Brian5000 Posted February 15, 2024 Curious if anybody's had any experience with Saline injections (outside a medical professional's involvement)? I have a female DOM that is seeking to do this to me (I'm a guy) as part of a 'Feminization' session. I've read quite a bit online and the only thing that I found common across the board was that it's effects are temporary. It's an absolute 'mixed bag' regarding safety concerns and while I'm open to the idea(as long as it IS temporary), I'm wondering if anybody here had any real-world experience wit it (either giving or receiving). She wants to do these injections in my 'breasts' to make them look more like a woman's. 'Sincerely appreciate any feedback anyone may wish to share! (thanks)
bi**** Posted February 16, 2024 "It's an absolute 'mixed bag' regarding safety concerns " - well there's your answer. Medical style procedures that are 100% safe are often described as "things can still go wrong occasionally". Now imagine how safe this is with that description. Stay well clear.
ey**** Posted February 16, 2024 in terms of 'real world' experience - does she have any/sufficient ? because even if there's someone who said "yeah, I've done it loads of times and it's fun" it's no good if the person doing it to/with you is inexperienced
Cu**** Posted February 16, 2024 Ask her for sight of her indemnity insurance against things going wrong, where she’s getting the saline solution from, what else it contains, how much is going to be injected and see what’s said. Unless she has certification to show appropriate medical training and qualifications, has resuscitation training, has a paramedic on standby in her house and she can explain the expected variances in such a procedure, then you steer well clear. Is she seriously thinking that such a solution is only going to stay in your chest area? And it won’t affect the careful balance of chemicals within your body? And the *** won’t carry the injected solution to every part of your body? Screw loose, or lost a shilling, sounds more appropriate. Don’t ever go near someone who wants to use you as a potential guinea pig, who has no concept of consequences of what their actions are going to do to someone else.
Deleted Member Posted February 16, 2024 I have worked with gender affirming patients and this can have serious health issues. It is temporary but can cause cellulitis, infection, scar tissue, pneumonitis due to the chest area being injected. For anyone that says “its just saline”, I have had dozens of patients with severe cellulitis from saline just leaking into tissue from a non working IV. Ultimately your decision but it would a no for me.
MasterofSinUK Posted February 16, 2024 I would concur with others who say that there are real dangers associated with saline play. It can cause serious infections, complications and other reactions. Fantasy is one thing: reality can put you in an Emergency Room.
Si**** Posted February 17, 2024 Depends on if youre going IV, IM, or subcutaneous. I would reccomend going to Erowid for this kind of stuff tbh. Ive done IV/IM injections (H and K respectively) and Basically you always want to use a clean needle, Sterilize the area, and use sterile solution. outside of a doctors office this is gonna be hard, so try to keep everything including injection site clean with alcohol wipes. If you dont keep things clean you can look forward to Boils/abscesses which are cellulitis (staphylococcus infection) or MRSA (antibiotic resistant variants which eat your flesh) Not gonna tell you how to do this stuff, especially on a forum like this, but for the love of god go to a needle exchange for supplies if youre going to attempt. and be sure you know what youre doing, and not just hurting people. Honestly this is something that should be demo’ed in person so you can understand the mechanics of whats going on, because even when youre in a vein, after making sure you are in, you can very easily slip back out and miss if youre going to try IV, and IM/subcutaneous are going to have higher infection risks.
