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Bromley/Greenwich Area Munch people - Help please!

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Hi everyone!

So for the past two years I have been wanting to go to my local area munches but I can’t find the courage to step out of my comfort zone and just go.

I really want to get to know more people and be a more active member in the community but I am so introverted that I’m scared to go up to the munch place and talk to strangers. I think I have a *** of rejection if I’m totally honest or becoming so embarrassed when I find out that I’ve accidentally joined a birthday party group of someone I don’t know.

Is there anyone here that attends these munches that could help calm my nerves and let me tag along with them?

Thank you!

How you are feeling is totally natural, and you'll find once you have been to your first one that you will begin to relax and find that the majority of people at the majority of events/munches are very welcoming and friendly
If you contact the Munch organisers & explain, most will meet you first or send someone to meet you etc so that you don’t have to go in alone
Thank you both! @tied_to_me I know, I’m just overthinking it. I just can’t seem to bring myself to just go. @bigpolly I didn’t think of that, thank you. I’ll try that!

It feels scary (& I did laugh at the birthday party intrusion 😂) but what’s the worst can happen.....you may go & hate it & then you don’t have to go again, but you definitely won’t be rejected 😊

  • 3 weeks later...
Some people just don't enjoy those kind of reunions anyway, for some reason I find this community incredibly closed-minded in that regards. I went to two munches back in my home country at the beginning of this year and I just couldn't enjoy myself. Talking to complete strangers in a bar is not my cup of tea.

it is important that munches aren't for everyone, it depends on your end goal.   The idea of a kink community is exciting to some, reassuring to others, but daunting to others or even the exact opposite to what they want

I think in this case - the OP wants to go to munches and would benefit from them - so reassurances they won't be as difficult as ***ed.   

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