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  8 hours ago, Remy83 said:

If you can list the ways you help in vast quantity. Lets move prevention to the top of said list. I appreciate your efforts in assisting others affected, but head off the snake is the only way the cycle stops.


By providing the information that I have, prevention is clearly the top of the list, because the *wishful thinking* and constant moaning about men that some others do, all without any practical application of how to make things better, clearly wasn't working.

Even now with this debate, more people - namely women - now know that:

1- They can significantly reduce the number of unsolicited d*ck pics that they receive, simply by selecting the option on their message filter.

2- In the UK, if they have a concern about their partner being an ***r, they can check with the police if that partner or ex partner has a history of domestic *** - thanks to Clare's Law.  

3- It's okay for them to, and that they should, report any ***s that they've suffered, this way, potentially preventing future attacks on themselves and others, because the perpetrator is now known to the relevant authorities and agencies. Not reporting, will only embolden that perpetrator to keep doing what they're doing.... Afterall, like any bully, why would they stop if no one is challenging them or making them stop?

3A- When someone has the kind of nonsensical mindset whereby they actively try to discourage the reporting of ***s, and then, wonder why there is an increase in attacks on women with a decrease in the perpetrators being caught.... it's easy to see why so many people don't listen to them anymore. 

3B- Using your 'head of the snake' point for an analogy. You can't cut off the head of the snake that's biting people, if you don't know what it looks like, where its been and, the people who've been bitten, won't tell you which snake bit them. Because of this, It's therefore not reasonable to then go around chopping off the heads of perfectly innocent snakes who were minding their own business, going about their day and didn't bite anyone.... simply because the individual bitten, refused to identify the real culprit. 

Note: Nothing is perfect, but at least these measures are a start. Using another analogy, if you want to climb the ladder to get to the top of the wall, you have to do so one rung at a time, which is what these measures are. But, for the man-bashers, each rung is a challenge to their authority.

You see, some of those people you've sided with, do not actually want the status-quo to change on here, because moaning about men is their fetish. So, by giving women practical tools to help them feel and be safer on here and generally in Fetish world, diminishes the voices and effectiveness of the man-bashers, and they can't allow that. Hence why they'll vehemently oppose anything and anyone that does. They are very disingenuous. 

Think about it, all the stuff I've mentioned, is stuff that they should have been spreading out to the ***hood on here and especially the newbies to help keep them safe.... but they haven't.... because of the very reasons I've mentioned above.   



Edited by Shilo66
  6 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

In terms of primates kneeling? I don't believe their physiology allows them to, even the bi-peds. May be wrong but I've certainly never witnessed it.
Primates don't relate to kink etc in any way, bonobos, maybe the closest but not really.


You mentioned working with them. I was asking about that. (Unrelated to the original post, hence asking if we could talk in messenger.)


Two way street both should work on things together know one is perfect. Yes some pretend to be someone else but good to be honest or makes the person walk away. The Dom does their part the sub also has a part.  Time and place for everything still gotta live life and enjoy it.

Edited by Charmedlace
  3 hours ago, Charmedlace said:

Two way street both should work on things together know one is perfect. Yes some pretend to be someone else but good to be honest or makes the person walk away. The Dom does their part the sub also has a part.  Time and place for everything still gotta live life and enjoy it.


Communication up front is what breaches that barrier. Everyone is at fault it there are only expectations without a preset narrative for each role.

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