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Foot fetish being the most commun fetish it’s not surprising to find lots of us on here. There are many reasons why, the scientific one explain it by the fact that in the sensory brain map the sexual organ and feet are closed together. 
women always take care of their feet, even if they dislike that part of the body, ***t then with some bright colours, wear sandals or shoes to show them off. 
My first erotic thought about feet was few years ago. It was summer time, my gf friend came for a drink and sat in the leaving room the sun was shining inside. She was wearing some yellow sandal and her feet were pale, her toes ***ted in red. I didn’t noticed until she started to dangle her sandal and catch it with her toe and putting it back slowly, the sun was shining on her foot, abs she kept repeating the exercise. I didn’t know why but I was attracted to that foot, it was perfect, I could see she never wore high heels and they were not deformed, they had a perfect linearity. Not a big gap between the big toe and the little piggy. I try my best not to be noticed and start to fantasise about them. And I had to keep my plate on my lap for a long time to hide my embarrassment 😈. Since then I am always look for pretty feet, I am very fussy about them and could be turn off easily by the look of some. I do enjoy sucking her toes during sex, I love footjob but it’s difficult to find a skilled woman for it. And I dislike bright fluo colours on them, I am very conservative when it comes to toe nails varnish 😂
And can’t stand the misconception that a man who like feet can only be a submissive. It’s a sexual preference not a symbolic status. 

@FabSeverusThank you for sharing your first time..and you raise a very valid point, not all foot admirers are submissive, I suspect many don't indulge or explore because of it, I know many real time Doms that use their subs to either enjoy the attention themselves, or to attend to a need to "worship" the foot without it being a remotely submissive act..and certainly in my experience, I think the same can apply to many other fetishes and kinks too..whatever side of the lash you sit.

I particularly like the way you recollect each detail of her foot, I think those who enjoy feet are some of the pickiest as to what they find attractive, a high arch, or a low one, plain nails or ***ted, thin toes or chubby ones, etc etc etc..always nice to see glimpses into what people enjoy. Thanks again.


@MzJax Yes so many options for such a small body part ! 
the funny thing about the story is that she post a pedicure pic of her sexy feet few years ago on fb! She might know about it 😈

I find interesting that you are somehow aroused by the fact they touch your feet! I don’t mean to be rude but do you get also horny by someone sucking your toes while having sex or not ? I appreciate it might be too personal ? 
When I did that to a sub she told ´même after it was very hot for her and even help her orgasm. 

  1 hour ago, FabSeverus said:

@MzJax Yes so many options for such a small body part ! 
the funny thing about the story is that she post a pedicure pic of her sexy feet few years ago on fb! She might know about it 😈

I find interesting that you are somehow aroused by the fact they touch your feet! I don’t mean to be rude but do you get also horny by someone sucking your toes while having sex or not ? I appreciate it might be too personal ? 
When I did that to a sub she told ´même after it was very hot for her and even help her orgasm. 


I think most women that do look after their feet do like to show them off, and like them to be admired, even if that's the entire extent of it, I'm always amazed when I see people who don't look after their feet, I don't mean just nail ***ting, especially those who wear heels, asking for all sorts of problems in later life. 

To answer your question, yes, I do, its not the submission alone that arouses me with foot worship, its like foreplay to me it's that intimate, my sole especially is Definitely one of my erogenous zones..if my feet are in reach of his mouth, absolutely I welcome any touch it can manage..toes less so at the point of orgasm, I wriggle a Lot, teeth can sc*** toes and it can be very ***ful..and I'd hate to cut a palate with my nails too.

Edited by MzJax
  On 10/19/2019 at 9:43 PM, MzJax said:

Thank you for sharing, I don't recall any cartoons, but I suppose something like that can be almost subliminal, and I'm almost 20 years older than you, its likely I'd outgrown cartoons at the time you were looking at them. As I say I hated my feet, all feet really thanks to my mother and her gross sweaty tights, as a kid I had to ***l them from her toes, even now the memory makes me gag..which underlines how significant childhood memories can be I think.

