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Nana Nana Boo Boo, you can't catch me (chapter 5 final)


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In her burrow the Blind Mole was just waking up from her nap. No sense of time or what has been transpiring around her. Not a care or *** in the world. Stupid Primal she thought. The best place to hide and the last place anyone would look is directly by home base. And that's what she did. She made a burrow by the starting line and watched the hungry and thirsty Primal run right past her. She has a little *** on top of her leaves from Primal #22 but who cares, they're just leaves. Now all she has to do is stick around a little while longer and collect her cash without giving up the ass.
“Jim, I do not know how long these prey can keep this up. There's Primal everywhere. The field is covered in them now, especially since the dissolution of the Allies”.
“Yes, Mike. With the exception of the pack of Primals #6, 11, and 23, and the bow out of Primal #22, it's every Primal for themselves now Mike. And boy do they look hungry “.
“Even the already fed ones, Jim. Primals #3, 5, and 9 are back on the hunt. Primal #10 is out there limping with, from what I was told, a dislocated kneecap from falling out of that tree, still hunting”.
“Primal never dies Mike. Primal never dies”.
“Jim, Primal #9 is charging directly in the direction of Harmless. She is looking back and unaware that she is hopping into the arms and a ***hold of Primal #21. Beautiful snare. He is dragging her to the ground and towards a tree”. HHHOOOOOOOWWWLLLLL!!
“You know what that means Mike. Primal #21 is calling Self. This means no other Primal can join him. He wants to make harmony with that hare all by himself”.
“He's already starting with the nipple twisters while she's still in his grasp in a headlock. Everytime she winces he smacks hard down on that hairless pussy”.
“That isn't nothing Mike. He is now wrapping her arms around the tree and tying them together on the other side with his leash, pressing her face as tight as he can against the bark. Positioning that chocolate ass in the air”.
“I do not know what I did to impress the Primal Gods so much but I'm glad I did it. That Token of Redemption didn't mean shit Harmless, you are still prey. Primal #21 just picked up a leaf and a switch for some impact play”.
“The other Primals are back on the hunt. Gangbang and the Blind Mole better tuck their pussies and run for cover because we have some real angry Primals right now due to Primal #21 calling that Self Mike. That hare put on a performance last night and they wanted more”.
“I do not feel sorry for whatever prey has to bear the tension the Primals just built up because I want to see it Jim. All of it”.
“Mike, we have an update from Dave. Go ahead Dave”.
“Guys, we have several Primal heading towards home for some hydration and the rest hot on the trail of Gangbang. Few *** updates. Gangbang got roughed up pretty bad rumbling with the former Allies. Took a couple cum shots to the eyes, lacerations on her left nipple and both wrists, and numerous bite marks over her body with the most being on her juicy buttocks. She told the referees she's not giving up which is great news. Gangbang also wanted to go on the record stating, “Fuck the Primal. I'm in the history books for gangbanging the first Primal allegiance, taking it, and breaking them up. And I'll do it again”. Primal #10 is heading towards home for hydration and his return is questionable with the dislocated kneecap. That's all I have guys”.
“That Gangbang is something else, isn't she Jim”.
“Fuck you Mike. Fuck you”.
“Don't make me say it again Jim. I'm just a Primal living in a primal world. Hunting prey, it's fantastic”.
“Well the gangbanging prey is running out of options to run. The Blind Mole is still nowhere to be found Mike”.
“The Primals are finished hydrating and will be rejoining the hunt. I'm eager to see how this pans out Jim”.
“Primal #10 is propped up against a tree, he just might be done for the day Mike”.
Thinking that all the Primal have returned to the hunt and needing hydration, the Blind Mole crawls out of her burrow. Curious of the movement on the other side of his tree, Primal #10 spins around to take a look to be surprised by a head emerging out of the ground. Filled with a rejuvenation of Primal energy, Primal #10 forgets about his *** and positions himself for an attack. As soon as the Blind Mole’s plump breast are out of the hole, Primal #10 dives on her and they both go back in the hole.
“How lucky can a Primal be Jim. You're laid back nursing your wounds and a feast lands right in your lap”.
“Mike, she never saw that attack coming with those foggy goggles on. I wonder if you fuck a mole in a hole, if that now makes her a 4-hole rodent?”
“Jim, the way Primal #10 is having his way with that tattooed freak, I do not think he cares. Look at how he is squeezing her breasts as he penetrates her. She's fucking back, just giving up that ass”.
“Well Mike, it seems your kinky date just got $250,000 richer. Any new plans?”.
“Why yes Jim, as a matter of fact I do. And you, Dave, and all the Primal are all invited. After providing Gangbang with some much needed aftercare, we are going to gangbang her ass on top of all that cash”.
“Wow, this is very honorable of you Mike. Thank you. Well folks, there you have it. Gangbanging White-Tailed Deer Deborah is our 2024 Hunting Games Champion. We all cannot wait to fulfill her fantasy tomorrow night. Until next year kinksters, from Mike, Dave, Madelyn, and I, stay kinky. We're signing off”.
"Hold on Jim. We have a live interview from Madelyn who is with our champion Gangbang. It's all yours Madelyn".
"Gangbang what would you like to tell our audience?"
"First, I cannot wait to orgasm on top of all that cash. Second, this is for Mike. Nana Nana Boo Boo, you can't catch me".
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