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Frida Kahlo. She lived with a debilitating ***, a ridiculous number of surgeries over her life, a spouse who insisted upon ***ing her, created enduring art, was a surrealist who developed her style without ever having heard of the artistic movement, had affairs with people of various genders, and did what she could to live as full a life as she wanted.
My eldest child wrote me letters talking about feeling different from the other girls thinking as cis male I'd react negative but I would love them no matter how they turn out but came out to me at 7 with letters and little notes came out in school year after the school was very supportive the but NHS has not got enough of the support services to be of use by the time they get support they will be adult I grew around a xenophobic homophobic grand farther I had a lot to learn typing wasn't part of it lol sorry
Mine is the twitch streamer Calxonie, they are very welcoming to all people of all walks of life and a true entertainer
My uncles Kevin and Joey who helped teach me to live who you love and that drag shows are a ton of fun to go to
Bayard Rustin was an out and proud activist. Fighting for Civil rights and Gay rights throughout his life. He was one of the principal figures behind the March on Washington. Even after being arrested for riding in a car with a man. (Scanddalous) 😉 He never backed down.
My husbands uncle is Walter Mercado that man is truly his hero just for being himself and never letting anyone tell him what he should and shouldn't do
Joy huerta is a Mexican American singer and she's been such great representation for the LGBT community among Latinos. Her music is great and she's very open about her wife and being a mom. Goals
NPH...because he is both the gayest and the straightest man simultaneously. Made gay not weird for a lot less exposed folks.
  • 2 months later...
My older brother he came out during the time when it was difficult in America as an African-American gay men he's my hero
Kevin Conroy. Classically trained actor who became the definitive voice of Batman.

Luke f**king Skywalker, deffinitive joke, Heather close second, Nicholson 3rd

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