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Are Long Term Relationships a Thing of The Past?

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I would rather have a LTR
I can't remember the source, so take this as you will, but I read stats the other week that suggested that 45% of women aged 25-44 yrs will be single and child free by 2030
Both actually are kinda meh. The idea of being with one person forever sounds absolutely horrible ( thus why im poly) but a 3 to 6 week fling sounds terrible too. Like to me a fling should go on for AT LEAST 6 months at the minimum. And even then id rather just have a second long term partner. My sex drive is too high to just bang a couple times over the course of a couple weeks i mean realistically assuming you can meet twice a week...thats maybe what....3 times per visit, 2 visits per week 6 weeks in total. Thats not near enough time to get it all out of my system or to check off all of the boxes of things we wanna do to each other. Uh uh. Third option. Year long fling. Much better.
I would definitely rather have a LTR, but in my experience, I haven't found anyone that is worth my time.
Definitely would prefer LTR. The trust you build with another person leads to the ultimate freedom to be yourself.
Fulfilling long-term relationship
When I was younger the LTR was a natural fit for me. Now the short term relationships I’m enjoying.
I would rather have the LTR.
My ex and I were both crazy to an extent the bond and kinkiness grew over the years but I think we burned to hot to fast and just burned out. Ended the relationship almost vanilla. Short term is great sparks excitement unknowns. It's a toss up for me.
I would rather have the LTR. What currently seems to be a struggle, at least for me, is finding not only an LTR but a monogamous only one. Seems like everyone wants to just fuck everyone and that is not something I'm willing to compromise on. For me, things get better with time, but also, I want to build trust and be ***, and for me, that takes time.
I definitely want long term. I have had a wonderful relationship in the past and he treated me like his queen. We were best friends he was my soulmate.
I would want a LTR. Especially now I have children. I wouldn’t be fair on them to introduce many different partners into their lives.
I would only want a LTR. I want to feel an emotional connection. Also I have children and it wouldn’t be fair on them.
Well, I would choose the 3-6 week fling to know what it is like to be in a relationship.
I think it's in the past because not a lot of people are pretty much together anymore. It's just small Sparks at first and then they get bored of each other. I wish that it was back in the '90s that people were together longer much longer than now. Ones they have social media. There's people looking for something else.
Definitely would like Romance Love combined with BDSM to my opinion it's the way it Should Be. But I don't think it the current trend. All I can find his people that Just Want to play but not want to commit
Long term for me I like to be counted on and reliable.
Everything that a FLR has to offer
Long term. I don't wanna die alone
Long term for sure! You can still have it all with a fulfilling long term relationship and honestly you can't top that kind of connection, it makes every experience that much more intimate and enjoyable.
I don't think it's becoming a thing of the past, but I do think that the society we're in doesn't value it like we used to. Everything now is so instant, and I think that people want relationships to be the same way.
LTR because I’m 24/7. The trust and deep connection are obtained from LTR. Flings are for sexual satisfaction. Sex without trust and connection is just an action.
17 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

I can't remember the source, so take this as you will, but I read stats the other week that suggested that 45% of women aged 25-44 yrs will be single and child free by 2030

that was from a study conducted by Morgan Stanley.

It's worth a deep dive.  There's a couple of elephants in the room get ignored in some of the articles but it is suggestion in general that more women are concentrating on putting career first which means that relationships are nice but not a priority and having children etc is being delayed.  

One ignored elephant in the room on that is that as a result, a man who wants to 'settle down and have a family' is not a match since right now she doesn't wish to start a family.

One thing touched on a little in some of the articles is there are some relationships/households where a woman is either the main earner, or a big earner, and so cannot afford time out due to maternity and then the increased costs of childcare following that.

And that perhaps another elephant ignored is that women being able to make their own income, progress their own careers, etc. means they're not financially dependent on a man (a big thing even in more recent years) so she doesn't have to find a partner for financial security.


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