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The thing is, these types of D's are an ever present constant.
Trying to educate is a pointless task. I used to try and, drom time to time, i may still make a comment on a thread like this. But, you can't talk predatory behaviours out of ***rs. It isn't ignorance, it's contempt.
It's not our job to educate them, it's theirs as adults to learn about appropriate interactions with others. Information, after all is reasily available on the Internet of its sought out. These types of people do not have that desire because it serves them no purpose.
  39 minutes ago, Remy83 said:

Same as how you are allowed your own opinion. My kneeling is not in the manner you depict it. And, there are also different types of dominants. Obviously we are the very example of that. Precisely why it is imperative that a submissive finds one that suits their desired dynamic the best. Rather than settle for something that is unhealthy in their exploration of the lifestyle. Just because i dont own any pets or actively practice a master/slave dynamic does not make me less of a dominant. It merely makes me one of a different type. The beauty of the lifestyle are the options available within it to satisfy what what is being sought after. There is not one mold or right/wrong. The only “male bashing” happening within this thread is that of abusive dominants that utterly disregard their responsibility in the dynamic.


I completely agree with like 99% of this, you may not kneel in that manner but body language is received universally and is 80% of all communication so is alot more relevant than any combination of spoken word. If you can dominant appropriately without words then that is where the daddy skill issues lie, when you stand over a child it intimidates them and when you bring yourself to their eye level or lower you disarm yourself to them, just the same way as passive gestures like open arms instead of crossing them or submissive ones such as kneeling. Your intention is your intention but as to how that's received widely is out of your control. Since the beginning of humankind aswell as religion, duty to state, in the primates studies and many other ***s out there it is universal that to kneel was to submit, you kneel to the king, you kneel to fatal danger, you kneel to the alpha etc etc.
I too believe there is no right and wrong way or mould, and I believe everyone in this community here and larger have a personal responsibility to ensure their own safety aswell as maintain their own health. But this original post wasn't supporting these things, it was outright stating the wrong way very clearly backed by comments of further Gate keeping not giving consideration to the very things you mention in this latest reply aswell as other legitimate kinks. As for the male bashing it was in the title with "daddy", in the comment of just giving D (lightly paraphrased) and many other examples people have targeted only men. Only my comments in this entire thread still are trying to hold women equally accountable and responsible, the very sad part is men will never get on the same page over these things, because the game of gaining female sexual interest is an ancient and competitive venture.

Whether you’re a male dom or a female dom, trust is the most powerful tool of dominance. It inspires devotion and surrender.
  2 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

I completely agree with like 99% of this, you may not kneel in that manner but body language is received universally and is 80% of all communication so is alot more relevant than any combination of spoken word. If you can dominant appropriately without words then that is where the daddy skill issues lie, when you stand over a child it intimidates them and when you bring yourself to their eye level or lower you disarm yourself to them, just the same way as passive gestures like open arms instead of crossing them or submissive ones such as kneeling. Your intention is your intention but as to how that's received widely is out of your control. Since the beginning of humankind aswell as religion, duty to state, in the primates studies and many other ***s out there it is universal that to kneel was to submit, you kneel to the king, you kneel to fatal danger, you kneel to the alpha etc etc.
I too believe there is no right and wrong way or mould, and I believe everyone in this community here and larger have a personal responsibility to ensure their own safety aswell as maintain their own health. But this original post wasn't supporting these things, it was outright stating the wrong way very clearly backed by comments of further Gate keeping not giving consideration to the very things you mention in this latest reply aswell as other legitimate kinks. As for the male bashing it was in the title with "daddy", in the comment of just giving D (lightly paraphrased) and many other examples people have targeted only men. Only my comments in this entire thread still are trying to hold women equally accountable and responsible, the very sad part is men will never get on the same page over these things, because the game of gaining female sexual interest is an ancient and competitive venture.


7th line down correction
You can't dominate appropriately without

A lot of people seem to be completely ignoring what the original post is about and taking opportunity to discuss whatever it is they want here when if that's what they want to talk about they should either go to a different thread or start their own. 

The op is specifically about men who identify or claim to be **Daddies** this is a specific and distinct role which is not synonymous with Dominant. So Domiminants who are not *also* a Daddy, this post and thread doesn't apply to you so there's no need to make it about you. 