I love your stairwell memory especially, spontaneity always appeals to me 😊



It's interesting that the exact same scenario in one context is disgusting while in another intensely arousing: the smell of feet from someone I'm not attracted to is quite gross, but - oh! - so intoxicating with someone I fancy.

To answer generally: I never told my first girlfriend about my foot fetish, although she did once put her feet on my face and seemed fascinated by that. I have a history of people putting their feet on my face - a boy did it to me at the school gym, and I loved it (although I had to hide the fact!) - and I conclude that I just have that sort of face, lol. I sensed powerplay whenever it happened, and I found that a huge turn-on. I didn't get to enjoy/indulge my foot fetish until I met Mistress MK. I am keen to experience other women's feet, to see how different they taste and smell. Feet are the main portal through which I experience the powerplay dynamic, and I wonder whether I would enjoy 'pure foot fetish' as much with no powerplay involved. (Perhaps not: powerplay for me is extremely erotic. It gives me a rush of sexual euphoria just thinking about it.)

MzJax, I'm amazed at what you made your partner do when you caught him sniffing your shoes. Did you surprise yourself? Was that a 'lightbulb' moment for you? When you say you seek out foot fetishists now, what do you think they give you that regulars do not? Are the soles of your feet so erogenous that you can climax from them (if you don't mind my asking)?


  On 10/19/2019 at 9:43 PM, MzJax said:

Thank you for sharing, I don't recall any cartoons, but I suppose something like that can be almost subliminal, and I'm almost 20 years older than you, its likely I'd outgrown cartoons at the time you were looking at them. As I say I hated my feet, all feet really thanks to my mother and her gross sweaty tights, as a kid I had to ***l them from her toes, even now the memory makes me gag..which underlines how significant childhood memories can be I think.

I love your stairwell memory especially, spontaneity always appeals to me 😊



It's interesting that the exact same scenario in one context is disgusting while in another intensely arousing: the smell of feet from someone I'm not attracted to is quite gross, but - oh! - so intoxicating with someone I fancy.

To answer generally: I never told my first girlfriend about my foot fetish, although she did once put her feet on my face and seemed fascinated by that. I have a history of people putting their feet on my face - a boy did it to me at the school gym, and I loved it (although I had to hide the fact!) - and I conclude that I just have that sort of face, lol. I sensed powerplay whenever it happened, and I found that a huge turn-on. I didn't get to enjoy/indulge my foot fetish until I met Mistress MK. I am keen to experience other women's feet, to see how different they taste and smell. Feet are the main portal through which I experience the powerplay dynamic, and I wonder whether I would enjoy 'pure foot fetish' as much with no powerplay involved. (Perhaps not: powerplay for me is extremely erotic. It gives me a rush of sexual euphoria just thinking about it.)

MzJax, I'm amazed at what you made your partner do when you caught him sniffing your shoes. Did you surprise yourself? Was that a 'lightbulb' moment for you? When you say you seek out foot fetishists now, what do you think they give you that regulars do not? Are the soles of your feet so erogenous that you can climax from them (if you don't mind my asking)?


  20 hours ago, Jashine said:

It's interesting that the exact same scenario in one context is disgusting while in another intensely arousing: the smell of feet from someone I'm not attracted to is quite gross, but - oh! - so intoxicating with someone I fancy.

To answer generally: I never told my first girlfriend about my foot fetish, although she did once put her feet on my face and seemed fascinated by that. I have a history of people putting their feet on my face - a boy did it to me at the school gym, and I loved it (although I had to hide the fact!) - and I conclude that I just have that sort of face, lol. I sensed powerplay whenever it happened, and I found that a huge turn-on. I didn't get to enjoy/indulge my foot fetish until I met Mistress MK. I am keen to experience other women's feet, to see how different they taste and smell. Feet are the main portal through which I experience the powerplay dynamic, and I wonder whether I would enjoy 'pure foot fetish' as much with no powerplay involved. (Perhaps not: powerplay for me is extremely erotic. It gives me a rush of sexual euphoria just thinking about it.)

