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Do you tell your Doctor about your lifestyle?

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I keep my Dr in the loop in case there are bruises on my body when I have an appointment. This helps her understand who I am and my lifestyle. Even my counselor knows about my lifestyle.
A lot of people I know, including myself, in the medical field are pretty impartial with who they’re treating or dealing with. As long as the doctor actually cares about their patients then they’re about as nonjudgmental as it comes. Talking about BDSM activities/injuries is preferable to dealing with patients that come in with STI’s all the time in my experience. Not that I judge them either. All of this said, I’m open with my doctor to the extent that I need to be for whatever the reason the visit is for.
Yeah at first it was a lil jokey joke to impulsively be open and also gauge their reaction,, but now it just come out of me naturally in convo. I’m not v shy about anyth
I've never had a doctor with BDSM knowledge but my doctors have an automatic safeguarding obligation if they see unusual bruises (most the time from pole dancing rather than impact) but once you explain it they tend to just leave it be
Lol sounds like you just trying throw yourself out there. All you have say is you're sexually active ms 50 shades of grey
no, i don't tell my doctor about my lifestyle, mostly because i don't really have the lifestyle to begin with.
What did he say? I've been curious how safe the kind of long-lasting bruising some people go for during impact play is for the body.

The only other kind of permanent damage I can imagine coming from light impact play would be damage to the Cooper's ligaments if there is any ***ful breast impact, but that damage would be akin to walking fast without any support.
Have different doctors for different things...especially so in canada with EMRs (a central record which tracks snd spies on u). Never use the same doctor for everything

Go to the free clinics for std checking, regular gp for regular stuff, private clinic for steroids and *** work
  29 minutes ago, worship_you said:
Lol sounds like you just trying throw yourself out there. All you have say is you're sexually active ms 50 shades of grey

I'm not throwing myself out there. I already see a dr for *** management. I need to know what activities I can do that will not have an effect on the issues I already have. It's important for me that my body is safe, doing the activities that I enjoy.

  32 minutes ago, MichaelSimba said:
What did he say? I've been curious how safe the kind of long-lasting bruising some people go for during impact play is for the body.

The only other kind of permanent damage I can imagine coming from light impact play would be damage to the Cooper's ligaments if there is any ***ful breast impact, but that damage would be akin to walking fast without any support.


#1 I asked him to show me on MY body approximately where kidneys sit. I am a thicker person and have plenty of padding but don't want to assume an area is safe if it isn't.

#2 He told me that some issues with bruising are *** clots, hematomas are also something that can be at risk. I showed him photos and he was taken aback by how black I bruised.

#3 He was very receptive, he was very honest that he does not have much understanding when it comes to BDSM experience. He did not put it in my chart, he did of course ask a few different times if I am safe, if I feel like I'm at risk, and if I'm doing this with consent and of my own free will. He also said he would ask around anonymously to see if there was a doctor with more experience.

#4 This is specifically my *** management doctor. Of course after I left there are other things that I was thinking about that I would like to get more clarity on

#5 He was very serious and concerned about the risks that come along with asphyxiation and choking. He told me some of the things that he had seen during his neurological rotation in the ER, and I really appreciated that upfrontness. I also am well trained in first aid AED CPR, so I also know the risks involved with that.

I had to tell my Dr when I stripped down for surgery because I was covered in bite marks and bruises and they thought I was in an abusive relationship
I went to see a dietitian. We talked , I kinda got off the dieting issues. On my second appointment she asked if I'd like to talk more about my personal life. She gave me her personal number and we met and had dinner. She asked this, I asked that. Turned out she wanted to experience spankings but was shy to bring it up in her last relationship . I told her I'm into fetishes and in the same boat. I now see her weekly for our own personal training, learning, experiencing, and feel so comfortable doing it. I've managed to start a good healthy diet as well. She's soooo much fun!
My doctor was surprised however she herself was intrigued about it
If I ever found someone to do bdsm stuff with, I'd be totally open with my doctor. They can't legally say anything to anyone.
  1 hour ago, worship_you said:
Lol sounds like you just trying throw yourself out there. All you have say is you're sexually active ms 50 shades of grey

Not true. Not everyone engages in the same activities, sexually or otherwise. My physicians need to know what I get up to when it’s relevant (physical exams, wound care, unexplained issues that may arise directly surrounding impact and other activities, urgent care situations, gynecological issues and more.)
Do I disclose or need to disclose at the optometrist or dentist, no as it isn’t relevant unless there’s *** directly related. Does Dr need to know I engage in impact of any kind, probably and definitely when I’m complaining of something particular that is either connected to said activity and or the body parts affected reflect the visible marks - they could misinterpret or interpret them as ***, direct trauma without known cause when there is one that I’m aware of etc. Case by case for me.

  1 hour ago, quiettiger said:
Have different doctors for different things...especially so in canada with EMRs (a central record which tracks snd spies on u). Never use the same doctor for everything

Go to the free clinics for std checking, regular gp for regular stuff, private clinic for steroids and *** work

I have found that I need to read the room and gauge the personnel with whom I’m speaking and why. I’ve found a couple of Doctors in my life who haven’t judged and truly wanted to just treat me for whatever I was in for and whom I felt safe enough to confide.

Definitely be open with them if there is any chance it could be affecting your health or their care they provide. No need to tell them what you might or might not be into, but you should disclose relevant information such as "My sexual activities include binding or being tied up." If your doctor acts the way a professional should, they might have relevant follow-up questions. Definitely never lie to them. But if they act offended or put off by your relevant information sharing, maybe find a more professional practitioner that has better bedside manners, as they say.
It’s important to be upfront with your doctor and discuss these things when it comes to sexual activity and *** management, particularly regarding impact play and choking. They should not come off as judgmental and should be willing to address any concerns.
My doctor knows everything about me. It wasn't easy discussing it at first. But I had a situation that kind of demanded it. It's definitely best to be open and honest.
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