Si**** Posted February 17, 2024 Edit: just read your actual post, stay far away from this, sounds like nightmare fuel, and chemical castration isn’t temporary my friend
MasterofSinUK Posted February 17, 2024 7 minutes ago, SitOnMyFacePlz916 said: Depends on if youre going IV, IM, or subcutaneous. I would reccomend going to Erowid for this kind of stuff tbh. Ive done IV/IM injections (H and K respectively) and Basically you always want to use a clean needle, Sterilize the area, and use sterile solution. outside of a doctors office this is gonna be hard, so try to keep everything including injection site clean with alcohol wipes. If you dont keep things clean you can look forward to Boils/abscesses which are cellulitis (staphylococcus infection) or MRSA (antibiotic resistant variants which eat your flesh) Not gonna tell you how to do this stuff, especially on a forum like this, but for the love of god go to a needle exchange for supplies if youre going to attempt. and be sure you know what youre doing, and not just hurting people. Honestly this is something that should be demo’ed in person so you can understand the mechanics of whats going on, because even when youre in a vein, after making sure you are in, you can very easily slip back out and miss if youre going to try IV, and IM/subcutaneous are going to have higher infection risks. Expand Well said, and kinksters, if we're going to do risk my stuff, we can at least reduce the risk to our own health and long-term health consequences by being fully informed safe and sane about every decision we make. Excellent worm there, "Sitonmyfaceplz916" 😀
Deleted Member Posted February 17, 2024 Im a car mechanic whos done this 50 times with no issues. Im a little padded so no problem finding a little fatty area so i can avoid the muscle. Might not be so easy if youre skinny. I read the saline section of a forum called newart for years before doing it. Saw no posts about bad outcomes. I saw a few regarding silicone injections so people do post when things go wrong. The first time a local nurse played along and we were just super careful with being sterile but did often do it in cheap hotels lol. After 24 hours you can hardly see ive done it in the early days but now after some pumping etc ive gone up a cup size maybe. Drs can do this as a vacation boost but they charge £2k. Also people who cant eat or drink have almost the same thing done to hydrate them so its not something uncommon, just something people havnt heard of and the knee jerk reaction is stay away you will die. Just need someone with some experience of doing it id say and then take the risk of a minor infection.
Si**** Posted February 18, 2024 12 hours ago, AManDuh said: Im a car mechanic whos done this 50 times with no issues. Im a little padded so no problem finding a little fatty area so i can avoid the muscle. Might not be so easy if youre skinny. I read the saline section of a forum called newart for years before doing it. Saw no posts about bad outcomes. I saw a few regarding silicone injections so people do post when things go wrong. The first time a local nurse played along and we were just super careful with being sterile but did often do it in cheap hotels lol. After 24 hours you can hardly see ive done it in the early days but now after some pumping etc ive gone up a cup size maybe. Drs can do this as a vacation boost but they charge £2k. Also people who cant eat or drink have almost the same thing done to hydrate them so its not something uncommon, just something people havnt heard of and the knee jerk reaction is stay away you will die. Just need someone with some experience of doing it id say and then take the risk of a minor infection. Expand ayy I’m glad someone else could post about some positive experiences. but I was just reminded I should probably share the signs that you need to see a doctor like immediately. i think for yhe most part, you will know that the site is infected if within 24 hours there is redness and swelling that wont go away; another sign is fever (locally around the injection site at first; and then like a standard fever if its starting to spread and go septic) like if you have a full body fever, definitely go to an emergency room immediately because you will need some antibiotics to make sure you don’t lose organs or die to mrsa. also i think the huge red flag for me was that he didnt know much about what was going to be injected into him (thats a fast way to end up in a bathtub full of ice with a note saying youre out a kidney or two, especially if youre at all close to the border) Always be aware of what is going into your body, I mean like it could be laced with anything, and hormone injections cause irreparable harm to the body and reduce the body’s ability to produce testosterone/estrogen etc.
Brian5000 Posted February 20, 2024 Author 'Appreciate everyone's feedback - it was EXTREMELY helpful. Given all the responses (mostly 'avoid') and the fact I already had a level of trepidation regarding the idea I'm not going to pursue that with her. I appreciate the candor - you probably saved me some angst down the road.
mi**** Posted April 4, 2024 Do it! Its amazing. I made mine gs one time. They were huge. It literally absorbs and dissapeara in a few hours.
***kingBoy Posted October 5, 2024 Have injected saline into balls, sac and prostate via rectum and perineum....had no problems but try to be very clean...can be erotic...saline is absorbed in 30-40 minutes depending on amount.
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