MzJax, I'm amazed at what you made your partner do when you caught him sniffing your shoes. Did you surprise yourself? Was that a 'lightbulb' moment for you? When you say you seek out foot fetishists now, what do you think they give you that regulars do not? Are the soles of your feet so erogenous that you can climax from them (if you don't mind my asking)?



Thank you for your reply, I hope you get an opportunity to explore more of your fetish, but it does sound like you've a pretty good take on it..I appreciate your thoughts.

Surprise myself? I did a bit yes @Jashine, as I said I hated feet, including my own, which by the way weren't at that time looked after at all, I'd be on them all day at work, walking upto 10 miles a day at work, travelling to and from, stuck in sweaty tights and work shoes, (believe me back then we had to wear some ugly shoes and tights as part of our uniform and we had to pay for them ourselves)..I think looking back it started as a bit of an indignant how dare you, Get the fuck off my shoes! I fully expected a mouthful of obscenity rather than a mouth on my foot, I genuinely thought I was teaching him a lesson..and then as I looked at him there it was the most ridiculous position I'd ever found myself in, some days, and this was one of them, I'd get home from work and the sweat had dried the tights so hard a powder would rise as they were removed I went from indignant to amused, those shoes must have been buzzing, and from amused to curious almost all at once. .the only references to foot worship I had were naff 70s and 80s tv, where if it was mentioned it was always seen as perverted, foot guys were seen as worse than flashers, on a par with sex offenders, or the Sunday papers, where it was all very seedy or laughable..think David Mellor and the toe sucking scandal that kept the tabloids amused for weeks..seems a lifetime ago.

Why do I seek out foot worshippers? Because I tend to play within relationships, and its become my foreplay, or in some cases an aftercare ritual, if someone's going through the motions its glaringly obvious and I don't enjoy it at all, a big part of it for me is their reactions..their bliss, it arouses me, as does well done foot worship, add the two together and I can answer your last question, yes, I can, and have, climaxed from foot worship..usually with someone I've a strong bond with or connection to..but it has happened in more casual circumstances too, though I kept it to myself at the time.

Edited by MzJax
  • 7 months later...

To me it starter with shoes, not feet, when I was a young boy I remember shoe catalog that I was instantly attracted to, and I even kept it hidden like it was a porn magazine and back then I didn´t even knew porn was a thing I didn´t even masturbate, I just felt weird for liking that catalog; one of the first uses I gave to the internet was browsing shoe stores, again like it was some kind of porn thing and I learned a lot about shoes in that way.

With time I realized that feet were a thing for me too, I guess it´s natural after the shoe fetish, but it took some time to make that connection.

  13 hours ago, Happy-hubby said:

To me it starter with shoes, not feet, when I was a young boy I remember shoe catalog that I was instantly attracted to, and I even kept it hidden like it was a porn magazine and back then I didn´t even knew porn was a thing I didn´t even masturbate, I just felt weird for liking that catalog; one of the first uses I gave to the internet was browsing shoe stores, again like it was some kind of porn thing and I learned a lot about shoes in that way.

With time I realized that feet were a thing for me too, I guess it´s natural after the shoe fetish, but it took some time to make that connection.


Such an interesting reply. I adore shoes and footwear too, (though not in the same way as you, though rather than catalogues, I've shelves full of footwear 😁), I've watched men who believe they have no kinks fall to their knees just to touch them..its a definite aphrodisiac for more than you might realise..and I know just as many that love the footwear but aren't into feet at all. 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  13 hours ago, MzJax said:

Such an interesting reply. I adore shoes and footwear too, (though not in the same way as you, though rather than catalogues, I've shelves full of footwear 😁), I've watched men who believe they have no kinks fall to their knees just to touch them..its a definite aphrodisiac for more than you might realise..and I know just as many that love the footwear but aren't into feet at all. 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Yes now it's more than catalogs foe me, while I do enjoy browsing shoe pages from time to time, I really enjoy my wife's feet and shoes, and in fact a have a few heels of my own, I don't wear them in public, but it's something I enjoy wearing at home from time to time, and the sandals I use to relax at home are from the woman's side of the shop as well.