The same goes for submissives who aren't interested in Daddy types. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean it's not a totally valid and good choice for someone else. So @leanneandmartin this isn't a man bashing post or thread, men are specifically mentioned because "Daddies" are men. There are some women who use the title of "Daddy" but all the ones I've known identify as a FemDaddy. A lot of what you've said smacks of "one true wayism" and doesn't do anyone any good. Yes there are things like general etiquette and basic codes of conduct but most of that applies to interaction within the community at large and what your preferences might be have no bearing on what someone else wants and negotiates for in their own dynamics. You complain about "bashing" yet your comments are the most antagonistic out of the bunch. It'd be cool to see more collaborative efforts from people here in the forums rather than so many jumping straight to being adversarial. 

  4 hours ago, mythicalman said:

I went through a somewhat ***ful recovery process to be sure I was no one’s daddy. I will not be starting now. Though I am a very caring Dom.


So this post doesn't apply to you, since it's specifically directed at those who identify as a Daddy type, then does it? 

  5 minutes ago, ThaliaV said:

So this post doesn't apply to you, since it's specifically directed at those who identify as a Daddy type, then does it? 


It says Daddy skills but you’re right it doesn’t really apply to me.

  3 hours ago, dee8u said:

Im new to all this, I’ve been very repressed because I never had someone to explore this side of me. I’m still figuring out what side of the slash I’m on. So I want to say thanks for all the insight. I’ll appreciate any advice that y’all can send my way, and thanks again.


This is a good attitude to have, the learning and exploring before arbitrarily claiming a role but you might want to look for a different thread that's more if a general discussion for newbies or even make your own post with any specific questions you might have. This post and thread is specifically about Daddy types. 

  1 minute ago, mythicalman said:

It says Daddy skills but you’re right it doesn’t really apply to me.


The beginning does say "Daddy skills" then it wraps up with "being a Daddy..." even if it didn't, the "Daddy skills" implies that it's about Daddies. 

I always tried to do all of this and asked a lot of questions, but ended up getting ghosted again and again, apparently because Daddy is expected to be able to read other people's minds and asking such questions and caring about my little's wants and needs is a sign of the insecure beta-male... Anyways, I am now having an incredible time with a super sweet little vanilla girl, so I stopped worrying about it. I'd rather be loved as a vanilla daddy (even if it means foregoing some of my desires and fantasies) than rejected over and over and over again as a dom daddy because I dare to care.
Note: This is just my personal experience, if you have better luck I am more than happy for you!
  3 hours ago, bighonesty said:

I get the feeling that if wecare what whoman want or need you think were not doms and arent as eager to obay.


What specifically has given you that impression that's created those feelings for you? 

There are a whole lot of people on both sides of the slash who have formed incorrect assumptions about kink and bdsm without doing any research or self education and others who have only done "research" by watching porn. Unfortunately, this at least appears to apply to the majority of people on this platform, which leads to interactions that often just turn into quite a mess. 

  31 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

The thing is, these types of D's are an ever present constant.
Trying to educate is a pointless task. I used to try and, drom time to time, i may still make a comment on a thread like this. But, you can't talk predatory behaviours out of ***rs. It isn't ignorance, it's contempt.
It's not our job to educate them, it's theirs as adults to learn about appropriate interactions with others. Information, after all is reasily available on the Internet of its sought out. These types of people do not have that desire because it serves them no purpose.


Hear! Hear! I have never thought that there is a fine line between dominance and bad behaviour. There is a clear and huge rift between the two. It’s too easy to take a submissive individual and use them for self gratification... but that is just *** and focuses only on what the ***r wants. 

Obviously, if that occurs it will be a one off, as any developed trust is rightfully lost. Too many wannabe doms think that they have the power in the dynamic, where it is really the subs who possesses the ultimate power, the power  to walk away. An intellectual Dom will understand the needs and wants of their sub... and they do that by listening and observing. Their role is to hold the subs hand and help push their boundaries and then relish the sensations that come from it.

