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Physical attraction Important?


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physical attraction is definitely an important part of a relationship to me. if my partner isn’t attracted to me and i’m not attracted to them at all it won’t be a very fulfilling relationship. as a chunkier girl ive been with guys who “don’t mind” a bigger girl and guys who love them. the ones who love them is very obvious,, because they have more physical attraction they make you feel so much more beautiful and secure in yourself. i feel like being in a relationship with my partner and feeling like they weren’t physically attracted to me would make me incredibly insecure and bad for my mental health, even with a good emotional bond.
but at the same time i don’t feel like attraction is solely based on physical appearance, and the concept of beauty is so subjective. there’s people out there who don’t find supermodels attractive, and those who do.
Physical attraction and preferences are hardwired into our DNA. It’s difficult to overcome that. For me, yes it’s definitely a factor. I have a fairly wide range of what I find attractive, but beyond that range, my interest drops rapidly.
2 hours ago, IWillWorshipYou said:
Physical attraction and preferences are hardwired into our DNA. It’s difficult to overcome that. For me, yes it’s definitely a factor. I have a fairly wide range of what I find attractive, but beyond that range, my interest drops rapidly.

Hello handsome,how are you doing today?

Even though there are vast and varied perceptions of attractiveness… a physical attraction is very important to me.
To connect and create stimulating play scenarios - I need visual fodder.
For me, it is the physicality of how one looks, projects and holds themselves that will always draw my initial attention.

However…there is nothing more un-stimulating and unattractive than persons who have no substance beyond their looks.
My interest is lost completely if the person lacks personality, provides no mental stimulus, interest or intrigue etc. the things I req. to build chemistry and connection.

Contradictory to that; I have had engaged with persons who on meeting I have felt no physically attraction to, but they have (personality, intrigue etc.) provided an interest.
If a play has resulted from this, it has defiantly required greater effort on my part and been
less satisfying and less physically stimulating.
17 hours ago, LadyV said:
Well, it depends:

If I'm just doing casual pick-up play at a dungeon to Top someone for some kink for fun, I tend not to care about attraction. A body to beat is a body to beat.

If I'm having someone as a regular platonic play partner, then a little attraction is preferable but not required. Friends I Top frequently are still just friends.

If I intend on having a long-term committed romantic/sexual relationship, then yes, me being attracted to them is very important.


Unless they want something long term it’s not incredibly important. They just have to feel nice enough for me to come back.
I love this question. I don't have a particular type for who I'm attracted to. There is just something I can't put my finger on and can't explain it. I've dated and had play partners that are completely different in looks to each other, but that "thing" was always there. Curvy, skinny, muscular, BBW, goths, metallers, punks, sporty types, the list goes on and on.

I'm not a looker in the slightest, and until the last 12-18 months was incredibly fortunate to have some amazing play partners.

I'd have to say, that if there is that "thing", it's all good for me.
Physical attraction is either a kink for me or just necessary.

It starts from how I react to my eyes deciding they like what they see, then my mind wanting to encounter yours and spar. See what and how you respond in conversation or messages.

Connection and attraction are the foundation for me

D/s the bricks and mortar

I’ve spent far too long in my life without the right elements being in place. Relationships failing because of things lacking that I thought I’d be able to overlook

No one should settle
It depends on the mood. If I'm not physically attractive I probably would need something to get me started like dirty talk or a role playing.
Absolutely depends on the personal chemistry. That for me makes or breaks the attraction, I need to speak to someone to know if I will find them attractive.
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