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Is Poetry kink?


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Can it be? Why or why not?
And if it can, does that also make intellectual its own kink?
Smarts is sexy.
That is all.
Ready, set, go.
It can be! Intelligence is a huge turn on, it builds up something that is not easy you explain it, right wording, right rhythm and passion, can totally be considered a kink
If it turns you on more than it maybe should it's probably a kink lol They could easily be filed under fetishes.
Both poems and intelligence can be a huge turn on, sapiosexuality is a thing ^-^

And kinks does by no mean has to be bdsm related. If it is is something you deeply enjoy or that even turns you on, a poem can of course be its own kink ^-^
I created something for a guy I met here a few months ago that would fall under this bracket I think. We are both book nerds and so I narrated a story that I made up and I included a poetry reading within it. The story was setting the scene for cyber play and it was hot as hell. I love to be read to and this same guy had sent me audio of him reading poetry and vice versa. I wouldn’t say it was a kink as such but I’m hugely appreciative for sure
Princess that stays on her knees
Aims to please
Brats that sass
Get rabbit fucked in the ass 🌹
Make your paycheck touring the block stopping here and there sucking and fucking cock
Almost home pussy full of jizz
You made a ton of cash
That the nature of the bizz
I do not support the fetishisation of intelligence. If it arouses You, so be it. Intellectual folks (ie folks who think and address deeper subjects and want to engage their minds and such) spark my mind, which then can engage my sexual arousal. This is part of my identifying with being Noetisexual…

Art will always inspire all manner of thought and feeling, and I consider poetry part of such.
It is very much a kink. Word play poetry. It's types like us that get more turned on and more creative just by the descriptive detail a person in touch with wording can find
sapiosexual = a person sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind…”sapio” includes poetry as a kink IMO…smart is very sexy 🤓
Natürlich kann poetry kinky, sinnlich, sexy, hot und versaut sein und will es sogar. Lesetipp :die Gedichte von Else Lasker - Schüler ❤️

If you find it 'kinky' then I expect it is kinky....  i find a lot of poetry dull as !!!!   

But you know, if it floats yer boat, take it for a sail.

10 hours ago, ArmyGuyJim said:
sapiosexual = a person sexually attracted to intelligence or the human mind…”sapio” includes poetry as a kink IMO…smart is very sexy 🤓

That term is outdated as it’s errant as a genuine sexuality, and has been designated more for fetishising in the negative manner of things.
Sapiophilic/sapiophile are valid. Noetisexual or simply referring to demisexuality as an umbrella term are more correct. 😉

A kink? I wouldn't think...? 😂
But then again,
Let me get my pen. 🖋️🤔
It is true:
Through the gifts of words,
thoughtfully collected,
A literal monument can be erected.
Towering strong, with impressive girth.
Capable of bringing both pleasure and hurt.
Sending shivers right down your spine,
Particular words even making you pine,
for a love that transcends both time
and space,
lifting you up from this mortal place
and bringing you closer to your soul,
Being One with Love as your only goal.

When it's not ropes,
but words that can bind.
Tickle, caress,
and stimulate your mind.
When "smarts is sexy" is what you say,
It may be so, yet in an different way.
For when the words of a poem are being read,
YOU _give_ them form inside your head.
In that space, where imagination is your own,
you, the reader, decides their tone.
The same thing goes for someone smart,
As that predicate will also only start,
With your own mind telling you it is so.
Do you see now where this post will go?

You are the one that is pulling the strings,
Applying your head to all kinds of things.
Even if a poem is linguistically smart,
And capable of tugging at your string of heart,
When you give yourself consent to truly feel,
the letters, words, that to you appeal,
When reading leads to fantasizing, then I do think,
That enjoying poetry can be a self-love kink. 😊
I’d say yes. If reading or reciting poetry gets you going, old school romance … lord Byron and what not I could totally see that. Actually it does sound a bit hot the more I think about it…time to dig out and dust of some books! Medieval romance could due the same too…maybe…a time that was about a romance we don’t see much of today…in general.
If the beauty of words makes you aroused then I guess it could be considered a kink?
Poetry alone? Yes. Personally, the main reason why I snub Instant messaging in lieu of old fashioned email is because words have an innate way of turning me on.

Is intelligence a kink? Yes. Sapiosexuality is one of my main characteristics. There are very few things higher on my kink chain than intelligence.
Aww absolutely! Poetry , literature, anything intellectual really! I have 2 degrees . My first one is in English literature. So, it definitely turns me on. :)
Sunday at 10:01 PM, StrawberrySweetie said:
Aww absolutely! Poetry , literature, anything intellectual really! I have 2 degrees . My first one is in English literature. So, it definitely turns me on. :)

Woah, so you could say... You getting off school, had a double entendre? 😉😇

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