They might identify as femdaddy but in the one on one interactions in the dynamic the honourific isn't femdaddy it's daddy. And only my posts tried to include females into that category at first until mistresslefey's post that followed a few of mine. Daddies aren't a specific role at all, they vary from daddy to daddy and babygirl to babygirl. I myself am a babygirl with a daddy and I don't want to be coddled, asked if I'm OK 24/7 and be served with hot baths from a kneeling dom. And the op has no right to tell me I'm wrong for the dynamic I consent to as a responsible grown woman, my reply is antagonistic because I am now than aware of the present day struggles of men and don't stand for bullying of any sort. As a member of the lgbt........ Community I take zero tolerance to any form of gate keeping around what people choose and consent to do in their own bedrooms which the whole movement was founded on and is also the premise of kink. This post is directly trying to tell my daddy and many many others that he is abusive, uninformed, unwilling, and gatekeep what I decide to enter into for myself and decide it for me by encouraging all daddies to be a certain way and shaming the rest isn't inline with any of the beliefs we are supposed to be promoting for happy and successful kink interaction. Op instead of bashing daddies should self reflect on the encounters they have experienced instead and make action to minimise unsuccessful interactions in the future with daddies that don't suit her personal babygirl needs and not dog pile onto men and only men when women out there claim the exact same title and act in the exact same way
  9 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:
I mean, managing aside, I want to know which of the primates other than humans kneel...🤔😂

Humans are primates. So my example very much applies why does another example of primates need to be mentioned? . Kneeling is merely a way to show pacifity and lower positional height to the dominant presense as shown in pretty much all *** studies.

  23 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:
They might identify as femdaddy but in the one on one interactions in the dynamic the honourific isn't femdaddy it's daddy. And only my posts tried to include females into that category at first until mistresslefey's post that followed a few of mine. Daddies aren't a specific role at all, they vary from daddy to daddy and babygirl to babygirl. I myself am a babygirl with a daddy and I don't want to be coddled, asked if I'm OK 24/7 and be served with hot baths from a kneeling dom. And the op has no right to tell me I'm wrong for the dynamic I consent to as a responsible grown woman, my reply is antagonistic because I am now than aware of the present day struggles of men and don't stand for bullying of any sort. As a member of the lgbt........ Community I take zero tolerance to any form of gate keeping around what people choose and consent to do in their own bedrooms which the whole movement was founded on and is also the premise of kink. This post is directly trying to tell my daddy and many many others that he is abusive, uninformed, unwilling, and gatekeep what I decide to enter into for myself and decide it for me by encouraging all daddies to be a certain way and shaming the rest isn't inline with any of the beliefs we are supposed to be promoting for happy and successful kink interaction. Op instead of bashing daddies should self reflect on the encounters they have experienced instead and make action to minimise unsuccessful interactions in the future with daddies that don't suit her personal babygirl needs and not dog pile onto men and only men when women out there claim the exact same title and act in the exact same way

And that is your own personal preference inside of your dynamic. Your specific dynamic does not speak for the whole of the community. My posts very much include both male and female in a generic for by utilizing the term dominant or submissive. It is inclusive and and intended to address both sides of the gender population and the role specific to the term. Im appreciative of the posts within that are open communication because aside from trust and respect, communication is what completes that trifecta. I also agree it should be as previously put “one wayism” and should stay specific to the reason that this thread was generated.

@leean i re read this and I am not seeing anywhere that directed this to your specific daddy. I believe the intention is that of addressing those who actually shame your daddy by being that abusive and unfulfilling role to the specific dynamic the agreed to and participate in. So don’t take any of this discussion as a directly targeting yours.
  16 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

Humans are primates. So my example very much applies why does another example of primates need to be mentioned? . Kneeling is merely a way to show pacifity and lower positional height to the dominant presense as shown in pretty much all *** studies.


There are over 500 species within the order of primates. I'd like to think that you wouldn't have chosen to use the words "in the primates studies and many other ***s out there" if you meant humans alone.
It doesn't need to be mentioned at all primarily because it's not factual. I'm unsure what studies you've been reading on primates, but having worked with a various species within the sub orders or prosimians, monkeys and apes for 6+yrs I never saw one kneel out of deference or any other behaviour come to that. Perhaps you could cite some of them for me, I'd love to read them 👍

  6 minutes ago, Remy83 said:
@leean i re read this and I am not seeing anywhere that directed this to your specific daddy. I believe the intention is that of addressing those who actually shame your daddy by being that abusive and unfulfilling role to the specific dynamic the agreed to and participate in. So don’t take any of this discussion as a directly targeting yours.

They will. It's what this profile pops up and does from time to time. We can either chose to ignore it or engage, their comments will become more antagonistic as the thread progresses and at some point a Mod will step in.

