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For my fellow littles - what are your cute nicknames?

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For my fellow littles - what’s that once nickname or phrase that instantly makes you feel smol and cute?
That's why I'm kind of getting into all this trying to figure all that out
When he says something along the lines of oh sweet girl just instantly melting
I didn’t want to use “princess”, “Queen “ or “Angel “. I personally felt like they were played out. I started to look to other languages for royalty ideas. I chose “Sarah “, it means a woman of great praise and high honor. Because even though she submits to me, she shall be treasured as so.
She will also answers to me with the tittles of Kitty Cat, and of course Good Girl.
I love being a wolf pup and good lil boy or naughty/bratty lil boy more like it. Lol
And snuggles with my stuffies make me feel wittle.
Little Bunny, babygirl, baby doll, princess, little one... 🐰😈 and "oh, you little minx"
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