The first time I can remember getting aroused from feet was when I was around 4 years old. I was playing under the table as a kid when I saw my aunt start to dangle her shoe. I slowly took off the shoe and started to tickle her foot. I felt myself getting hard. My family thought it was cute (they had no idea I had a hard-on) and laughed, saying I had a foot fetish. That’s when I learned what a foot fetish was and that I had one. I thought I was weird for having it and was embarrassed about it for years, so I never told anyone.
  11 hours ago, redtoesinface814 said:

The first time I can remember getting aroused from feet was when I was around 4 years old. I was playing under the table as a kid when I saw my aunt start to dangle her shoe. I slowly took off the shoe and started to tickle her foot. I felt myself getting hard. My family thought it was cute (they had no idea I had a hard-on) and laughed, saying I had a foot fetish. That’s when I learned what a foot fetish was and that I had one. I thought I was weird for having it and was embarrassed about it for years, so I never told anyone.


I hope you've made peace with it, I'm always saddened to hear of people embarrassed by who they are or what they need or enjoy.

  1 hour ago, MzJax said:

I hope you've made peace with it, I'm always saddened to hear of people embarrassed by who they are or what they need or enjoy.


Yes I have. I’ve learned that it is the most common fetish for men to have. I’ve been open about it with every woman I’ve dated. Most liked it, a few didn’t, some were unsure if they liked it or not. I know it’s a part of me now, and I think it’s great. Now if only I could find a partner that gets as turned on from receiving as I get from giving, all will be right in the world haha!

  1 hour ago, redtoesinface814 said:

Yes I have. I’ve learned that it is the most common fetish for men to have. I’ve been open about it with every woman I’ve dated. Most liked it, a few didn’t, some were unsure if they liked it or not. I know it’s a part of me now, and I think it’s great. Now if only I could find a partner that gets as turned on from receiving as I get from giving, all will be right in the world haha!


In a city as vast as New York I'd say its inevitable, good luck 🤞

  22 minutes ago, MzJax said:

In a city as vast as New York I'd say its inevitable, good luck 🤞


Thanks! I’m sure she’s out there somewhere 😉

  6 hours ago, redtoesinface814 said:

Now if only I could find a partner that gets as turned on from receiving as I get from giving, all will be right in the world haha!


A little tip.  You greatly improve the chances the better your skills are.  If you can learn assorted massage techniques and do a good job, then, honestly, your fetish will be appreciated.

  2 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

A little tip.  You greatly improve the chances the better your skills are.  If you can learn assorted massage techniques and do a good job, then, honestly, your fetish will be appreciated.


I can't second this enough, doesn't have to be Reiki level either, just a simple massage would please many if it's done well, you'd be surprised how many out there can't even dry a foot properly, if you don't already do it I'd add learning to ***t toenails to your repertoire too.

Wonderful post and fantastic responses!

I have always, I mean always loved shoes. My mom and I would go shoe shopping together when I was little and now I could spend an hour easily browsing for shoes in store or online. My husband calls it my version of shoe porn, although it doesn’t turn me on. I really just like dressing up my feet. I don’t have the collection that you do. You are life goals ma’am!

I was in sixth grade when I discovered anklets and toe rings and it was fun to see which boys noticed them.

I first figured out I enjoyed my feet being worshiped with my first “real” boyfriend. He had long strong fingers and loved to rub my feet. One day he began to kiss them. I was hooked. I like having my toes sucked but it also tickles so in moderation and can be too much of a distraction during sex.

Shortly after graduating high school, I learned about pegging and strap-on sex and found that I also enjoy nibbling on my partner’s arches, pressing my fingertips, or even digging my nails into the tender parts of their feet. Luckily, no one has objected. 🙂

Like many others, I am picky about the feet I will play with.
  1 hour ago, ScarlettDismay said:
Wonderful post and fantastic responses!