  28 minutes ago, leanneandmartin said:

They might identify as femdaddy but in the one on one interactions in the dynamic the honourific isn't femdaddy it's daddy. And only my posts tried to include females into that category at first until mistresslefey's post that followed a few of mine. Daddies aren't a specific role at all, they vary from daddy to daddy and babygirl to babygirl. I myself am a babygirl with a daddy and I don't want to be coddled, asked if I'm OK 24/7 and be served with hot baths from a kneeling dom. And the op has no right to tell me I'm wrong for the dynamic I consent to as a responsible grown woman, my reply is antagonistic because I am now than aware of the present day struggles of men and don't stand for bullying of any sort. As a member of the lgbt........ Community I take zero tolerance to any form of gate keeping around what people choose and consent to do in their own bedrooms which the whole movement was founded on and is also the premise of kink. This post is directly trying to tell my daddy and many many others that he is abusive, uninformed, unwilling, and gatekeep what I decide to enter into for myself and decide it for me by encouraging all daddies to be a certain way and shaming the rest isn't inline with any of the beliefs we are supposed to be promoting for happy and successful kink interaction. Op instead of bashing daddies should self reflect on the encounters they have experienced instead and make action to minimise unsuccessful interactions in the future with daddies that don't suit her personal babygirl needs and not dog pile onto men and only men when women out there claim the exact same title and act in the exact same way


I'd ask for you to take a breath (or several) maybe even step away from the conversation for a while and return when your feelings aren't so high. You really appear to have completely read your own interpretation of what the OP is trying to say based on your own personal feelings and seem to be reacting instead of responding. It's also quite ironic that you're so vehement about someone not speaking for others yet you keep doing exactly that with everything you keep saying about how things are and/or should be. 

Not everyone who uses the title or honorific of "Daddy" actually ascribes to the *role* of Daddy or Daddy Dom, they aren't synonymous. Being a Dom who simply likes the honorific of Daddy is totally fine and there's nothing wrong with that, but things need to be made clear. There are also different categories of Daddies, one can be an authoritative disciplinarian where another can be nurturing and even indulgent of they wish. This is why clear communication and negotiations are so important. If the negative behaviors described in the OP don't apply to your partner then the post isn't about him. Nowhere does anyone say "all men" or "all Daddies" the op even very specifically says "some". Negative *behaviors* is what's being discussed here, again, your comments contsin more "bashing" than anyone else's and the poor behavior of some women doesn't have any bearing on the topic at hand, it's deflection. If you want to discuss women behaving badly go to a post specifically about that or start a new one. Both things can and do exist, one doesn't negate the presence of the other. 

Additionally... there *are* other roles and archetypes besides babygirls who seek Daddies you know, right? Some of your comments come really close to kink shaming of littles and middles. 

  1 hour ago, CopperKnob said:

The thing is, these types of D's are an ever present constant.
Trying to educate is a pointless task. I used to try and, drom time to time, i may still make a comment on a thread like this. But, you can't talk predatory behaviours out of ***rs. It isn't ignorance, it's contempt.
It's not our job to educate them, it's theirs as adults to learn about appropriate interactions with others. Information, after all is reasily available on the Internet of its sought out. These types of people do not have that desire because it serves them no purpose.


While I do generally agree with you on most things, I feel there is still value in these conversations. Sometimes newbies and bystanders need to hear certain things too and *can* be reached. As seen in the comments it can offer solidarity and validation for those affected by the harmful behaviors and can perhaps even prevent some from falling prey by sharing the information and knowledge, so not completely pointless. When we can and have the energy to do so of course. 

  14 minutes ago, Remy83 said:
@leean i re read this and I am not seeing anywhere that directed this to your specific daddy. I believe the intention is that of addressing those who actually shame your daddy by being that abusive and unfulfilling role to the specific dynamic the agreed to and participate in. So don’t take any of this discussion as a directly targeting yours.

I am thankful that your definition of dom wasn't male specific.

  1 minute ago, ThaliaV said:

While I do generally agree with you on most things, I feel there is still value in these conversations. Sometimes newbies and bystanders need to hear certain things too and *can* be reached. As seen in the comments it can offer solidarity and validation for those affected by the harmful behaviors and can perhaps even prevent some from falling prey by sharing the information and knowledge, so not completely pointless. When we can and have the energy to do so of course. 


It was the penultimate sentence that I responded to.

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