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Photo Checking (Activate Photos)

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I have a question about photo checking.  I have been doing it recently and some of my answers are being rejected as not what the rest of the community says.  Why if I skip an entry ('I'm not sure') does it count as a wrong assessment?

An example of where I think my categorisation is correct is where your guidance says there should be  "No uploads of screenshots."

Often they are pictures of themselves taken on other apps and uploaded here.  The photo would be SFW but as you state no screenshots then I reject it as "Something's off".

Also if someone uploads a meme an example reads "I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% alien".  What would you classify it as?


Here's an example of an issue from those I did yesterday. 

* (image link expires in 1 month)  Hope the link will be acceptable as there is no way to share the image otherwise as the 'Inset image from URL' link doesn't work.


What happens if I select 'Has it been classified wrongly?"


Edited by FETMOD-TF
*External link removed

If someone uploads a photo of their Fet BDSM test results, it's a screenshot, should this be allowed and if so what category?

On 2/23/2024 at 6:15 PM, eyemblacksheep said:

screenshots and text are a no-no

Yes, I knew that but had no other way to illustrate as I couldn't upload a photo.


Shame that a mod would delete it but nobody actually answers the question :-(

Exploring just people photos, I see a fair few of my choices being contradicted by the 'community vote' and the biggest area is in the amount of skin on show.  I've copied the image rules for Safe For Work (SFW), Almost SFW and Not SFW  below.

So, if a woman is dressed and in public but has a bikini on and by the pool, which of the categories would you put the image?  No sexy pose, just enjoying their holiday/vacation.  What about a women on a night out, fairly standard photo in the bathroom mirror.  She's fully dressed but dressed for dancing at a club.  Perhaps a low cut top, or crop top but fully clothed and no suggestive poses?

I would love Fetish to issue some better guidance. Depending on the prudish nature of the reviewer I have seen the same photos in all three classifications below.


SFW (people)

  • Images of people with NO sexual content. For example:
  • - Images you'd be happy to show to your grandmother!

ASFW (people)

  • For example:
  • - Skin and body parts are allowed but NO exposed genitals or silhouettes through clothing.

NSFW (people)

  • - Any sexual activity, like blowjobs, masturbation or sexual intercourse
  • - Nipple or genital stimulation
  • - Genitalia/anus are entirely or partially, visible
  • - Genitalia that's obvious through clothes
  • - Fetish or other clothes/worn accessories that restrict view or movement or that obstruct breathing
  • - BDSM play
  • - Use of sex toys
  • - Sperm or ***s
  • - Profile owner has to be visible.
  • 3 weeks later...

On the photo checking section it says 

"With our handy little Google tool, you can easily check if a photo is somewhere else on the net. Select "fake photo" if this seems to be the case."

However, there is no option for 'fake photo'!

  • 1 month later...

Although  I seem to be shouting into the dark as far as the site owners responding, here's another few to consider.

Rules say:

"No go’s

- No *** whatsoever. This includes ***'s toys."

With the rise in the DD/lg community, there are often pictures of people's soft toys (stuffies).  these are either on their own or being cuddled.  Should they always be flagged as "Something's off" (Delete)?


"- No images containing ***s."

People often have pictures of their pets on here (including me) I am fairly certain the rule was relaxed some time ago.  If so, why is that still in the No Go list?


When I have checked and found an image was lifted from the internet my only choice is to flag it as "Something's Off" There is no extra explanation option.  Others looking at the image who may not have performed a reverse image search see the image and clear it like normal.  This goes against my accuracy statistics.  Surely this is no incentive to flag the image correctly.

On 5/5/2024 at 1:58 PM, UK_Knight said:

People often have pictures of their pets on here (including me) I am fairly certain the rule was relaxed some time ago.  If so, why is that still in the No Go list?


that sounds like it needs updating - as allowing pets became a relaxed rule. some of the rules in general are in severe need of review. 

  • 9 months later...

Their categorization is fucked, I posted a pic of western boots and it was flagged but women have their tits out on the homepage 

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