I have always, I mean always loved shoes. My mom and I would go shoe shopping together when I was little and now I could spend an hour easily browsing for shoes in store or online. My husband calls it my version of shoe porn, although it doesn’t turn me on. I really just like dressing up my feet. I don’t have the collection that you do. You are life goals ma’am!

I was in sixth grade when I discovered anklets and toe rings and it was fun to see which boys noticed them.

I first figured out I enjoyed my feet being worshiped with my first “real” boyfriend. He had long strong fingers and loved to rub my feet. One day he began to kiss them. I was hooked. I like having my toes sucked but it also tickles so in moderation and can be too much of a distraction during sex.

Shortly after graduating high school, I learned about pegging and strap-on sex and found that I also enjoy nibbling on my partner’s arches, pressing my fingertips, or even digging my nails into the tender parts of their feet. Luckily, no one has objected. 🙂

Like many others, I am picky about the feet I will play with.

Scarlett, one of the reasons I joined Fet was to meet a woman like yourself and MsJax, who loves her feet being worshipped, who I have a true connection with and can explore our kinks together.

  2 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

A little tip.  You greatly improve the chances the better your skills are.  If you can learn assorted massage techniques and do a good job, then, honestly, your fetish will be appreciated.


My foot worshipping always starts with a nice massage—deep tissue, from heel to toes. I’ve never had a complaint haha…in fact, my ex-wife loved that I massaged each individual toe, and used that technique on her clients (she’s a manicurist/pedicurist). As for toe nail ***ting, I’m totally down to ***t some piggies, the opportunity just hasn’t presented itself lately. The last time I did that was to my girlfriend in high school.

  • 1 month later...
  On 10/19/2019 at 1:22 PM, MzJax said:

When was that first moment that you realised you had a foot fetish? 

For me it wasn't ever on my radar, I'd always hated my feet,  I was dating a vanilla guy, who rather carelessly..or accidentally on purpose perhaps, let me find him naked with a pair of my shoes pressed into his nose..my Domme side hadn't really developed very much, although it showed with hindsight.

I found myself demanding he put the shoe down and kissed my foot to apologise, then made him lick it, suck on my toes, and heel..every 10 minutes he got an item of his clothing back...it turned me on big time..but, was it the worship of the foot..or my 'control' over him that aroused me..as I stopped dating vanillas in my late 20s, I found myself deliberately looking for foot fetishists because the more they enjoy my feet..the more turned on I get.. and I got my answer. 




When i was 13 years old , i was visiting our friend of the family every weekend. She was 6 years older than me. We used to tickle and massage eachother's feet. She is a tall woman with incredible sexy feet plus sexy toes '(which I adore) plus she always ***ted her toes white or red. I was often smelling her feet while i gave her a foot massage. It kinda turned me on . Plus she was touching and massaging my feet aswell. When I was about 16 I came to her for a sleepover. I gave her a foot massage which put her to sleep. My cock got hard massaging those sexy feet so I start to suck her toes slowly so she doesn't wake up plus strocking my cock with the other hand. After two minutes my cock was ready to explode so I cum on her toes. It was so intense. After that she turn around. To this day I am not sure if she knew what I was doing.i will never forget cumming on her sexy black pedicure toes. I guess this girl knew about my fetish which she told her best friend which once put her foot under my nose and wanted me to smell them. She knew it. Even today i check her feet up, her foot is made for worshipping

  • 2 weeks later...

My first memory of my foot fetish was an art exercise where I had to ***t with my feet. I loved the sensation of stepping into the ***t and then stepping onto the paper and making prints of my soles and toes. It turns me on so much stepping into something like mud or ***t. This later developed into shoeplay where the girls would slide their shoes off in class and expose their soles. Most of the time they wore nylons but when they weren't wearing anything except their flat shoes it was heaven.

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