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What's this style of domination called?

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I don't really know, but it sounds pretty good
When you give total control over to your Top you given them a most precious gift and those that willing to do so are rare.
Be careful though. It's nice at first but you can literally lose yourself in a relationship of this dynamic.
It comes down to what the collective needs are and is the dynamic a good fit.
This is known as Total Power Exchange or TPE. But, be extremely careful when pursuing a TPE relationship. While it is a great goal to pursue; it takes time, and should take time, to achieve that level of trust between the Dom/Domme and the sub. There are many inexperienced Doms/Dommes out there who would jump into this not really knowing or understanding their responsibilities in such a relationship. Not to mention dishonorable and dishonest people who pose as Doms/Dommes. Find yourself someone who you enjoy and believe you can trust and let the relationship grow naturally from there.
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