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All So Natural Now

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Once an awkward task,
filled with uneasy, shy silences.
Now all so natural.
Our preparation ritual.
I wash my tools at the sink.
You sit to your business.
We chat breezily,
catching eye contact often.
You giggle softly;
it arouses me.
All so natural now.
You’re such a good girl.
I drain the water;
as it disappears…
Silence for a moment.
The time nears.
I set my tools aside.
Refill the sink with water.
Warm. Never too hot.
I Infuse it with the gel wash.
The light bubbles swirl.
We cleanse until it’s enough.
Three at least;
you know the routine.
Such a good girl.
Once an awkward task,
filled with uneasy, shy silences.
Now all so natural.
“Am I ready, Master?”
“Yes, my good girl.”
“It’s time…”

- Intellectual Ruffian
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