nasty incident near me, a guy thought it would be fun to roar past an attractive young lady on horseback, as he went passed he sounded his horn, the horse reared up and planted it's front feet through his rear windscreen. The rider was quite badly hurt, the horse had to be put down, and the car was written off, on top of this the idiot driver was prosecuted!  


I love wearing black thigh high Riding boots and yes I notice some of those looking. But I wear them for my joy. 


But growing up around people wearing Boots (lots of rain) I saw it as no big deal. 


I can easily objectify a guy with a juicy ass at the gym in a heart beat as he gets "all blushed" about my boots. 



Mistress Whipplash Ma'am 

  2 hours ago, Hornyguy5011 said:

That is a very cautionary story , i love the story about the stable girls did any wear no nix n jodphurs  coz u could slide in if u pulled them down and give them a gd hard ride


Oh yes, because I was working at the stables a lot I got to know most of the girls quite well, they'd openly talk about all sorts when I was around, I knew for a fact that quite a lot of them were bare arsed under their jodhpurs. In films and pictures they usually wear a thong or skimpy pants, but in reality, most don't as they tend to rub when the girls are riding. This led to an incident one day that proved highly amusing for most of us, but rather embarrassing for one young chap, I'll tell you what happened. 

I was working at the stables one day and there was this young guy there too, now amongst the women was this blonde who was about 5 or 6 years younger than me, very slim and very attractive! she'd have been in her mid 30's at the time and, as I said had a really nice body. Well this day she's working on the yard wearing a really tight white T-shirt, tight pale blue jodhpurs, and long black riding boots.

This young chap spotted her and kept staring every time she walked past us, it was so obvious, finally he said to me, "I wonder if she's got anything on under her jods?" to which I replied, "absolutely nothing". he stared as she approached once more, "go on, you're winding me up". I looked at her, "trust me, I'm not, she's starkers under those jods, and I'll prove it". I shouted to the woman, we'll call her Jane, and asked her to come over, which she did.

"Jane love, can you settle an argument for me please?" I asked, "of course love, what's the problem" she replied, "well, this chap was wondering what you've got on under your jods, and I said you'd be bare arsed" I replied, watching the young guy turn red. 

Jane laughed, "oh is that all, I thought it was something important" she giggled, "and yes, you're right, most of us wear nothing under our jods, because knickers rub something awful" then to the young guy's amazement she added, "and I'll tell you something else, most of us are bald too, it hurts like hell if your hairs get caught in the zip" she smiled at me and began to walk away, suddenly she turned, smiled and called out, "if your mate want's to know anything else, just ask". 

What a girl she was, most of them I knew were ok, it was just the pervs they didn't like.

This discussion today did not help me, I was deep in horse riding territory  Gt Missenden, Bucks, and had to try really hard to contininue my daily work in vanilla world.


I don't wear knickers anywhere I Nee freedom there. Even on a chilly day. 

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