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A Pirate's Bounty: Part 8

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He freed the ravenette’s feet and she wiggled feeling back into them while he unlocked her wrists, then neck. He put the restraints to one side and sat the young woman down. His hands cupped her face and he looked into her sad eyes, she looked back at him with a small frown. He leaned in and kissed her for a long and passionate moment,

“You have done well, my dear. I want you to lay down now. Relax your body.” She nodded and obeyed, and he cradled her head and shoulder to the floor. She continued to stare at him, resting her arms by her sides while he moved to free the brunette from the plank.


He used the rope from the plank to tie her arms behind her back and she did nothing to resist. He grabbed her by the armpits and lifted her to standing. He patted her cheek gently, looking into her eyes to get her attention.

“You are going to lay on top of our friend here, and the two of you are going to make out. Do I make myself clear?” She tried to turn her face from him, eyes closing with hesitation. He patted her cheek again. “Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, Master,” she returned his gaze. He let her go and she stepped around to stand at the young woman’s feet.


She took a few steps on either side of the girl’s body and slowly crouched until she was straddling her lap. The ravenette raised her arms,

“Grab her breasts, please,” and the ravenette obeyed. The ravenette was a slim woman, with breasts the size of lemons, and in comparison the brunette’s breasts were huge in her tiny hands. She lowered the woman on top, shifting her hands to slip them out from between their bodies to then hold the brunette’s face. The brunette parted her lips, hesitant to comply, but the ravenette craned her neck to meet her halfway and the two of them hummed quietly. The humming became louder, mostly from the ravenette, and the brunette’s hands fidgeted behind her back, trying to free her arms from the ropes.


He watched for a long while, enjoying the side view of their chests rubbing together and their bodies slowly grinding against each other with growing enthusiasm. It was quite the show, but now he stood by their feet and put on a condom. He pulled their legs wide and kneeled between them, and rubbed his tip up and down the brunette’s slit. Such plump lips, juicy and wet despite her reluctant demeanour, and then he slotted his shaft smoothly inside her, easy and all the way in, and she groaned long and hard. She had not fully relaxed from her edging just a moment ago, and so the pleasure came rushing back and she moaned into the young girl’s mouth, tongue and all.


A few thrusts and he pulled out, angling his penis down and between the ravenette’s legs. The young woman squirmed, her arms hugging the brunette’s face tightly to muffle her enjoyment. He slapped the brunette’s rear and she squirmed at the sting. His penis was stiff, angled down despite his erection, which only applied more *** to the poor girl’s body. She buried her face in the brunette’s neck, and then she cried in desperation,

“No, please Master, put it back in,” but the brunette silenced her with an onslaught of lustful tonguing and kisses. The brunette’s arms now writhed behind her back, hopeless to the idea of helping herself orgasm. His hips slammed back and forth against her ass, but pulled away when she came close to orgasm, and the ravenette gasped.

“Yes, Master! Please! Keep g-” the brunette muffled her again, and was rewarded by being filled with his shaft once again. Her head lifted and he smiled,

“Please, Master,” the brunette begged. “Please may we be rewarded with your orgasm?!”

1 minute ago, LazyPiratesBounty said:

I have no words

And yet I count four

Just now, DanteReign said:

And yet I count four

This is true.

I stand corrected. 

Thank you 😊


I do think this is my favorite. Well done.

23 minutes ago, TesoroSumiso said:

I do think this is my favorite. Well done.

Good to know. Thank you

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